Baikalo-Lensky state natural reserve: interesting facts, photos. The flora and fauna of the Baikal-Lensky nature reserve


2018-03-28 18:00:23




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In our article we want to talk about the Baikal-Lensky reserve. Arriving at lake Baikal, very few people think about that in these parts of miraculously saved original unique fauna and flora and organized environment for the comfort of tourists.

The location of the reserve

Baikal-Lensky state nature reserve was founded in 1986. It is located on the territory of Olkhon and kachugsky districts in the Irkutsk region. The main objective of his organization was the preservation of the natural complexes, which are characteristic of the North-Western Baikal region. The reserve stretches along the Western part of lake Baikal up to 120 kilometers. Its total area is more than 659 thousand hectares.Baikal Lenski nature reserve

The Territory of the Baikal-Lensky nature reserve is located in the Northern part of the mountains of southern Siberia. He took the southern part of the Baikal mountains, which belongs to the Sayan-Baikal mountain region.

The Protected area falls into the territory of high seismic activity. During the year there is up to two hundred earthquakes.

Climate protected areas

The Climate of the Baikal-Lena reserve, in General, continental. For the year it drops to 400 millimeters of rain. In the mountains in winter, accumulate huge snow cover that is not distributed uniformly in different areas. I must say that these snow masses are a source of moisture for both plants and animals. In the crevices of snow can accumulate over several years and do not melt even in the warmest summer days.

Water resources

The Territory of the Baikal-Lensky nature reserve rich waters. Here are the origins of the Lena river, 250 kilometers which flows through the protected lands. It is fed by many mountain streams and fast rivers. The largest are: Ollila, anai, Negadi, Yukhta, Pankuch. Source Lena is a small lake located on the slope of a ridge about thirty kilometers from lake Baikal.Baikal Lenski nature reserve photo


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On the reserve quite a lot of lakes. All of them are small and are usually located in the floodplains of river valleys. The total area of wetlands about 2.5 thousand hectares.

Baikalo-Lensky nature reserve: plants

Climatic, geological, geographical features of the reserve determined the unique plant world of the region. The flora currently consists of: three hundred species of lichens, one hundred and thirty species of fungi, one hundred seventy-five mosses, nine hundred and twenty varieties of plants.

The Protected area is located in the taiga (forest) zone. On her lands is the boundary that separates the Eurasian subregion into several sub-areas: the East Siberian light-coniferous-dark-coniferous forest and Eurosource forest. This feature is Baikalo-Lensky reserve. Fauna, as a consequence, are completely different plants from both sub-fields.Baikal Lena state nature reserve

Plants of the reserve are seven different types: forest, steppe, shrub, meadow and tundra. Naturally, dominates the forest. The forest part is eighty-six.

In the reserve, there are forty-seven species of relict plants. Alpine steppe and depression have become a popular choice for plant conservation, as they were isolated. Of relict plants here grow: sorrel Marshal, Altai onion, Astragalus, kopeechnik bristly.

In the lands of the Baikal-Lensky nature reserve is thirty varieties of plants listed in the Red book of the Russian Federation. It lugovik Turchaninov, polutnik caucasology, nadorozny bare, artechnic common and others.

Baikal-Lensky nature reserve (photo in article) is located within the taiga zone, and therefore there grows a fir and Siberian spruce, cedar, larch, birch, rhododendron, Artemisia kuropalata, pine bowl, and others. Interesting is the fact that in the reserve there are plants from different regions, they have adapted to the growing conditions, having undergone some changes.

It's No secret that the basin of Baikal has its own special microclimate, which is formed by combination of proximity to the Baikal mountains and lake Baikal. And the composition of the soil also influenced the vegetation of the Baikal-Lena reserve. On the mountain slopes of the range the plants are located according to the altitude poyasnosti.

The Woods here are such coniferous trees: larch, pine, cedar, spruce, fir. Seventy percent of the forests are coniferous species, and only thirty is deciduous. In the valleys of the rivers grow small groves of poplars.

In the reserve are widely distributed deciduous forests, they are in the river valleys and on mountain slopes.

