The national Park "Mtirala" in Georgia: overview, facts and reviews


2018-04-04 15:10:21




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The national Park «Mtirala” in Georgia have recently appeared. It was founded after the proclamation of independence of the country in 2007. The reserve is located on the eponymous rock, which rises above sea level at 1761 meters. The name of the Park translates as “weeping mountain”. It is constant almost all year round the thick mists that envelop the area, and pretty frequent rains.

Mountain Mtirala stands in the area of Kobuleti and Chakvi. In this article we will explain what is notable about the national Park «Mtirala» how to get to these wonderful places. You will learn about the flora and fauna of the Park, what excursions are carried out here.Mtirala national Park

Description of reserve

Coastal gorges of Adjara – this is a unique area of humid subtropical forests on the territory of the former Soviet Union. This area of the Kolkheti plains and the Anatolian highlands which separate the spurs having Meskhetian ridge, so the climate here is warm throughout the year.

Even at the beginning of the glacial period, when the peaks of the Caucasus descended the glaciers and the climatic conditions of the entire South Caucasus has undergone significant changes (become colder), in these forests, the weather is almost not changed. It retains many heat-loving plants. Interestingly, for a long time in the area were apes who left the Caucasus, when it became too cold.Mtirala national Park how to reach us

In our days In the national Park «Mtirala” is the village of chakvistavi it is situated on the shore of the same river. Here is the house where the tourists meet the guide to the national Park «Mtirala”. The administration of the reserve – the Lower Batumi, Chavchavadze street, 13. From big two-day guided tour of the reserve. Here are about of the group going to the waterfall Caldari and the lake. It's a pretty easy route, which can overpower even the elderly and small children.


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Park Features

The national Park «Mtirala” — it is subtropical, rather wet mountains with waterfalls and small lakes. High level of humidity is maintained over here because of the frequent rain: experts say that it is the wettest place in Europe. In the Park there are two most important attractions: waterfall and mountain lake. You can add to the attractions of the cable car, which was built by a local resident, a school teacher Hassan. Batumi, Mtirala national Park

Proposed in the national Park «Mtirala" (Mtirala National Park) routes cannot be called extreme: they do not require special equipment and skills, but about the comfortable shoes and sports clothes should be taken care of in advance.

Independent travel

If you decided to explore the national Park «Mtirala”, you will be able easy to navigate. Go to the right — will come to the waterfall Tsablari, left — to the lake. Local residents believe, and it's hard not to agree that this place is a reflection of the Georgian climate and rich national traditions. Beautiful nature, incredible beauty of waterfalls, crystal clear air – it all conquers in the Park. Mtirala national Park, Georgia

Because Of the unusual landscape and wealth of vegetation often, this place is called “the Georgian jungle”. The area of the national Park «Mtirala” is almost six thousand hectares. This is truly a huge territory there are unique plants that do not have analogues in the world: magnificent beech and chestnut groves, plants that have long been listed in the Red book of many countries.

Colchic forest

This forest many known myths about Argonauts. The pride of the national Park «Mtirala” in Batumi. The remoteness of these places helped to preserve Colchic forests that grew on this land in the days of the tropical climate. Another richness of the Park can be considered a supply of fresh and mineral waters with curative properties. For this reason, the reserve has been included among the most important on the territory of modern Europe.

Value Park

This unique place is very important not only because of the possibility of ecotourism development. National Park “Mtirala” plays an essential role in maintaining the customs and cultural traditions of the country. Here, tourists not only feel the unity with nature, but also get acquainted with life of Georgia. On the territory of the reserve is the tiny village chakvistavi it, which leads tourists one amazing fact: the house was built about two centuries ago.Mtirala national Park how to reach from Batumi

The locals know and cherish the ancient Georgian culture and with great joy share their knowledge with all who are interested. Here you will be fed amazing dishes of national cuisine and uses ingredients that they grow in the national Park «Mtirala”.


If you don't decide to go to independent travel in the Park, the organizers have prepared interesting tours of its site. As a rule, theyinclude a trip to the gorge at the river Chakvistskali, visiting the waterfall, next to which tourists usually arrange a break and snack on the picturesque glade. But very close to it you are offered to ride horses. For the hardy and experienced travelers can visit one of the reserve – “Kintrishi”. While walking, you will be required endurance and vitality.Mtirala national Park mtirala national park

Flora national Park

The reserve is home To many subtropical plants, 284 species, 68 families. Among them, 18 wood, 21, and 16 endemic shrub species. In the Red book of the country recorded a rare relict endemic species: ungarische rhododendron, Pontic oak, apigee.

