The market system economy. Market structures: types and defining characteristics


2018-03-26 20:00:32




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The Market economy can operate within multiple models, with in some cases quite disparate characteristics. What criteria can determine the relevant difference? Which of the models most common in the concepts of modern theorists?

The Signs of the market economy

The Market economy is usually characterized by the following main features: the predominance of private ownership in funds of the enterprises, free competition, limited intervention of the authorities in economic processes. This model assumes that the company seeking to achieve high profitability, maximize its effectiveness, largely in terms of client satisfaction. One of the key mechanisms of this phenomenon, as the market system of economy is the free formation of supply and demand. It determines, first of all, the level of prices for goods and, therefore, the volume of capital turnover. Selling price of the product is also an indicator of how well constructed the balance of supply and demand.

Market economy: theory and practice

The Above features which is characterized by market economic system outlined by us at the level of theory. In practice, the most optimal balance of supply and demand, as many experts believe, does not occur too often. The markets of many countries, which, apparently, characterized by full freedom in the aspect of entrepreneurship does not always create the environment where businesses have truly equal opportunities. In the framework of the national economies in the developed world, according to some experts, can develop the model of oligopoly or monopolistic tendencies emerge.


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Market structures

Thus, the market in its pure form one way or another may have the inclination to turn from a highly competitive environment with free pricing system, where prices are set by the largest enterprises, they also affect demand and consumers ' preferences through advertising, propaganda and other resources. Market economic system is not so samoreguliruemaja as this may sound in theory. However, the forces of government institutions to bring its properties to the ideal models described in theoretical concepts. Question only in how correctly to build a system of market regulation.

Stages of development of the market economy

To Study possible variants of influence of the state on a free economy we can try, starting with the study of historical models of functioning of the relevant economic systems. What could be the periodization of the formation of the market? Experts believe that the development of the economy (if we talk about models, formed today in developed countries) occurred through four main stages - the so-called classical capitalism, the period of mixed economic systems, as well as a socially-oriented market models.


Let's Start with classical capitalism. Historians believe that this system functioned for a sufficiently long period - from the XVII century to the first decades of the twentieth century. The main features of the market of the appropriate type were as follows:

- predominantly private ownership of main productive resources;

- almost free competition, easy entry into the market of new players;

- a minimum of obstacles in the direction of capital flows;

- the predominance of small and medium producers, a relatively weakly expressed in their consolidation

- lack of development of labour law;

- high volatility in pricing (under the influence of supply and demand);

- a minimum of speculative component in terms of the purchase and sale of shares;

The State in the economy at this point is almost not interfered. Classical capitalism has long been quite a successful model. With competitive mechanisms, the enterprise is actively introducing the achievements of scientific and technological progress, improved quality of goods and services. However, by the beginning of XX century classical capitalism has not responded fully to the needs of a developing society. It is mainly concerned aspects of social security. The fact that one of the essential features of the capitalist market - crises that emerge as a consequence of the imbalance in supply and demand, mistakes or deliberate actions of market players, aimed at the destabilization of some segments of the economy with the purpose of profit. As a result, the business arena appeared the arbitrator. Formed the so-called mixed economy.

Its Main feature - the significant role of public sector in business, as well as the active involvement of authorities in the development of the market. Mainly in those segments, which required a significant investment of resources and transport infrastructure, communication channels, the banking sector. Government intervention suggests that a competitive market will still be present, characterized by the freedom of relations, but to the extent that is determined at the macro level, that is, entrepreneurs cannot set too low or high prices in the monopolistic order to save on staff salaries or to take actions in their own interests, whichcan harm national economic system. In a mixed economy, entrepreneurs become more willing to unite in holding companies, trusts, cartels. Began to spread forms of collective ownership of private assets, primarily in the form of shares.

From capitalism to social orientation

The Next stage of economic development - the emergence of socially-oriented economic systems. The fact is that in pure capitalism and a mixed model, in the enterprises still dominated by the principle of maximum profit for the business owner, the priority of the assets. Over time, however, market players began to realize that it is better to have priorities other values. Such as, for example, social progress, investment in talents. The capital became a derivative of these components. In a social market economy remained a competitive market. However, a criterion of leadership it became not only capital, but also social significance of the actions of the company. Relatively speaking, a successful business was considered not only one whose revenue and profitability is higher, and the one that performed the tangible social role - for example, has created a product that changed people's preferences and make their life easier.

Competitive market

Modern economies of most developed countries in the world, as some experts believe, in General, has characteristics of "social". However, between the economic systems of different countries have significant differences, due to national specifics, traditions of business, features of foreign policy. In some States, the economy can have a significant bias towards "pure capitalism", others have to be more similar to the mixed model, or have a very strongly pronounced "social".

Economic and social

It Is believed that modern economies to function, to ensure the optimum balance between the priorities of business, government and society. The interaction between these spheres, as a rule, expressed in ways to address the challenges facing the relevant actors - entrepreneurs, government, citizens. They all strive for some order. Experts identify two main types - economic and social. Consider their features.

Economic order is a set of institutions and norms that regulate the function of the economy, current business processes. The main regulation here is the right of ownership, currency and monetary policy, competition, external economic cooperation. Social order is, in turn, the institutions and norms that influence the condition of society as a whole and in individual groups, relations between people. The basic regulation in this case - employment, social assistance, property, housing and environmental law.

the balance in the market

Thus, the economic system is socially oriented type combines the priorities of the main actors involved in the development of both economic and social order. In the first case, the leading role for a business (subject to regulatory participation of the state), in the second state (with the auxiliary function of entrepreneurs). The society is an entity dominant in both types of orders. Because the economy is called socially-oriented.