Baikalo-Lensky nature reserve: plants and animals

Currently, the installed reserve accommodation for 54 species of mammals, of which ten species of insectivores, five bats, twelve of prey, five ungulates, rodents and nineteen, one pinniped.

From predators, the most widespread Sables, stoats, otters, weasels. Found Wolverine. But the badgers are quite rare. The lynx inhabits only the South-West of the reserve.

The wolves in these places a lot, the numberdirectly related to the presence of ungulates. Foxes are common only in the mountain-steppe regions of the southern part of the Baikal shore, although occasionally they can get caught in other places.Baikal Lenski nature reserve, plants and animals

The Brown bear is a symbol of the reserve. It is the largest predator that inhabits here almost the entire territory. The population of ungulates depends on the vegetation, topography, snow cover in winter, and many other factors. Hoofed animals of the Baikal-Lensky nature reserve include: musk deer, red deer (elk), reindeer, moose, ROE deer. Red deer and musk deer are distributed throughout the territory. Moose lives on the slopes of the Western part of the Baikal mountains.

Lagomorphs represented in the reserve by several species: the Northern pika and hare-hare. The number of these animals is impermanent, it changes from year to year.

Rodents Baikalo-Lensky state natural reserve is inhabited by squirrels, chipmunks, squirrels-flying squirrels. Rare valuable animals there lives a Groundhog. He is listed in the Red book of the Russian Federation, Buryatia and Irkutsk region. For many rare animals became the home of the Baikal-Lensky nature reserve. Animals from the red book here are under protection and security.Baikal Lenski nature reserve plants

The reserve is also home to long-tailed ground squirrel, muskrat, settled here only in the fortieth year of the last century. And small rodents here the most common red-grey vole. It is of great importance for the nutrition of sable and other members of predators. Typical taiga dweller is the Asian steppe mouse. Here is preserved even Daurian hamsters, and in the taiga mosses were found even a lemming. The seal is quite common in the Baikal coast.

Birds nature reserve

Very interesting Baikalo-Lensky nature reserve, the flora and fauna which is quite diverse. Here is really impressive is the number of plants and animals, which is within the area.

As for birds, they are here, there are two hundred and sixty species. Who here just no. This gagaouzes, and birds of prey, kukushkoobraznykh, gorevlerini, stereopony and many others. From this set of species in the Russian Red book listed eighteen species: Golden eagle, black stork, white-fish eagle, Gyrfalcon, white-tailed eagle, deadly, white gull, great bustard, and others.Baikal Lenski nature reserve interesting facts

The Greatest number of birds inhabits the boreal forests. Other natural systems have less than they have inhabited.

Amphibians and fish protected areas

Reptiles and amphibians in the region are presented Siberian and moor frogs and Siberian uglozuba. Also found several species of lizards. One of them – is viviparous, and the second - nimble. There are two species of snakes.

As for fish, in the reserve, their lives eleven types: trnkobrani, carps, asociarse. This does not include species of underwater inhabitants of the lake Baikal, because it is not in a conservation area.

In reservoirs recorded forty-nine species of algae. The most common green algae. Extensive in lakes and species composition of zooplankton.

Attractions of the reserve

Baikal-Lensky nature reserve (photos demonstrate the beauty of these places) is not only flora and fauna, there is also its attractions. These include Cape ryty, the source of the Lena, Cape of late, mountain Angeloi, the nature Museum of the Baikal-Lena reserve.

Cape ryty – a unique concentration of religious, historical and natural sites. This is, perhaps, the most mysterious place of Baikal lake. According to legends Cape built Ghost the Palace of the son of heaven. The local population was afraid to stick to this shore, and even more to come in the gorge. So they really did not want to offend the spirits. And about the river Rita many legends.

The Source of the Lena river-it is beautiful, attractive, but inaccessible for visitors place. It is located just ten kilometers from lake Baikal. On the source built a wooden Church.

As for the mountain Angeloi, the local people consider it sacred. Since olden times, there were prayers. Almost at the top of the mountain is relatively level place of heaps of stones, piled on each other in a long time. Discovered was the stones in 1999. There is no doubt that this is the work of human hands. Perhaps there were prayers.the vegetation of the Baikal Lena reserve

Baikalo-Lensky state nature reserve has its own Museum which is housed in the administration building in the city of Irkutsk. It exhibits the flora and fauna of protected land.

