Statesman Aman Tuleyev: biography, family and personal life


2018-03-22 19:15:19




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The Famous and for many years the unchallenged Governor of Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev, whose biography is built on the constant rise for over seventy years, was born in the city Krasnovodsk (Turkmenistan) in may 1944. This is a wonderful Governor and big-hearted people deserve the best words and highest praise of its activities. The country will scarcely find a Governor with such authority as Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich.

Aman Tuleyev biography


Children born during the war, very different from other generations. And always for the better. This is turned and the hero of this article. His parents were servants. After the death in war of his father, who was never lucky enough to hold one and only son, Aman, Geldy was raised by her stepfather, with whom a relationship work once and for all. Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov was a wonderful person and was close with her beloved son all his life until 1984.

A Lot from mothers, Munira of Faizovna, took Governor Aman Tuleyev - his biography is filled with acts of true kindness high. Mother he was buried in 2001. Like all people, it was hard to get used to life without parents that go to College, make a career and to live filled with happiness, despite the very turbulent position.

Aman Tuleyev, a biography which began at the Krasnodar train station, a simple switchman, was consistent, enrolling in railway technical school and graduating with honors. Young professional he came to Kuzbass on the route and got the duty officer in the station Mundybash. From there he was called for three years in the army, where he acquired a second profession - the military - sapper. Service in the TRANS and now he is remembered often and light.


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Returning to her native Kuzbas, Aman Tuleyev bit, a biography which remained associated with the region, took his former place of work, he entered the Novosibirsk engineering Institute of railway transport in absentia, and in 1969 became head of the station Mundybash. Things were going well, and also career progressed. In 1973 was over the right University, and the new appointment do not have to wait long.

Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich biography


For the next five years the head of the Mezhdurechensk railway station was Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich. Biography evolved into a career plan clearly phased Mezhdurechensk - the town is small, but the station is there hub and important: this is the land mines with great katsushima coal, ferroalloys and heavy metals. Next seven years, Mr Tuleyev, was fascinated by the garden city Mayakovsky - Novokuznetsk, where he was first the Deputy, then chief of the branch of the Kemerovo railway.

This farm was just huge, because the city is entirely industrial, and transport - a very important matter. There was particularly noticeable how good and competent he is as a leader, and the biography of Aman Tuleyev then walked through the party and administrative lines. In 1985, a skilled handyman is raised to the head of the Department of transport and communications of the Kemerovo regional party Committee. To stay on the existing knowledge and experience Tuleyev did not want and could not, because in 1988 they were quite successfully completed the Academy of social Sciences.

Aman Tuleyev's biography nationality family

Way up

In the same 1988, Aman Tuleyev was appointed head of one of the largest Railways of the Soviet Union - Kemerovo. And in 1990, he already sat in the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, where he was elected by the inhabitants of the Mountain-Shor national-territorial district. Then he had to take on their own shoulders two heavy responsibilities - the Deputy of the Kemerovo regional Council (almost immediately - Chairman) and as Chairman of the Executive Committee.

This great work Tuleyev worked for almost three years - probably the most difficult years that the country was experiencing. And he managed to keep Kuzbass from a horrific fall, which befell almost all the industrial regions of Russia.


In 1991, unfortunately, has not acquired a new mark (although desperately sought to her, Aman Tuleyev) biography. Family, which became all the inhabitants of Kuzbass, demanded globally thinking man's rescue of his native country. And he was forced to stand in presidents of Russia. However, managed to take only fourth place among the six. And what a great programme! Criticism of the reforms of Boris Yeltsin, the recognition of their criminal because occurred the collapse of the state and attacked the almost total impoverishment of the people. And Tuleyev had something to offer in return.

Since 1993 he works in the Federation Council from the Kemerovo region, since 1994 - the head of region Legislative Assembly. In 1996 - retries 1991, that is involved in the election of the President of the country. But withdrew his candidacy in favor of G. A. Zyuganov, leader of the Communist party. In 2000, the presidential election brought Tuleyev fourth place of eleven. And is always filled with struggle have such dedicated people like Aman Tuleyev, biography. The nationality of the family gave him so mixed that it is difficult to understand why he took such persistence in achieving goals. Hand he lowered from 1996 he worked in the government of the Russian Federation, simultaneously being the Minister for cooperation withthe countries-participants of the CIS.

Aman Tuleyev biography family


By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in 1997 Aman Tuleyev was appointed head of the regional administration, was elected Governor, receiving ninety-five percent of the vote. In 2001, re-elected to this position again, almost with the same result of the election.

In 2005, received the Governor's authority from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for five years. In 2010, the same was said Dmitry Medvedev. In 2015 re-elected to the same position in the result is again exceptional: ninety-seven percent of the electorate voted for Tuleyev.