Almost the entire territory of the national Park «Mtirala” covered with impenetrable bushes and forests. They are as follows (depending on elevation above sea level): mixed forests-at altitudes up to 600 meters, mixed broad-leaved Colchic forests, chestnut belt – at an altitude of 600 to 1000 meters, above one thousand meters is the zone of larch.


In the Park today is home to 95 species of animals: ungulates and amphibians, mammals of different sizes. Snakes and lizards, newts and frogs, Salamander – here are just a few representatives of the amphibians that live in the reserve. From small mammals to meet the squirrel and the hare, wild cat and a Fox, a badger. It is better to avoid meetings with such animals as the wolf and the bear. Occasionally found in the Park and the wild boar. In the reserve many different birds, including predatory species.Mtirala national Park reviews

Where to stay?

Tourists have the opportunity to stay overnight in the Park. Located in the tourist center you can rent a room. In addition, the reserve built a campsite where you can hire everything you need and to spend the night outdoors in a tent.

Don't stay aloof and very hospitable local people offering a bed for a modest fee. Moreover, they offer you to taste delicious honey harvested in these areas, delicious home-made cheese and traditional Georgian sweetness — churchkhela. The more comfortable stay you can consider the options of settlement in guest houses and hotels, adjacent to the national Park «Mtirala”. It suggests that living in them is comfortable and quite affordable.Mtirala national Park address

The Guest house “Mtirala”

Reviews of travelers for eco-tourism the best places you can find. The house has five rooms, furnished with everything necessary for short holidays. They are designed for two or three sleeps. The owners of the house kept pigs and calves, chickens and dogs, who guard the equipment. So the livestock will not give you a long time in the morning to luxuriate in bed.

On the way to the river, you can collect walnuts, pears, tangerines and other fruits depending on the season.

Villa "Tengiz”

This is a new guest house located in the Park. It was opened in the year 2016 and provides for the settlement of ten double rooms with all amenities.


It is located in the village of Khala, but on the other side of the river, opposite the “Ntirely" closer to the road. If you want to regularly travel to the sea, then this option will suit you more than others. Will it fit in the case if you just need a place to stay before or after a trip to the Park.

Interesting facts about the Park

  • The national Park "Mtirala" allows not only to develop ecotourism in the country, but also plays a crucial role in the preservation of ridge Chakvi-Kobuleti. This balance prevents flooding and erosion.
  • Interestingly, the remote location of the Park «Mtirala” has played a positive role: the Colchis forest preserved, which appeared in the period of tropical climate.

National Park “Mtirala” in Georgia: how to get there?

As we have said, the reserve is located on mount Mtirala, between the resort town of Kobuleti and Chakvi, which is located on the Black sea coast. Many travelers prefer to travel to the national Park «Mtirala” from Batumi. How to get there, you will explain the locals. To Chakvi and Kobuleti can be reached by bus or taxi. From Kobuleti better to go to the village of Jala: it is located closer to the reserve.

Among the caravaners, you can often hear the talk about the bad road to the Park. In fact it is not. Before the reception of the Park from the Batumi highway distance is about twelve kilometers. The road starts in Chakvi. The first eight miles of this route – brand new smooth asphalt. The route meanders between the houses scattered in the mountains, twice crossing the river.

After eight kilometers you will drive up to the post of Rangers, beyond which the paved road ends and begins rocky: cars go by it, but slowly. This site is about four kilometers. Without it, you will be taken to the reception. One should go straight without turning anywhere. From time to time you'll see the signs.


The Park «Mtirala”, according to tourists, is ableto fascinate with its beautiful nature even seasoned travelers. Gorgeous gorge Chakvistskali, amazing tree grove and Colchic forest, mountain river and waterfall will leave no one indifferent. The majority have visited the Park agree that this is a really great Park which is a great alternative to podnadoevshih beach holiday. Some guests complain about the not enough well-developed infrastructure. I hope the Park administration will take that into consideration.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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