How to create "Yandex.Purse" with a computer, phone?


2018-04-04 19:30:24




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With the development of Internet users have had many opportunities not only in finding and transferring information, but also for the purchase of goods, payment of mobile communication, utilities, translations to other people. All of this became available with the advent of payment systems, such as «Yandex. Money», «WebMoney”, “Kiwi”. Also increased the number of options for payments for work done from freelancers, entrepreneurs.

Yandex.Money is a popular payment system

One of the most popular services is «Yandex. Money». Before you start working in the system to receive and transfer funds, you need to create «Yandex. Wallet”. Russia and its citizens are the main users of the system. But to register an account can be anyone from another country. Note that all translations are done only in rubles.

For the convenience of owners, developers provided the ability to create «Yandex. Wallet” as a PC or a mobile device. To make full use of the service fit the smartphone, tablet and laptop.

What it takes to create «Yandex. Wallet” by PC

The Procedure is simple and understandable even to an inexperienced user. To create «Yandex. Purse”, it is sufficient to have:

  • Desktop computer or laptop.
  • Internet Access.
  • Mobile phone.
  • Few minutes of free time.

The Ability to create «Yandex. Wallet» free with registration to any services of the system has every PC owner. To obtain a purse with no existing account is impossible.

The registration Process is the traditional method

To create a need to go to the service page. If the account already exists, click on “I Have a login on Yandex”, wait for the redirect to the login page in «Yandex. Passport” and enter the data. Otherwise, to create «Yandex. Wallet" in the corresponding boxes specify the desired name of the mailbox "Yandex".

With the existence of the entered name in the database of user accounts, the system prompts you to select the opportunity to create a new address or to give preference to one of the likely free names. The following fields are formed and duplicated the password to confirm.


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In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, specifying the e-mail and mobile phone is essential when carrying out operations and is also used to identify the user. Therefore, in the field “mail for payment notifications" to the specified email address, which is sent to the information on the receipt, write-off of money in the form of messages and receipts. Then assign the mobile phone number. Subsequently, it sent SMS messages with a password, which the owner confirms the operation. Due to the fact that «Yandex. Money” – a Russian payment system, use only the mobile number format, starting with +7. After clicking “Create a Yandex. Wallet" to the specified phone number will come SMS message with password to confirm the decision on registration of the account and wallet.

The Creation is complete and you can begin to familiarize with the functionality, replenishment, and payment for goods and services.


Check the purse, with the help of social networks

Another way to create a “account” free and PC – through a binding account on social networks Facebook, “the VC”, “Twitter”,, "Classmates” or “Google”. After selecting a suitable option, you must confirm the ability to access “Yandex” to the data of the account.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Easy registration.
  2. Get all of the features of Microsoft “Yandex”: the cloud mail account, etc.


  1. When deleting your social network account is destroyed and «Yandex.Wallet”.
  2. If third parties gain access to the account open and use the wallet that is fraught with loss of money and data.

Note that for some operations, the availability of the account «Yandex. Money” not enough and the newly created account has a number of limitations that can be removed by changing the status of the user. For this is enough to authenticate.

Status and differences

Originally created the wallet with minimal features and has the status “Anonymous”. The owner can pay for goods and services within Russia and has limitations on the amounts of 15 000 RUB payments and RUB 5 000 for a one-time withdrawal from «Yandex. Cards”. Transfers to other persons is prohibited.

client status

“Nominal” status is assigned after the message personal and passport data of the owner. Thus there is a possibility to pay for foreign goods and services, the payment amount is increased to 60 000 RUB., a limit on the amount of money in withdrawals does not change. Opens access to Bank transfers andtransfers to other persons.

Status “Identified” purse appears after internal verification of your identity and reality of the owner through the offices of “Yandex”, treatment in the stores network "Euroset", "Svyaznoy" or by mail Russia. Maximum and the increase of the amount for payment to 250 000 RUB., a limit on single removal card upgraded to 100 000 rubles and the opportunity to transfers through Western Union «Unistream».

Passage identification for citizens of other States

The Ability to create wallet «Yandex. Money» in Russia are citizens of any country. However, getting access to the full functionality simplified order of passage of the identification of the owner is not available to all. Citizens of other countries can confirm their identity only through recourse to the offices «Yandex. Money» a «Euronetwork», or by sending a letter through the mail of the Russian Federation, providing certain documents and payment, if required, notary services and translation services. For citizens of Belarus is an exception, and to be identified in the same points, but on a reduced list of required documents.

To Create «Yandex. Purse” in Belarus is also possible. Passage identification is executed through Agents of the payment system in the cities of Brest, Bobruisk, Vitebsk, Gomel, Minsk and Mogilev. Also available proof of identity through the savings Bank.

identity wallet

In some situations you may want to create a wallet «Yandex. Money» fast but PC access is not. In the pocket of many a mobile device or tablet bag.

In this case, the question arises how to create «Yandex. Wallet” phone, and free it”. Developers offer such a possibility. For this you need to set «Yandex. Money” on the Play Market for Android or AppStore for iOS.

Create a wallet with the mobile phone

Requirements for the account Yandex in the case of a «Yandex. Wallet” from the mobile device are saved and the process begins in a similar manner.

Yandex.The money is used on a mobile device

To simplify the registration procedure, you can use the social networking accounts «Vkontakte», «Facebook”, “Google”.

When you create an account directly “Yandex” fields are filled with information about first and last name, desired name, email, password and mobile phone number. On the smartphone or tablet receives a text message with a code to create a page that is inserted in the application. The registration process of the purse is completed.

Payments from a mobile device

To Create «Yandex. Wallet” can any of the proposed options. The ability to use the service immediately after registration. But another important issue is the safety of money and access restriction in future work with «Yandex.Money”.

What security measures can I take

It's advisable to consider the following recommendations:

  • To preserve Finance in the future, the opening of the purse should be run from a new email address.
  • You should Not leave your mobile phone unattended. Optimally you have two devices, one with a SIM card tied to the room, the other is to install the application from the company «Yandex».
  • Periodical change of password to the mailbox “Yandex” will allow you to restrict the access of third parties.
  • If you lose your mobile phone should immediately contact tech support.
  • When using ‘J. Card”, you must perform the standard guidelines applying to the banking cards of other systems and banks.

Why use “Yandex. Wallet” beneficial

payment using smartphone

Many users who once had the opportunity to use payment system «Yandex. Money”, became her regular clients. The reasons for this there are several:

  • Reliability. The service has existed for many years in spite of all the crises and has extensive experience providing services under applicable law.
  • Instant transfers. On average only 1-2 minutes from the moment of transfer of money to the money to the recipient's account. Only in the case of Bank transfers to the account of the time required is somewhat larger and can reach 1-2 days.
  • A Large number of goods and services. Using payment system you can pay for virtually anything: mobile, utilities, goods in online stores, to repay the loan.
  • The Ability to output on a plastic card. Any user with the appropriate status, can withdraw money to a Bank card and withdraw via ATM.
  • The Ability to receive payments. Connection to the system «Yandex. Money” beneficial for both sellers to the online stores.

Currently, users connected to the system can accept payments from public for goods and services via the website, usingtransfer from card to current account of the seller.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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