Araucaria Chilean: description and photos


2018-03-26 00:25:17




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Arauca pine, “riddle of the monkey”, Araucaria Chilean — all names for the same tree, which refers to the ancient coniferous species. It grew on our planet thousands of years ago and in its natural form has survived only in Australia and South America.Araucaria Chilean

In Europe, this plant is found only in 1782 due to the efforts of botanist from Italy. Molina. 16 years later (1796) the first tree was planted in England. There was also a another name — Monkey Puzzle (“riddle of the monkey”). It is quite widespread and included in the Botanical dictionaries. Once a owner of a young Araucaria, trunk and branches which for a long time, was completely covered with spiny leaves, showing it to his guests, said: “to Climb this tree easy, it would be a mystery even to monkeys”.

The First tree in England he lived for over a hundred years. Later, the Chilean Araucaria was widespread in Western Europe. In Russia, it can only be seen in the Botanical gardens of the Caucasus and Crimea. In this article we will tell you about this exotic plant read more.

Araucaria Chilean: description

This is a very large, up to 60 meters, dioecious, evergreen, dioecious tree. In the natural conditions of its trunk reaches 1.5 meters in diameter. The plant is frost-resistant: withstands temperature up to -20 °C.Araucaria Chilean photo


Externally, the tree is different from the familiar conifers (spruce, pine). What form of trees Araucaria Chilean? In young plants the crown is rounded-conical shape at an older age it becomes an umbrella. It is formed by long, thick, prostrate, slightly sagging at the base, and then ascending up the branches. The lower branches lying on the ground.


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They age tend to fall to the ground. Adult specimens have lateral branches, located in 6–7 whorls. They open horizontally or slightly drooping, which is often seen in old trees. The crown becomes flat-umbellate form a few years after planting. It is located on top of the trunk.great lumps of monkey-puzzles


The Chilean Araucaria, photos which you can see in this article, has a straight, rounded and very slender barrel. It covers a thick resinous bark is dark brown. It is clearly visible longitudinal cracks appearing from the bases of discarded, dead branches. The bark is wrinkled, peeling. The annual growth of young plants up to 45 cm, and then it slows down to 10–15 cm are considered Young trees up to 50 years of age.

Monkey puzzle Wood has a yellowish-white color. It is used in construction. Her resin has found application in folk medicine.what form of trees Araucaria Chilean


Araucaria Chilean has large needles. Length of needles — 3–5 cm with the same width. They stick on the branches for 10–15 years. Leaves very rigid, with pointed apex, smooth. Upper surface slightly convex, with the two sides has ulichnye line. Leaves densely spiral covers the branches. On both sides it is painted in the same dark green color, glossy.

Amazingly, the leaves of this tree is so prickly and hard that its branches don't even sit birds. The leaves of this tree live for about forty years. Feature plants are microstrobili. They are solitary, axillary (often collected in groups at the apex of branches for 2–6 items). They are cylindrical, sometimes nearly oval, at the base surrounded by the vegetative leaves.


Araucaria Chilean Blooms in June — July. Male flowers at the ends of shoots collected in small bunches that remain on the tree for several months.


Great lumps of monkey-puzzles painted in brown color, spherical shape, with a diameter of 18 cm and weighing up to six pounds. At first they are covered with elongated, long (to 3 cm) and slightly curved upward edges of scales, which then breaks off.Chilean Araucaria description

The Female cones are globose-conical, large (up to 17 cm in diameter), placed on the upper sides of the sturdier branches. After pollination they are within two years remain green. On adult trees is about 30 cones, each of which contains approximately 300 very large seeds. After maturing a bump on the tree falls apart.

Matured seed slightly compressed, oblong, length up to four and a thickness of two centimeters. The edges of the seeds you can see the narrow stripes — the remains of the wing.


The Seeds are very oily, and the local population uses them for food. They have an unusual taste, so they are often used in stir-fried, or in dishes with cheese.Chilean Araucaria at home

Widely used Araucaria Chilean landscape design: due to the unusual shape of the tree often used in parks and gardens.

Araucaria Chilean home

In the indoor environment Araucaria grows up to 180 cm to grow this unusual plant will require bright, least a little shade. The room should be cool, with good air circulation. This tree will not grow in modern buildings with Central heating.

For the growth and development of Araucaria requires a lot of space. In summer, this sapling is quite comfortable in the fresh air, but on the condition that it will be protected from direct sunlight. Often a landscape decoration on the plot of the Chilean Araucaria. Outdoors, even under late transplanting, the plant develops more intensively.Araucaria Chilean outdoors


The desired temperature for Araucaria +10–12 °C. Even a small increase (+16 °C) plant tolerates bad: needles begin to turn yellow.


Araucaria Chilean not too picky about soil composition. As a rule, to prepare the usual mixture for houseplants. You can add toholiday substrate with an acid reaction. It can be purchased in a specialty store as a soil for rhododendrons.Araucaria Chilean


In areas where the temperature exceeds the recommended, three times daily, the plant should be sprayed. In cool rooms, this procedure should be carried out not more often than once in two days. The soil in the pot must be closed sphagnum moss, which is required regularly to moisturize.


In the summer watering should be abundant. It is impossible to prevent drying of the soil. While excess moisture can also hurt the plant: excess moisture around the roots can cause yellowing and defoliation of pine needles. Watering is carried out only after drying of the topsoil.

In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, however, at this time, the drying clod of earth is unacceptable. In addition, should not be used for irrigation hard water. Recommended well defended, rain or boiled water. Araucaria Chilean photo

In the indoor environment Araucaria Chilean lives up to ten years, subject to conditions. Yellowed needles suggests that the indoor air is too dry. Consider a reliable support for the plant. For feeding the suitable fertilizer for azaleas. They are used in the period from April to August with an interval of three weeks. In organic fertilizers Araucaria is not needed.


After purchasing a young plant, carefully remove it from the pot, taking care not to damage the earth com. If the roots are too tightly it was braided, it is necessary after 7-10 days to climb a tree (without changing the soil) in a pot larger and adding a substrate for conifers. The next transplant will be required only after 3-4 years when kom again tightly entwine the roots.


This plant is quite resistant to pests, however sometimes it amazed mealybug and pests characteristic of conifers. If you notice on a tree white clusters resembling pieces of cotton wool, remove them using a semi-rigid brush, moisten it in rubbing alcohol. Then treat the plant drug "Akhtar”.

The Chilean Araucaria is a very showy plant that looks great in any interior. As you can see, it does not require complex care at room content (with the exception of strict observance of a temperature mode).

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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