The Islamization of Europe - myth or reality?


2018-03-26 02:19:20




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To date, one of the problems of the Old world is the Islamization of Europe. In connection with the situation in the Arab countries to Europe, has left a large number of migrants who are living in it legally, and many have acquired citizenship of the country in which the profits. In the article we consider the question of how the Islamization of Europe, myth or reality this thesis, is whether the threat actually is.

the Islamization of Europe

Some features of the Islamic religion

In the field events should consider the available features of Islam, why it is alien to the Christian world. In principle, if we compare the religious beliefs and the Holy book of Muslims the Koran has a definite similarity with the Christian Bible, particularly in Proverbs and in the history of Earth and man by God. Many see the pattern here that the Quran was written later than the Bible and thus we got some borrowed parts. However, some believers put forward the hypothesis that the universe we have one, so the prophets were handed the same information.

On this Basis, it is unclear then why such hostility between the West and the East, because their main book of beliefs so similar? This can be explained by the fact that the very way of life of a Muslim, who was at the time of writing the Koran, was reflected in it. After all, in the Arab world is still as it was before, many believe that the woman – being second-class citizens. It can be beaten and punished, she needs to be locked from everyone, she can't do anything but raise children, farming and the gratification of her husband. Of course, now, under the influence of the West, Muslim women lead a somewhat different life. They naturally can't afford the feminist movement that is in other countries, but still go to work, get an education they have the opportunity.


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In an Interesting way in Islam describe Heaven. It is very similar to well-arranged life on earth with all sorts of pleasures. I have the feeling that everything is prohibited by the religion then there will be resolved and strengthened. So, Paradise is described as a beautiful garden in which the righteous will sit down on the pillows, they will be served great drinks girls Guria. Agree, very similar to the life of the sultans.

Muslims (and Christians) believe other religions are incorrect, perform various missionary acts, paying some in their religion, forgetting that God is one. However, Islam is more violent and fanatical religion, as it does not provide more freedom. So many and there is such a concern that the Islamization of Europe is gaining momentum. Where this will lead, only time will tell.

the Islamization of Europe myth or reality

Historical background to the increase of Muslims in Europe

How is it that in the Old world there were so many Muslims? This contributed to the increasing hostilities in the East, and Europe at the time could take to their countries a large number of residents, as their demographic situation leaves much to be desired. Indeed, in connection with the increase in any new-fangled movements like the childfree, with the increase in the number of gay people and all sorts of protection of their rights, the number of people in developed countries began to decline.

It all led to the fact that the governments of these countries began to promote immigration from Islamic countries: the settlers were given more rights, talking about tolerance to the indigenous population, which is now so worried about the Islamization of Europe. Many even believed that this combination of two very different cultures will help them get closer, not considering the explosive and fanatical nature of Muslims and arrogance of the Europeans.

the Islamization of Europe statistics

Today's war in the East

The war in the East that were unleashed in the last century and grew into a much larger conflict, facilitated the resettlement of a significant number of people from Eastern countries in Europe. This has already been mentioned above. But if it had been a small stream, and all settlers were worthy people, now all the travel. And the Islamization of Europe will soon become a fairly significant problem, since in Asia has always been overpopulation, even though the war and reduced the size of the local population.

It Should also be noted that go, in fact, Muslims have nowhere else. Europe – is one of the closest places where they can be adopted (taking into account the tolerant laws adopted earlier). Thus, the Islamization of Europe, where the statistics are disappointing for the indigenous people, coming to the full. According to forecasts of some researchers, if the situation will not change, the disaster was soon inevitable.

Wang about the Islamization of Europe

The reaction of the European people to increase in their countries of Muslims

The Reaction of ordinary people on a large number of Muslims in their country is mixed. Of course, most people treat this quite cautiously, and many are combined in the organization and go on protests and demonstrations. For example, there is a group of “Stop the Islamization of Europe”. It was formed from existing organizations in Denmark andactivists in the UK. Its purpose – preventing the domination of Islam in Europe by the boycott people and companies that support them (for example, producing products for Muslims).

In Addition, frequent protests in Europe against Islamization. Many people go to rallies and demonstrations to prevent it. For example, in Germany is growing great concern about this, since it is here go to the refugees, and here they take indiscriminately. The first demonstration began in 2014, but they were not very massive. But in 2015, the excitement began to grow.

It Should also be noted that more refugees are going to France, Belgium, and Denmark. There had already gathered a large enough community to Express themselves. Many Muslims have citizenship of any country of Europe. Very scary the fact that the frequent terrorist attacks in Europe – this is the work of young Muslims. This is what fuels the hatred of Europeans.

Politics and Islamization

Also today, an increasing number of Islamic parties in Europe. This means expansion of the influence of Muslims on everyday life and important decisions in Europe. Of course, it's not on such a wide scale, is already being felt. For politicians the problem of the Islamization of Europe – this is not what they say in the open.

