Extremism is... Causes, symptoms, types and the concept of extremism. Methods of struggle and prevention of extremism


2018-03-24 11:14:24




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The Problem of extremism has affected many countries. The phenomenon of discriminatory violence has a long and tragic history. The colonial past of many States has led to the emergence of mixed societies in which the human skin color, nationality, religion or ethnicity determined his legal status. But even today, among the factors that are of particular concern, is the constant increase of crimes of violence motivated by racial, religious and national intolerance. The fight against extremism is very important. Because xenophobia and racism against foreigners often acquire the magnitude of social phenomena, and a series of murders and abuse causes great concern about the growth of destructive aggression in society. Countering extremism is one of the main tasks of any state. Is the key to its security.

this is Extremism

The Concept of "extremism"

This concept is closely related to extremes. Extremism is the commitment in the ideology and policy of extreme positions in the views and the choice of such means to achieve certain goals. The term translated as "marginal", "critical", "incredible", "extreme". Extremism – current, which opposes the existing communities, structures and institutions, trying to disrupt their stability, to eliminate to achieve their goals. This is done mainly by force of ways. Extremism is not only a disregard for generally accepted rules, norms and laws, but also negative social phenomenon.

Characteristics of extremism

the Fight against extremism

Simultaneous adherence to extreme views and actions possible in any sphere of public life. Every crime is also an extreme degree of antisocial behaviour, acute social conflict, violation of rules, but we do not call all the crime extremism. Because these different concepts. Under the extremism it should be understood clearly delineated phenomenon. Some researchers define extremism as an attachment, a devotion to extreme measures and attitudes (usually in politics). They note that extremism manifests itself in different spheres of human activity: politics, interethnic relations, religious life, environmental issues, art, music, literature etc.


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Who is the extremist?

The term "extremist" is often associated with a person who uses and defends the violence in opposition to the generally accepted norms of society. Sometimes the so called people who are trying to impose their will on society through force, but not as the government or a constitutional majority. There is another view, according to which extremism – it's not easy and not always current, which is identified with the violent factor. For example, the English Explorer, in his work says that the policy of non-violent struggle (Satyagraha) Mahatma Gandhi in India is an example of a new type of extremism. So extremism can be seen as a method of radical objections to not only the legal rules but also social norms - established rules of conduct.

Religious-political extremism

Youth extremism

Youth extremism in Russia – a relatively new phenomenon, unlike Britain, in which it appeared in the 50-60-ies of XX century This determines the insufficient level of elaboration of this theme in the legal literature. In our opinion, there are a number of unresolved issues related to research and the prevention of crimes of an extremist nature committed by young people in the group. Extremism in the youth environment is constantly gaining momentum. This, for example, movements such as the skinheads, anti-fascists.

Crime and extremism

Criminal extremism - it is illegal, socially dangerous act of a person or group of individuals aimed at achieving their goals (targets) based on extreme ideological, political and other views. Following this understanding, it is reasonable to say that almost every crime is a manifestation of extremism. Crime that is associated with the manifestation of its different forms, cannot be examined fully without the study of extremism as a negative social factor and its relationship with the mechanism of state power and social control.

Prevention of extremism

Racial-nationalist extremism

As confirmed by the study of social reality, one of the most common types is the national extremism. As a rule, is a manifestation of extreme views in the field and on the mutual coexistence of different ethnic groups and races. One of the components of the object of these attacks are ethnic groups in all their diversity, and not the nation, as is often observed in journalistic, scientific and other sources. Extremism known to mankind since ancient times, since when power over other people started to bring tangible benefits and therefore has become a subject of the aspirations of individuals. They tried to achieve the desired goal by any means. While they did not confuse the moral principles andbarriers, common rules, traditions, interests of other people. The goal is always and in all times justified the means, and the person who aspired to the heights of power, did not stop even before use of the most cruel and barbarous measures, including the destruction of open violence, terrorism.

Historical background

prevention of extremism

Extremism has existed since the emergence of the organized society. In different periods he appeared in different forms. In particular, in Ancient Greece extremism was presented in the form of intolerance towards other Nations. So, in the works of the famous Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato observed the use of the name "Barbara" (barbarus) or "barbarians" relative to the neighboring peoples. They showed them disrespect. The Romans used this name for all people narymskaja or non-Greek origin, but at the end of the Roman Empire, the word "barbarian" came into use in the context of various Germanic tribes. The same trend was observed in ancient China, when the neighbors of China was perceived as wild and cruel tribes of foreigners. The last was called "the food" ("dwarfs" and "dogs") or "these" ("four barbarians").

