The State Of Karakhanids. The history and rulers in the territory of Karakhanids


2018-03-18 12:15:55




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Closer to the middle of the 10th century on the territory of Kashgar there was the state of the Karakhanids in the merger of many Turkic tribes. This Association was rather military than political. So he was no stranger to dynastic wars for territory and power. The name of the state received through the name of one of our founders – Kara-Khan.

The history of the khanate is short but intense. Unfortunately, to date, the researchers can judge it only by the Chronicles of Arab and Turkic culture of that time. Historical traditions or other items it left behind not.

Education state

Up To 940 years on the territory of Semirechie was dominated by the Karluks. Their Empire occupied a vast territory, they intervened in international conflicts and tying their war. But in the year 940, their power collapsed under the onslaught of Kashgar. The capital of Balasagun was captured by the Turks, and numerous tribes smashed the remnants of the army. 2 years later the power goes out to the new dynasty, so begins the emergence of the state of Karakhanids.

the emergence of the state of KarakhanidsLater, in the 10th century, the Karluks are divided into branches. But each one of them later converts to Islam and dissolved among local population. It is, by the way, gets the common name "Turkmen". After the capture of Balasagun takes power he was Bogra-Khan, Abdulkarim. He immediately accepts Islam and the title obtained, of course, illegal.

Up To 990 years the rulers of the khanate conquer neighboring cities. They join Taras and Ispidzhab. Later, the invaders take power in the khanate of the Samanids. So 1000 year grown of the state. It would subsequently be supplemented, but significant expansion is not observed.


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The Founder of the state

In the year 940 there is an almost complete destruction of the Karluk Kaganate. At this time he was Bogra-Khan gets the support of the Samanids, through which he manages to overthrow his uncle Ogurcak. Subsequently, he subdues Kashgar and Taraz.

state Kara-khanid khanateIn the year 942 of Stug overthrow the power of Balasagun and gets the title of Governor of the state of Karakhanids. He is the founder of the khanate. And from that time the history of the Karakhanid state.

Bogra-Khan manages to expand the territory of the khanate from Maverannahr to Kashgar and Semirechye. However, subsequent rulers of the state were not so strong. After the death of the founder, in 955, there is a split and the Central government gradually and systematically loses its credibility.


The rulers of the khanate very little is known. Historians only know who was his ancestor. In the annals also preserved the names of some other khans.

the capital of the state KarakhanidsThe Kara-khanid State had two main rulers. Western Kagan is under the authority of Bogra Kara-Kagan, Eastern – Arslan Kara Khan. The first was much smaller in their territories, but we managed to hold on to power longer. East Kagan quickly broken up into small plots of land.

In 1030 the ruler becomes Ibrahim Ibn Nasr. When the state is divided into two parts. After 11 years, both khanate pass into the hands of the Khitan.

Development States

A Unique feature of the khanate lies in the fact that it was not cohesive and United. It consisted of many principalities. Their native contemporaries – in the Russian Federation or the States in the United States. Each lot had its own ruler. He was subject to great power. He even had the ability to mint its own coins.

the title of the ruler of the KarakhanidsIn the year 960 the heir of the founder of state accepts Islam. Then begins the era of writing. It is based on Arabic characters. From this moment begins the cultural development of the khanate. However, the Central government has is the power that was previously. It gradually decays, until it comes to a final decline.

The capital of the state Karakhanids was postponed several times due to quick change of the Central government. But much of the history of the khanate it was located in the city of Balasagun.

Territory in the heyday of the

The Main part of the land is finally formed by the end of the 10th century. The territory of Karakhanids ' state stretches from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya to the Zhetysu and Kashgar.

The boundaries of the khanate following:

  • In the North – with Kamchatski khanate.
  • In the North-East – lakes Balkhash and Alakol.
  • In the East – with the possessions of the Uighur tribes.
  • The West – with southern Turkmenistan and lower reaches of the Amu Darya.

Western boundaries are not expanded, because the Qarakhanids met resistance from the Seljuks and Khorezm. Subsequent attempts to increase the area without success.


The rulers of the Karakhanids were able to bring it to a new stage of development. Turkic tribes gradually began to lead a settled way of life. Built settlements and cities, developed economy and culture.

The Head of state was the Khan (in some sources – Hakan). Administration was carried out, respectively, from the Palace of the ruler, called the "hordes".

The Khan was the court and assistants:

  1. Capucci (officials of upper and lower level).
  2. Viziers (advisers on different issues).
  3. Kaput-Bashi (captain).
  4. Bititci (secretaries).

Most Often appointed members of the nobility. And of course, they were all far from the system of government. If desired, each could have an impact on Khan, to persuade him to adopt this or that law, to start or to end the war, to look at some individual communities and so on.

For public or military service and for certain other services rendered to the khanate or directly to the ruler, people were awarded lename. They were a land that could be used at their discretion (to sow, to pass the lower ranks of employees, to sell, donate). Passed these areas by inheritance.

Political system

Political system of the khanate is fully consistent with the Institute of commendation complete. The state of the Karakhanids represented a variety of communities and settlements. The land owners or small artisans transferred themselves and their belongings under the protection of more powerful men. So at least they could choose their ruler and to avoid feudal lawlessness. Despite the fact that the Central government strictly monitored the behavior of the officials, they still managed to oppress the people with taxes and other wrongful acts.

the rulers of the KarakhanidsIn the agricultural districts remained the policy of the Samanids. That is was urban or rural the head, through which was carried out by the Board.

With the nomadic areas, things were more complicated. The Central government could exercise control only through the tribal elders who, like Khan, had their palaces. They were very influential, and to keep the nomadic tribes under control was virtually impossible.

Best of all feel the tip of the clergy. Apart from the fact that she possessed the lands, granted to Khan, some areas were transferred to her as a gift. Incidentally, the latter types of sites are not taxed.

ICT and itadori

The Kara-khanid State was based on military-fief system of government. Khans complained to his aides or relatives of the right to collect taxes from the population in a certain area. They were called "ICT" of their owners – “ictaluri”. However, one can argue that these rights were unlimited.

the territory of KarakhanidsThe Activity of iktidara regulated. Artisans and peasants living on the territory of ICTY, not passed into slavery. They could go about their business, to make money, to cultivate land and so on. But his iqtadar they had to go into military service. The holder of the rights is not excluded, Han had expected to see him in the composition of his army.

Thanks to ectoderm managed to strengthen the power of the ruler and his entourage. Through taxes to the Khan received funding. The proportion of the crop was transferred to the army. The money was mainly spent on aggressive goals, because at that time greatness is measured in number of territories.


After reaching its peak, slowly decline, the state of Karakhanids. Khanate located around it, play not the first role. First start contention among themselves, the stronger the ruler tried to subdue the neighboring community.

Kara-khanid stateWhen the Board moves on to Arslan Khan, the Central government lost its already weak credibility. The war begins in the year 1056, which ends with the defeat and loss of territories. The heirs of the Khan, too, perish in internecine strife. The Central government is transferred from hand to hand, until in the end does not stop Qadeer Khan Jabrail. To the year 1102, he re-unites the land. Life Qadeer Khan Zhabrail was short-lived, in an attempt to recapture the territory he is captured. Subsequently his execution...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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