The may beetle is a highly developed pest


2019-03-10 21:00:17




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The may-bug (cockchafer) – an insect belonging to the order Coleoptera, the genus of beetles, of the family of scarab. The genus is quite numerous, it includes about 40 species. One species, namely the Eastern may beetle, most often found on the territory of our country.

may beetleThis is a major bug. Length / oval bodies 2-3. 5 cm It is covered with a chitinous carapace, employee protection. Color can be red-red (such individuals prefer open space) or black (these live in shaded areas).

The Body, head and pronotum of the beetle is covered with different in length hairlike scales. On the head are antennae, ending in a fanlike partition. The may beetle has three pairs of walking legs covered with hairs, and terminated by claws, by which he is able to keep hold of the leaves and the bark of trees. The front legs are much stronger than two other pairs, because they are the beetles have dug a pit before oviposition. Despite the fact that the beetle has elytra and flying wings, it flies with difficulty, slowly.

Oriented in space due to a well developed system of sense organs chafer. Khrushchev can survey all around due to the complex eyes consisting of thousands of simple eyes, located on both sides Eastern may beetleOf the head. Antennae beetle searches for food, in search of where you can fly almost a kilometer. May beetle eats plant food due to mouth parts are gnawing type. The choice of food meet the palps (mouth appendages). Them beetle touches the food and feeds it into the mouth.

May beetles - insects are dioecious. Males die after mating. Females burrow into the soil to a depth of 30 cm and lay a handful of eggs (20-30 in each). Eggs, females also die. Eggs six months out of the larvae. They are dirty-white in color, fleshy, with legs moving. Head with antennae, jaws, but without eyes.


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The Larvae develop in the ground 3-4 years, going through several molts. In the first year eat plant remains, and in 2-3 years - plant roots. Last summer the life in the soil, the larva transforms into a chrysalis. The insect at this stage is similar to the adult beetle. However, it does not increase in size and does not move, chafer beetleThe wings of his short, color is white. At this time, when hormonal effects are formed eyes, limbs, grow wings. By early autumn the may Khrushchev already full, but the yield of the land is postponed until the spring.

Mass is in may, it coincides with the Bud burst of oak and birch leaves. The warm spring day, after looking carefully to the ground, can be seen crawling out from the soil after hibernation of beetles. And in the evening, standing near a flowering tree, you can hear them buzzing and see the flights. The may beetle damage flowers and young leaves of plants, causing great harm.

To Fight with the adults and their larvae. In small areas they can shake trees to collect manually, destroy or use for bait when catching fish. Larvae also need to destroy or collect the same purpose during the digging of the soil.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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