Experts in the fields of sociology and jurisprudence consider that the causes of extremism are rooted in human psychology. It arose at the time of formation of statehood. However, the modern extremism in Russia due to many social, legal, political, religious, administrative, economic and other processes occurring at a certain geographical area during the last century. The analysis of special literature on this subject indicates that in any state extremism has different social and criminological characteristics. In addition, the extremism, like every social phenomenon, is characterized by historical variability.

In fact, all the conspiracies and rebellions, which are rich in both domestic and world history, it represents, from the point of view of that legislation and of the existing social order, not that other, as a kind of types of criminal groups which sought to achieve political goals. But at the same time there were cases of a group spontaneously-impulsive outbursts of brutality, vandalism and violence against the person, and also there was Association criminal orientation. The view that in the twenties of the last century, organized crime (at least in the modern sense) did not take place, can scarcely be considered correct. Indeed, historical studies suggest that there is an extensive structure of criminal groups, for example in pre-revolutionary and civil war Odessa, and States that the activities of these criminal extremist groups had character and all the signs of power (along with the Governor's and the French occupation). Extremism and crime - related phenomena. Only criminals seek material gain or power, and the extremists advocate a political, religious or racial beliefs, which also does not exclude the desire for material.


Crime in the Soviet Union as the father of extremist movements in Russia

During the twenties of the last century during the leadership of the Soviet Union the so-called new economic policy (NEP) organized crime groups operated mainly in the economic sphere. Cover for his activities they carried out under the guise of pseudocopulation and other similar economic structures. Ordinary crime only regained their influence after the harsh measures taken by the authorities to the above-mentioned cessation of robberies and murders.

The Curtailment of economic reforms in the late 20-ies and 30-ies of the last century resumed its dominance of ordinary organized crime. This period is characterized by the occurrence of criminal community "thieves in law", and in science and journalism can Express different assumptions concerning the formation of natural occurrence to intentional creation by the public security organs in the places of deprivation of liberty with the aim of providing a counterweight to the possible associations of political prisoners and control over them. During the Second world war and in the postwar years there was a second surge of organized crime in the form of banditry. In scientific studies, which indicate that organized crime is not a new phenomenon for companies, said its appearance in 50 years... To deal with gangs involved military units, bodies of internal Affairs established a special unit for the fight against banditry, which successfully operated until the mid 50's, when the level of banditry as a result of the government austerity measures declined significantly, and units have been eliminated.

Soon came the thesis of the extinction of crime under socialism and the elimination of professional criminals and banditry in the USSR. The latter postulates that dominate criminology in Soviet times, in fact, hides the real gradual Latinization organized crime ordinary orientation,the origin on the background strain of the economic relationships of organized crime economic, or as it was long called by the scientists, "economic mercenary" orientation.

The Youth movement in the United States and the Soviet Union

In the 60 - ies of XX century in USA there was a new youth trend, which is closely linked with musical groups. Extremism in the youth environment originates from now. Members of the new movement was called hippies or "flower children." In the late 70s-early 80s, a similar phenomenon occurs in the USSR. Hippies in the US has shown itself to be quite viable force during a struggle with the reactionaries and conservatives. In contrast to the American "flower children" who protested, fought the war continued in Vietnam, Soviet hippies fought against the Communist repressive system. In contrast to the power system of the Soviet youth created their own. Since the mid 70-ies of the hippie movement in the United States is in decline.

Extremism in the youth environment

The youth Movement in the USSR, in fact, became the ancestor of all subsequent youth trends, including extremist.


The Next wave of extremist organized crime emerged in the territory of the former Soviet Union in the late twentieth century due to social upheavals and social transformations. This is largely contributed by such factors as the way forward a significant number of detainees, the destruction of the old police structures, the small number and low professional competence of the new, the decline of the economic sphere, the devaluation of the established social values, disorientation of society. Racketeering and banditry has swept society. Along with this began to appear different youth movements: anarchists, metalheads, rappers, etc. In the national subjects of the Federation double flowers bloomed religious-political extremism. The war in Chechnya has exacerbated the situation. Religious-political extremism began to imagine the many Islamist terrorist groups. As a reaction to this began to emerge a variety of extremist nationalist movements of the Slavic persuasion: the skinheads, the national Bolsheviks, nationalists, etc. all this in addition mingled with gangster and prison romance. After some time, society is beginning to gain momentum in the fight against extremism fascist. There is a movement called "Antifa". Also the transformation of fan organizations football clubs in the group “ultra”. The ideology and principles of this movement were borrowed in Britain (and fans of almost all football clubs in the world). Since the mid-90s, the expansion of gang social structures have become daring nature. Organized crime groups have entered a period of rapid development. Good technical equipment and weapons, international relations OPS and OPG did the police actually uncompetitive with them. The causes of extremism and banditry 90 years associated with socio-economic, political and military turmoil. Such a large-scale manifestation of extremism and banditry in the vast country has forced the state apparatus to take some action.