However, note the existing hostility between Muslims and non-Muslims. The number of cases of aggression against each other each time more increases. By the way, former German President Wulff wanted at the time to make Islam the second official religion in the country. It did not find support and supporters. And the current President of Germany does not support this idea at all.

protests in Europe against Islamization

Muslims and terrorism

According to statistics, now the world is very much progressing Islamic terrorism. Most of the attacks that have occurred in recent years in Europe, was accomplished by Muslims. It is no accident in relation to this representative of Vostok such a negative attitude, and against the Islamization of Europe is now so many people.

The terrorist attacks that shocked the last time France led to lower loyalty of the indigenous inhabitants of the Old world Muslims. Although the President of France and stated that they will not engage in "war of civilizations", but the statements of the members of the government about closing mosques and banning the activities of Muslim religious leaders did. Now who knows what will happen with the Muslims both in the country and in Europe.

So now we can say that the projected rapid Islamization of Europe is postponed indefinitely. Of course, the refugees from the hot spots of the East will still go, but the growing control can do a similar thread not so massive. Of course, this can lead to other consequences, the riots themselves are already communities of Muslims that do not have any connection to the attacks.

who benefits from the Islamization of Europe

The prophecies of Vanga about the situation with Islam in Europe

In the light of events many remembered that Wang talked about the Islamization of Europe. Bulgarian prophetess claimed that by 2043, the entire present-day Europe will become a Muslim. When this prediction appeared, no one listened to her words. However, if you look at the current situation, this outcome is even probable.

If the Europeans will not do traditional family values the main, and thus settled the conflict with Islamic terrorism, just a generation or two the Muslims will be much more quantitatively. And if you continue to increase uncontrolled influx of refugees, the scale just will be catastrophic. Therefore, what Wang talked about the Islamization of Europe, however, which must either accept or start to change something in life.

predictions about the Islamization of Europe

Various predictions about the Islamization

You Should also mention the predictions about the Islamization of Europe is not only Wang, but also other people, some were not associated with the all-seeing eye. This could to say, just analyzing the situation and all the events that occurred in the past. But let's talk about the prophets. Centuries of Nostradamus, you can also find mention of the clashes between Muslims and Christians in Europe. They say that the growth of the conflict will begin in 2015, will have all preconditions for world war II, but thanks to China it will all end well.

Many of the prophets speak about the chemical weapons that could be used against the people of Europe. While most often mentioned in relation to France, as it most Muslims. Such revelations can be found in St. John the Evangelist and, again, Nostradamus. Of course, this could all be idle fiction, but by observing what is happening in the world, you can imagine that. After a few years or decades.

It Should be noted that not only the forecasters said about the Islamization of Europe. In 2000 Chalmer Johnson, who was a specialist in the tactics of the counterinsurgency fight, has released a book entitled “Impact”. In it he warned that in the next fifty years, the Western countries will begin to get your answerfor what their fault was occurred in Asia and Africa, for all wars and provoked conflicts in the second half of the twentieth century. The greatest popularity the book received after the events of eleventh of September 2001, when it was destroyed the twin towers in the United States, and killing many people.

Number of Muslims in Europe today

The Increasing number of Muslims in Europe powered statistics that estimate how many live in different countries, where their high interest rates, and where less. So, the biggest Muslim community today is living in France. Some even predict that soon the suburbs of Paris and Marseille will grow and depart it to representatives of Islam.

Today – the second largest number of Muslims in the country. It is home to about four million adherents of the Islamic religion, most of which-the Sunnis. Over time this number is increasing, as Germany is now accepting refugees from the hot spots of the East.

Followed by the UK. This country is second to the presence of other religions. Muslims as it is about three million, accounting for nearly five percent of the total population.

Spain and Italy rounding out the top five countries where a large number of residents are Muslim. In Italy estimated population of about half a million, and Spain – about a million of those who profess Islam.

Also a sizeable community of Muslims in the Netherlands. It should be noted that in this country generally the second religion in number of adherents. And followers, there's about a million. More of them live in Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

In Austria and Sweden can be found about half a million Muslims, and in Norway – about one hundred and fifty thousand people. In Russia there is a Muslim around twenty million. But in this country most part they are indigenous, not migrants. Just in some regions historically.

Thus, the Islamization of Europe (statistics show that living in it, the Muslims today are becoming more) a similar rate of development will soon end disappointing. This means that the reason for the experience available.


So, if you're still asking questions about who benefits from the Islamization of Europe, you should look for someone to hand the confrontation between Christians and Muslims. It happens so subtly that inexperienced people will not understand what is happening. Needless to say, if many terrorists are in Europe organize various bombings and killings, are young Muslims who grew up in European countries... all of This determines the attitude of society towards people of another religion.

If you are interested in the question of whether the Islamization of Europe, myth or reality this statement, then it is safe to say that it is quite possible. If the Old world will not change some of their beliefs (political external and internal device), dense filling of the Muslims of Europe will happen in the coming decades.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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