November 7 holiday in the USSR: the name of the story


2018-04-01 22:23:18




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November 7 - holiday in the USSR, which was canceled in the new Russia. There are prerequisites for that and what we offer in return? Favorite and bright celebration turned out to be unnecessary in modern society.

What happened on this day?

The history of the holiday of November 7 in the Soviet Union is the memory of the great revolution of the twentieth century. Until 1917, Russia was an autocratic monarchical government, which at that time rules Nicholas II.

A Rebellious mood in the country had been accumulating for several years, and that on October 25 in St. Petersburg, began a rebellion of ordinary people against the inequality of social strata. Armed Bolsheviks had taken the Winter Palace (the residence of the provisional government), captured all the important information (Newspapers, post office, railway stations) and major military points (city gate, port).

the November 7 holiday in the USSR

Organized Uprising 47-year-old V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin), 38-year-old Leon Trotsky and 27-year-old Y. M. Sverdlov. These people led the coup and was considered the main authorities in the country for several years. They created a new socialist state, the Constitution and traditions in Russia.

What holiday is celebrated on November 7 in the Soviet Union until 1990

It was called: the day of the great October socialist revolution. Why “the October day" celebrated in November? Until 1918 the country time was calculated according to the Julian calendar. But in February, Russia moved to the Gregorian calendar. The revolt lasted two days, 25-26 October, old style, and in the USSR, the holiday was celebrated in new ways – 7 and 8 November. But the name remained as a memory of one of the greatest events of the twentieth century that changed the course of world history.


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In honor of this created thematic groups, called villages and neighbourhoods, streets, businesses, theaters. For example, in 1923 was created the group of children who call themselves TNS. And candy factory «Red October” remembered and loved by many generations of Russians.

Holiday History

November 7 (holiday in the USSR) was observed since 1918, only one day. In Moscow, in provincial and regional cities of Russia held demonstrations and parades. He was considered the weekend, “red” date. In 1927, by the decree of the Presidium of the celebration begin to note 7 and 8 November. In 1990, Gorbachev by decree of the 8-th number is again working. In 1996 this holiday by President Yeltsin renamed the “Day of consent”. In 2004 cancelled Vladimir Putin and 2005 became a working day.

The neighboring Countries still celebrate this day under the old name – the day of the October revolution. These include Belarus, Transnistria and Kyrgyzstan.


Between 1918 and twice a year parades took place, in which participated employees of the army and military equipment: 1 may and 7 November. Holiday in the USSR in honor of the October revolution was a significant event for all workers. The parade was the leader of the people and commander in chief, and heads of major industries.

In 1941, the parade was temporarily abolished until 1945. During the great Patriotic war the country was not able to withdraw military equipment from combat posts. A special event is the passage of troops in 1945. For this celebration held a special recruitment of civil servants: age-under 30 years old, height-176 to 178 centimeters, military awards. After 1945, the parades on red square were held only once in 5 years. In 1995, the passage of troops was on foot, without military equipment.

Demonstration in honor of the October revolution

If the parades were held only in Moscow and big cities, the demonstrations - this event every settlement in Russia from the capital to major settlement centers. They were attended by all segments of the population: workers, students, peasants and students. The November 7 holiday in the USSR was accompanied by the enthusiasm and joy of everyone in the country.

November 7, what a holiday in the USSR

A Demonstration is a public event, the passage of people groups through the main streets of the city into a single political mood. The procession is accompanied by music, banners, flags, banners and portraits of incumbent heads of state. A column of people involved, is the Central part of the city's main square and the rostrum with party and community leaders.

The passage voluntarily nominated the best workers and students, the procession was accompanied by a thematically decorated transport, songs, dances, acrobatic and sports rooms. From the podium sounded congratulations on 7 November. Holiday in the USSR, the poems of the great poets of Russia, inspired the whole nation. People believed that the day of the great revolution, they were free and happy.