A Beautiful and unique venue - the Baikalo-Lensky nature reserve. Interesting facts from the life of animals here you can learn, and sometimes even to see. There are protected areas on the coast of brown bears. Named the coastline between the two capes. And got the name of the promontory due to the fact that the bears may Wake up and wander ashore to eat insects. During this period behind them so interesting to watch, you can even take a picture of the owners of the taiga.

In the Cape the Dead on the territory of the reserve there are two very ancient volcano thatnamed Sunny and Cedar. However, they erupted a long time ago, in the days when there were no people.

But the Dead Cape's beliefs is sacred to the Buryat. They say that on this far shore of lake Baikal they brought the bodies of the dead and left them, as they say, to be devoured by beasts and birds.

Throughout the reserve there is only one location where cruise ships and where there is a guest house for tourists. Very long ago here was mined quartzite for this reason, the Bay Zavorotnaya were excluded from the protected land area. However, it did not make the place less attractive. The water in the Bay is crystal clear and the views are so attractive that it is impossible to look away. Oh, and another plus, Zavorotnaya fishing is allowed.

Protection of the territory of the reserve

The mode of operation of the reserve is one of the main tasks is to protect its territory. And this topic is currently highly relevant. Active development of the adjacent lands, this is mainly forests, have led to a high concentration of people on the borders of the protected zone. And in the spring and summer, increased the number of tourists who come and settle here “savages”. All this leads to an increase in the number of offenses. Some of them are not intentional, and others are committed with malicious intent. Local villagers sometimes involved in poaching, it is well known that hunting in these places is prohibited. To prevent such situations should always be bypasses by state inspectors.

However, the greatest damage is caused by wealthy people who want to hunt on Baikal. They use gliders, hunting from the air for prey. Such air transport they can get to the most distant and remote places.

Using the topography, the violators landed on the capes and do the hunting. Of course, the material and technical base of the reserve lags behind the current level, which prevents more effectively combat poaching. Nevertheless, annually drawn up and detained violators, active struggles.

In addition, to reserve a very dangerous fires. Currently, the cases of transition of fires from neighbouring lands. This situation is due to the high cost of services of aircraft for detection and suppression of fires. Because it was abandoned. But in emergency situations to transport links or the horse is not quickly obtained, and this leads to the fact that the fire becomes uncontrollable and spreads to even larger areas.

Each year, Therefore, raises the question of the establishment of a special security area around the reserve. And this topic is becoming increasingly important. However, at the moment this issue is not yet resolved.

Research work in the reserve

The research work is one of the priority objectives of the reserve. There are conducted research and monitoring in various scientific fields. Everything is aimed at the study of natural objects and complexes. Developed key measures for nature protection and restoration of populations of endangered species.


From the first moment of its existence the workers of the reserve is actively working to promote environmental culture among the population. In addition, the reserve is visited by plenty of scientific workers with the aim of raising the level of their knowledge.

The Museum of the Baikal-Lena reserve in charge of educating young visitors and adults.

On the territory of protected areas are developed and operate three specialized ecological routes that enable in safe mode to see the tourists with the beauty of the reserve and not to cause the damage to the animal and vegetable world.

Each year, the reserve publishes papers on the nature, removed interesting documentaries, some of which are later televised.

Do Not bypass their attention and students who are the main hope for a better environmental future.

Instead of an epilogue

In our article we tried to tell about how interesting and beautiful the Baikal-Lensky nature reserve. Brief article it is impossible to convey all that is on this protected area. Of course, the reserve deserves more attention and deserve to to visit. However it should be noted that this is a restricted area. For tourists and vacationers there are special areas and there are special routes that can be accessed through guided tours. Everything is organized to ensure the protection of the territory in order to avoid harm to local flora and fauna. Especially beautiful in the reserve in spring and summer time is the best time for vacation and Hiking. However, it should be remembered that hunting and fishing in protected areas is prohibited.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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