Awards from the Fatherland

"For merits before Fatherland" the order of the fourth and third degree Aman Tuleyev awarded twice. In 2008, for the great personal contribution to the development of civil society and formation of democratic legal state in Russia, for his fruitful public and educational activities of the Governor of Kuzbass was awarded an honorary diamond order "Public recognition". Then President Vladimir Putin awarded him an honorary diploma. And makes us more than twenty medals, which managed to earn Aman Tuleyev, biography.

His Family - humanity. Otherwise, he could never be a Prize. Peter the Great, which is given for the most outstanding contribution to the cooperation with foreign countries. And the annual competition of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has repeatedly recognized its most popular public figure - the "Face of the year" Tuleyev became twice, as well as the best Governor of Russia, a laureate of the "For Faith and Loyalty" - the international prize of St. Andrew. The revival of spirituality, integration, strengthening the economy is his daily work, marked by the winning of the international program "Leaders of the twenty-first century", "national pride of Russia". Many times he got the diploma "Best Manager of the year" from various community organizations.

Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich biography nationality

Awards of the Russian Orthodox Church

The Russian Orthodox Church was awarded to Aman Tuleyev very much, because few of the leaders of that grade responded to various confessional issues. Many believe that this is not enough, much more to this wonderful man the Lord has prepared. But here, on earth, Aman Tuleyev awarded the order of St. Sergius of Radonezh of the second degree, two orders of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow, second and first degree.

Absolutely true to Aman Tuleyev, has been given a Golden insignia "For sacrificial service" (in the name of Boris and Gleb, pious Prince). For the attention of the ROC, for great personal contribution to the revival of Orthodoxy in the country Alexy II handed over to Aman Tuleyev, the Order of St. innocent.

International awards

Many times, was awarded the insignia of different countries by the Governor of Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev bit. Biography nationality identifies as Kazakh, but in fact it is much richer. Tuleyev truly understands thoroughly every people in all aspects of his identity, delves into his problems, tries to help. So, he noted the highest award of Mongolia - the order "polar star", the Belarusian Order of Friendship, the highest order of Ukraine - Yaroslav the Wise, the order of Kazakhstan "Dostyk" ("Friendship"). And the UN has rightly noted his work with the order "For justice". In 2005 the International Fund of protection of the rights and freedoms of man Aman Tuleyev has awarded the "respect For people".

Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich biography kids

From a grateful nation

For personal courage in preventing terrorist acts to the Governor, double-handed personal firearms - two pistol "Makarov" was awarded to Aman Tuleyev, Minister of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 1997 and 2003. In the first case, thanks to the efforts of the Governor survived and was released the hostages, and the second - well-organized with its huge assistance to the anti-terrorist operation. From MIA Tuleyev received badges, a watch and all sorts of thanks, as always very well acted in extreme situations.

And enterprises of Kuzbass, which are preserved in these troubled and bad years, only with wit, tact and the greatest health of the Governor, too, expressed their deepest respect and gratitude to this person. He was awarded various honours, he is an honorary citizen of almost every city in their native land, which worked so hard for. And he is also "Honorary miner", "Honorary railwayman". And it's not only in the Kuzbass, where such an attitude to the Governor of the strangers could be considered subservience. Although really likes all Tuleyev Kemerovo region! He has the diplomas on the love of different towns and villages. Moreover, he is the winner of the "Books of honor and the honor of Russia", and together with it received the Golden award and Golden weapons.

biography of Aman Tuleyev

Personal life

Aman Tuleyev, a biography which talks about the height of the personal qualities of the head of the richest industrial region, and in your personal life can serve as an example to the young generations. He married only once, raised two wonderful sons. The father is Kazakh, which was recorded in his birth certificate, mother - the Tatar and Bashkir blood, on education (stepfather) is a Russian, according to their preferences - Siberian, Aman Tuleyev, in principle, close to any citizen of the world. The wife of the Governor Elvira F. Solovyov chose this man to be your husband in the years when it was not clear that he would make the best leader of the world level. They were very young and worked together on the railroad. And so far, they still like to read books, go on nature, to ski.

The Eldest son of Aman Tuleyev, Dmitry, was a specialist on roads - worked in the Federal administration "Siberia", which they did. The younger, Andrew, was a misfortune, in 1998, he died in a car accident. It was during this period and began the most difficult time for the country, which, together with personal grief tried to overcome Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich. Compromising the biography of any leader can have, especially given the desire from the media, but in this case, such attacks are simply inappropriate. The Governor of Kuzbass is a wonderful person and leader.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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