The Hillary step, a slope of mount Everest: description and history


2018-03-24 03:32:10




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What is the Hillary Step, is known to every mountaineer dreams of climbing mount Everest. Some say it's a scary place, littered with the corpses of failed explorers “the top of the World”. Other - nothing special and hazardous comb is not represented. In the Alps, for example, there are more complex walls. And if weather conditions are conducive, and in the cylinders there is sufficient oxygen to overcome the slope Hillary is adapted to the height of the body easily. The Sherpas do it several times a season. They proveshivajut of the rope, which then cling to the climbers and the commercial tourists. But this article is not intended to answer the question, easy or hard to overcome the Hillary step. We only describe what it is. And this information and photos to provide an impression of the difficulty.Hillary Step


In the mid-nineteenth century, the British surveying service defined with the help of instruments, the highest peak of the Himalayas. They were located on the border of Tibet and Nepal Peak 15. The peak height of 8848 meters above sea level was named in honor of the head of service, the surveyor George Everest. The British had no idea that the mountains there is already a name. The Nepalese called it the Mother of the Gods – Sagarmatha. While the Tibetans called the mountain Chomolungma. For them a shining top symbolized the Great Mother of Life. This area was considered sacred. Only in 1920, the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama allowed the Europeans to try to storm it. However, the Everest has surrendered only eleventh expedition, which came to the Hillary Step on Everest. It is named in honor of one of its members, who together with the Sherpa Tenzing first climbed Norheim “top of the World”.


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What is the Hillary step

Climbing Everest is not technically great complexity. On the road do not meet vertical ledges, which can climb except that the prepared climber. The problems faced by the conquerors of Everest, paired with huge height of the mountain. Over 8000 meters above sea level begins the so-called death zone. Oxygen in the rarefied atmosphere is too small to support life. Low temperature and pressure is doing to the human mind is a very bad thing, bare instincts. In such a situation, every step is a struggle. And then, just a short distance from the coveted summit at the altitude of 8790 meters, grows the Hillary Step - a vertical ledge, made of ice and compressed snow. Around it there is no way. With two sides it is surrounded by really steep cliffs. One thing remains – to climb almost vertical trinadcatiletnie the ledge.Everest Hillary step

Hillary step on Everest

The Expedition of 1953, eleventh, consisted of more than four hundred people. The lion's share accounted for porters and guides-the Sherpas. This people had long lives at high altitude. Due to adaptation, the Sherpas voluminous lungs and a strong heart, and an amazing adaptability to the cold. The expedition advanced slowly. The rise and adaptation took two months. The group camped at a height of 7900 metres. The first to reach the top two departed British climber H Evans and T. Bourdillon. But because they have had problems with the oxygen masks they were forced to return. The next day, may 29, luck went the new Zealander Edmund Hillary and the Sherpa Tenzing Norgeem. After the South Col, the path was blocked by a huge firn stage. Hillary tied with a rope and began to climb the near vertical slope. So he reached the snow cornice. Soon the rope to it and climbed Norgay. Tops this pair of climbers reached at 11.30 in the morning.Hillary Step on Everest

The difficulty of ascent, associated with the Hillary step

The First conquerors of Everest reached their goal by noon, and therefore unable to leave the "death zone" before sunset. This is a very important fact. Because the sleepover is over eight thousand meters above sea level would mean certain death. Now the conquest of Chomolungma put on a commercial basis. Many rich and ambitious tourists with various degrees of training are sent to storm the Everest. But they, and mountaineers enthusiasts the same routine. Rise before dawn, the March up, taking pictures on top of the World about 15-20 minutes and a quick descent to the camp. But the Hillary Step - the slope is too narrow, so it was missed by two people. As a result, it often queues are created and even have a fight. After all, the commercial tourists, who paid several thousand dollars for climbing mount Everest, I don't want to come to terms with the idea that they need to turn back, because time later. Some conductors refuse to go to the top and die on the way.Hillary Step vertical projection

Plans for commercial travelers

There are several ideas about how to make more accessible Everest. The Hillary step fails to take so many victims. She no longer seems such an insurmountable obstacle. In early April, a team of Sherpas arrives at the stationary camp, set up its structure, andthen goes to the top. There, these brave people proveshivajut rope on the steps of Hillary, on which during the season will rise thousands of Europeans and Americans. For these rich tourists will follow the Sherpa baggage and oxygen cylinders. And therefore seriously considered the idea of building on Everest… lift. Of course, the top of the mountain will wear in the dome, which is inflated with air as the cabin. But even if we translate this bold idea into practice, thousands of people will storm the slopes of the mountain, looking toward snow-covered peak.Hillary Step slope

Plan of Sherpa

The Guides, who don't want to lose your earnings, proposed a less costly idea than the Elevator to Everest. It is to pave the Hillary step, a few fixed ladders. This plan does not look so unrealistic. Sherpa and so establish facilities in the base camp at 5,300 meters. They were installing metal stairs after being in constant motion Khumbu glacier and equip the route to the Valley of Silence (6500 m). They had previously profesiuli two ropes at the narrowest point of the ledge. Now they propose to install a wide metal ladders on the Hillary Step. Everest thanks to them, will become more accessible because of this rock will not be waiting.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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