Sea of Okhotsk: ecological problems and ways of their solution


2018-03-24 00:18:12




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For several decades, environmentalists around the world are sounding the alarm. Environmental pollution is at a frantic pace. Because of this, many natural areas are changing conditions, which leads to a reduction of populations of animals and plants. Many species disappear altogether. Some regions are the most unfavorable, while others in relative safety.

One of the ecological problems it is now believed pollution of the oceans and seas. The most unfavorable is the Pacific ocean and its basins. The shores of Russia are washed by three seas in the region. One of them is the sea of Okhotsk. Environmental problems are not yet acute, and until recently it was considered pretty clean. But every year the situation there is deteriorating.

sea of Okhotsk environmental challenges

Characteristics of the Okhotsk sea

This body of water washes the shores of Russia and Japan. It is separated from the Pacific ocean, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands and Hokkaido. But still not considered an inland sea, although it communicates with the ocean only through the Straits. The sea of Okhotsk is one of the deepest in Russia: the maximum it reaches a depth of almost 4 kilometers. The area of the reservoir is also large – more than a thousand square kilometers. The whole Northern part of the sea more than six months are covered with ice, making it difficult to fishing activities and transportation. In the South-East coast of Japan, sea of Okhotsk almost never freezes and its water is rich in fish and vegetation. The characteristics of this reservoir is also the fact that its coastline is very indented and has many bays. Some regions adverse seismically, which causes a large number of storms and even tsunamis. Three large rivers - the Amur, Hunting and kukhtui fall into the sea of Okhotsk. Environmental problems associated even with the places in which they occur.


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Resources of the region

Okhotsk sea is not very rich in fish due to its temperature. But still fishing there is quite developed. Resources of the Okhotsk sea and the environmental problems of the region are closely linked. It was because of fishing vessels and production of oil biosystem suffering. Extract the region's valuable marine fish: cod, Pollack, herring, flounder. There are many different salmon-chum, pink salmon, coho salmon, and others. In addition, there is found very popular in many countries, sea crab, eat squid and sea urchins. There are in the sea of Okhotsk and sea mammals: seals, seals, seals and whales. Common are red and brown algae, which are also a valuable commercial resource. In the offshore zone of the reservoir discovered deposits of oil and gas, as well as some rare metals.

Environmental problems of the sea of Okhotsk

Briefly describe them is difficult, because this region is experiencing many difficulties. Talking about them in the late 20th century, but still the problem is only getting worse. Apart from the coast of the Far East, Kamchatka and Sakhalin island rarely examined the sea of Okhotsk. Environmental problems of this region can be identified such:

- oil pollution from a variety of water vehicles in the extraction and processing of oil;

- coastal waters from polluted situated on the shore settlements of the waste of human activity;

- enter the sea three large and several smaller creeks. They also carry in its waters traces of industrial activity of people. And rivers on the Kamchatka Peninsula, the sea gets a large amount of organic matter and phenols from located on the Peninsula peatlands;

- any ships are adverse environmental for marine water and its inhabitants. Apart from the products of fuel reprocessing and waste team discharged into the sea, ecology of biological systems violate noise, magnetic and electric field;

- poaching – this is another problem of the Okhotsk sea. Valuable in commercial attitude types of fish and marine animals are ruthlessly destroyed for profit.

solution to the problems of the sea of Okhotsk

Oil Pollution

Compared to other seas, this body of water was previously considered to be relatively environmentally safe. Because on the coast there are no serious industrial production, not mined mineral raw materials. But in recent years the environmental problems of the sea of Okhotsk have become more acute because of oil pollution. This happens by increasing the number of vessels discharging in the sea products processing fuel, lubricants washed away rainfall and melt waters from the coastal depots and ports. resources of the sea of Okhotsk and environmental challengesAfter the navigation on the sea of Okhotsk is growing every year, because it is the only way to link the mainland with the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. In addition, the risk of contamination in this region has increased in connection with development of oil and gas. Affect the problem is the features that have the sea of Okhotsk. Environmental problems are exacerbated by the presence of currents, large tides and strong storms and tsunamis. All this leads to the fact that the oil spread over long distances and poison all living organisms.

Flora and Fauna

Environmental problems of the sea of Okhotsk are mainly related to the fact that disappear some species of fish and marine animals. Particularly affected are whales and seals, which were almost exterminated. Therefore it is very important to deal with the illegal and excessive catching them. The number of valuable species of commercial fish, especially salmon, is also greatly reduced. From this and because of pollution of waters with oil products, their commercial value became much lower. Unfavorable ecological situation is also reflected in the number of algae, which is mined for various household needs.

ecological problems of the sea of Okhotsk briefly

Solutions to the problems of the sea of Okhotsk

About the ecology of the region spoke only in the late 20th century. It was at this time conservationists have sounded the alarm over increasing pollution of water by oil products. Besides the usual methods of solving environmental problems over the years, there have been several options to improve the situation in the region.

- had offered to turn the Kamchatka Peninsula and adjacent waters in the global hydrobiocenosis reserve included in the list of protected world heritage sites;ecological problems of the sea of Okhotsk

- another suggestion - to rebuild the entire national economic complex of the far East and to release him from unprofitable industries;

- it is believed that it is very important to assign the Okhotsk sea the status of internal sea of the Russian Federation. This will help to avoid many problems: illegal fishing, water pollution by courts in other countries;

it is very important to deal with the excessive destruction of marine animals – poaching.

Only if a serious approach to solving environmental problems in the region, it is possible to save the unique biological system of the sea of Okhotsk.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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