Two thousand years

In the twenty-first century the situation is changing with the beginning of the crisis of ideologies. The old forms of ideological politics has lost its significance. First of all, it means their restructuring, development and transition to new forms. The government was able to curb banditry and began to take measures for the prevention of extremism, particularly Islamic movements. A new decade boldly stepped skinheads, their opponents – “Antifa" of nationalists. The movement of “ultra” has gained even greater momentum. Countering extremism by the state is more about Islamic terrorist organizations and organized crime. This is understandable, since they represented the greatest danger. Therefore, prevention of extremism, little affected Slavic youth movement. At the same time, the crisis of political ideology leads to the formation of protest movements. It mobilizes various opposition structures, namely, the active minorities, the purpose of which is to attract public attention to certain ideas and social issues. Plays a leading role in the protest, not contritely. In response to this, there are Pro-government organizations. There is also a consumer extremism.

Global trends

In the world of the radical movement of protest aimed at changing human consciousness. So now there are three basic types of such movements: anti-globalization, neoenergia and environmentalist. Anti-globalists - secessionist movement for national liberation and the preservation of ethnic uniqueness. Neoenergia in favor of resistance to centralized state apparatus from bottom to top and the dominance of society over the state. Environmentalist, as noted by the English scientist political ideologies John Swartzlander is a movement aimed at solving one problem - survival. It is aimed at criticism of the enlightenment and the anthropocentrism that received the highest level of development in the industrial society in which a person is postulated as the highest creature in nature. Motion data can be in two forms: as supervideostore future or focused environmental movement.The fight against extremism takes a lot of time and effort from all the world's intelligence services and law enforcement.

Extremism in Russia

Types of extremist movements

To Distinguish between an extremist group and criminal Association encroaching on the personality and rights of citizens, should be according to the following criteria.

1 ) The Extremist movement, created with the purpose of crimes and develops plans and/or conditions for their Commission.

The Purpose of creating a criminal Association supports the very violence against citizens, infliction of harm to their health, prompting to refusal of execution of civil duties or to commit other unlawful acts.

2 ) The Extremist community is created for committing crimes of small or average weight.

Activities of a criminal Association connected with crimes of all severity levels.

3 ) The Extremist movement, created with the aim of preparing to commit crimes of extremist sense on the basis of ideological, racial, political, religious, or national hatred.

The Presence of these motifs is required, a constructive sign of an extremist community. Purely criminal Association may be formed for various reasons which are not decisive.


So, to summarize, we can conclude that contemporary extremism is one of the most destructive phenomena. It affects not only awareness, but also the mindset and lives of people. Necessary for many of the reforms carried out today in almost all sectors of the state, extremism stands a strong threat to achieving success. In this regard, any research in this area is nothing like just trying to assess the situation and understand this phenomenon, and on the other hand, the development of effective measures to neutralize the most dangerous manifestations of the negative flow. Prevention of extremism of all persuasions (including the Pro-government) is the key to success of development of any society. Any movement of this kind begins with protest. When in society greatly increases the mass protest electorate, the atmosphere is heating up. The emergence of extremist organizations – this is the next stage. In fact, in society triggered a valve. That is, in this way reset the tension. However, there is a certain threshold, followed by a social explosion. The fight against extremism should not rely only on force. They are, as a rule, give only temporary effect.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/nav-ny-gramadstva/7139-ekstrem-zm---geta-prychyny-prayavy-v-dy-panyacce-ekstrem-zmu-metady-ba.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/news-und-gesellschaft/7140-extremismus-ist-ursachen-symptome-arten-und-begriff-des-extremismus-me.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/noticias-y-sociedad/7145-el-extremismo-es-las-causas-las-manifestaciones-los-tipos-y-el-concept.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/zha-aly-tar-o-am/7142-ekstremizm---b-l-sebepter-k-r-n-ster-t-rler-zh-ne-t-s-n-g-ekstremizm-k.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/aktualno-ci-i-spo-ecze-stwo/7143-ekstremizm---to-przyczyny-objawy-rodzaje-i-poj-cie-ekstremizmu-metody-.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/not-cias-e-sociedade/7139-o-extremismo-as-causas-os-sintomas-os-tipos-e-o-conceito-de-extremismo.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/haber-ve-toplum/7146-a-r-l-k---bu-nedenleri-belirtileri-t-rleri-ve-kavram-a-r-l-k-m-cadele-.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/novini-ta-susp-l-stvo/7144-ekstrem-zm---ce-prichini-proyavi-vidi-ta-ponyattya-ekstrem-zmu-metodi-.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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