The Most important years (chronicle 1918)

Special commemorative days are: first, the triumph of 1918, and the parade of 1941 and 1945. November 7 - holiday in the USSR, the congratulations of the people at that time was an important political step.

what was the name of the holiday on November 7 in the USSR

November 7-8, 1918:

  • “MIME” red square;
  • Amnesty in honor of the 1st anniversary;
  • The opening of the monument to Juarez, Marx and Engels;
  • A rally and concert;
  • Premiere theme of the play «Mystery-bouffe";
  • Lenin's speech to employees of the Cheka.

Parade during the war (chronicle 1941)

In 1941. For 5 monthsthe war with Germany. But there comes on November 7. What holiday in the USSR is possible, when the front line a few kilometers away from the capital? But Stalin takes a decision which later historians would call “a brilliant military operation". He holds the Grand parade, with all the most modern military equipment in the face of the enemy. Half of the parts after the March on the red square and personal farewell to the Leader of the people immediately went to the front. Print edition England and France headlines and photos of Russian soldiers who March and fireworks go into battle. This move, "at war" raised the spirit of the Soviet army. And Hitler, according to the memoirs entourage, infuriated.

what holiday is celebrated on November 7 in the USSR

The Preparation for the celebration began on 24 October, under the leadership of generals Artemieva and Zhigareva. The uniqueness problem was in the strictest secrecy, and the difficulty in the besieged position of the city. November 6, Stalin is meeting in honor of the holiday, the subway (station "Mayakovskaya"). Greeting speech of the commander broadcast to the whole country.

The Main danger during the parade represented the German air force. It was believed that the German fighters would dare to fly out of the city, one blow to destroy the Soviet government. In this regard, November 5, Russian planes bombed the enemy airfields. And the only weather forecasts that due to low cloud the weather will be inclement, to defuse the situation. Night lit Kremlin stars, removed the masking from the tomb, and in the morning at 8 o'clock began one of the most important parades in our history.

1945. Win

The First year of peace. Tired of the horror of war people want joy. After the Grand Victory parade, every event brings a new sense of the world, is no exception and 7 November. What holiday in the Soviet Union: the speech, the parade of veterans, salute! And all this is on the verge of cold war with America. Even Molotov's report in the October revolution Day is a response to the Soviet Union to the provocation of the United States.

the history of the holiday of November 7 in the USSR

From that moment began the arms race and to maintain the reputation of the country, such a rich technical geniuses. This confrontation between the two countries will last until 1963. In 18 years Russia will restore the ruined cities, re-establish production. And 1990 will begin to forget what the name of the holiday on November 7 in the Soviet Union.

Oblivion or rebirth?

In 1996, the festival got another name. In 2004 before to move the output on 4 November (national unity Day), a social group of activists conducted a survey among young and middle-aged people in the country. The goal – a better knowledge of the events of the October revolution and its importance in the lives of Russians. Only 20% of respondents answered the question about what holiday was celebrated November 7 in the Soviet Union.

the November 7 holiday in the Soviet Union verses

What is it? The shortcomings of the education or the real need of modern generation to go forward, not thinking about the history of their ancestors? In some cases, psychologists believe that the time to move away from the questionable event means to properly and more quickly move towards progress. Whether today is the day, the importance of which died together with the country?

Today, the October revolution is an ambiguous phenomenon. It has a wide range of historians. The first point is the illegal seizure of power that brought the country to a totalitarian regime. Others claim that the uprising was necessary. It led Russia to modern society is not the capitalist way, and this is a unique case in history. Thanks to the coup the country to avoid a political collapse, which was inevitable after the abdication of the king. The territory would divide such countries as England and America. Russian traditions, nationality and even language simply cease to exist.

the November 7 holiday in the Soviet Union congratulations

In addition to these two opinions, there are intermediate statements about how events would develop if it were not for the revolution. For example, a history Professor I. Froyanov said:

“It is too important episode in history, and to put the plus sign or minus sign is simply incorrect. ToWhen there is just a change of power, the term “political upheaval” is more acceptable to this phenomenon. More than one generation will remember what the name of the holiday on November 7 in the Soviet Union, because it is a cherished memory of hope and pride of the Russian people».

This date requests reconsideration of our descendants. They will weigh, analyze and compare the facts that we are still so emotionally close.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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