Market structures

Despite the significant role of the state in modern economic systems, and significant control over observance of interests of society, the main driving force behind growth is the business. Enterprising individuals determines the introduction into the life of advances in technology. In many respects, the initiatives of the business affect the creation of new jobs, and in some cases even the success of foreign policy. Without entrepreneurs, the authorities and society would be unable to build efficient and competitive national economy.

Market economy system

Power is exercised through the institutions of the state, the company operates under the social. Business, in turn, based on different market structures. They are, according to modern theoretical concepts? What are the characteristics of market structures?

Let's Start with the definition of the term. One of the most common is: the market structure is the totality of features and characteristics that reflect peculiarities of functioning of the economy as a whole or some of its branches in particular. Depending on what specifically constitutes a particular sign are determined by the market model. What are they? On the basis of methodological approaches, entrenched in the modern Russian economic theory, there are three main market models: perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly. Some experts tend to select another model. We are talking about the so-called monopolistic competition.

Modern economy

Another definition of the term that is found in the expert community, implies a slightly different reading. In this case we are talking about"market structures" as the characteristics of the elements and actors of the processes that occur in the economy. These may be, for example, the number of sellers, number of buyers, and the factors that shape the barriers to entry to any of the segments.

Market structure are a set of properties of the economic environment within which companies operate. This can be, for example, the total number of registered industry, the turnover of the industry, the number of potential customers or buyers. Characteristics of the various structures can affect the balance in the market in terms of supply and demand. The combination of certain types of indicators may indicate which of the four models of the market at a specific point operates at the level of the national economy, region or perhaps a particular settlement. But, as a rule, economists calculate some kind of average set of parameters to define the properties of the national economic system.


What are the features of monopolistic market and the market structure of relevant types? First and foremost is the presence of a fairly narrow group of producers of a resource that can influence the overall situation in the segment of the economy (or at the national level in General). A number of experts called this kind of tool "market power," holders of which are monopolies, as a rule, these are large businesses or holdings. Depending on the degree of involvement in the economy the authorities, they can be private or public. As regards monopolistic competition - a form of market, complementing three major, if it is allowed that businesses that are not included in the structure of "market power", still have a chance to affect prices. In practice, this can be seen on the level where the business operates. If it is, relatively speaking, a small grocery store, he can influence the price of some product groups in your area or street. If we are talking about the network business, the scale effect on the ex-factory cost of products sold can be expanded to the city or even the region. The competition has, but it carries with it monopolistic characteristics. The balance in the market there are practically not formed. Although, of course, the policy of establishing prices take into account local demand. At the same time, the growth in the number of enterprises in the industry, in the city or in a particular area of monopolistic competition and market structure it accordingly, can develop into a different economic model.


Consider the characteristics of oligopoly. This market structure is sufficiently close to monopoly. A number of experts believes that the second is one of the forms first. In any case, the distinction between oligopoly and monopoly is. The first form of the market structure, if we talk about them, meaning the elements of economic systems which are characterized by the frequent occurrence of precedents reflecting the presence of several leading industries and, as a rule, large business-structures. That is, when there are monopolies, mainly one leading player, concentrating in their hands the "market power". In the oligopoly there may be several. The cooperation between them may not necessarily involve control of prices. On the contrary, under such market structures, like oligopoly, competition can be quite severe. And, as a consequence, the formation of the selling cost of goods is completely free. A striking example is the confrontation at the IT-market giants-level Samsung, LG, SONY. If any of these companies were characterized by monopolistic characteristics, the price of the relevant devices would be dictated by it. But today we are quite competitive, as experts believe, the market of electronic devices, the price of units in recent years and even if it grows, then, as a rule, do not outpacing inflation. And even sometimes reduced.

Perfect competition

The Opposite of a monopoly is perfect competition. When any one of the subjects of the economic system does not possess the so-called "power market". The ability to consolidate resources with a view to subsequent joint control over prices, as a rule, limited.

Market economic system

The Basic market structure, if we understand them as an integral part of economic processes are described in perfect competition characteristics significantly different from those that are peculiar to monopoly, and oligopoly. Next, we consider their ratio for each of the models of economic systems.

Comparison of market structures

We have studied the concept of market structure. Saw that the interpretation of this term is twofold. First, under the "market structure" may be understood as such a model of market - monopoly, oligopoly. Secondly, this term may be implied characteristics of any entity involved in economic processes. We gave several standard options, if we talk about today's economic concepts: the number of companies present in the market or in its segment, the number of buyers, and entry barriers for both.

The Most important thing that should be noted is the interpretation of the term can closely. How? Will help us to understand the mechanism of interaction models or elementsсобой рыночные структуры, таблица, которую мы сейчас составим.

Рыночная структура как характеристика элемента экономической системы/Как хозяйственная модель



Совершенная конкуренция

Монополистическая конкуренция

Количество предприятий в сегменте или на национальном рынке в целом

Одно ведущее

Несколько ведущих

Много с равным статусом

Несколько с равным статусом

Количество покупателей или клиентов

Как правило, много



Как правило, много

Барьеры входа на рынок для предпринимателей

Очень значительны




Барьеры входа для покупателей



Сведены к минимуму

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Подобная визуализация позволит нам нагляднее видеть разницу между соответствующими моделями хозяйственных систем - в национальном или более локальном масштабе. При этом следует отметить: если речь идет об экономике города или региона, она может характеризоваться признаками, делающими ее несхожей с таковой для других населенных пунктов. И в этом случае будет достаточно сложно однозначно определить, какая модель ближе, в свою очередь, национальной экономике.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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