The environmental factor is a... Ecology and people. Types of environmental factors. Classification of ecological factors


2019-05-28 13:20:36




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All organisms on planet Earth subject to the influence of environmental factors. It can be direct or indirect, but still has a significant impact on human activity, as plants and animals. Environmental factors – is an element of the environment, forcing organisms to adapt to certain living conditions. Influence can be through climatic features of the area (temperature, humidity, radiation background, bump, illumination), human activities or livelihoods of various living things (parasitism, predation, competition).environmental factor is

Environmental factors

Wednesday – a unique set of conditions surrounding a living organism that affect its vital functions. It can be set of phenomena, the material bodies of energies. Environmental factors – is the environmental factor to which organisms must adapt. This can be a decrease or increase in temperature, humidity or drought, background radiation, human activities, competition among animals, etc. the Term "habitat" means a part of nature in which living organisms, among the things that they have a direct or indirect impact. That is the factors, because they are somehow affecting the subject. The environment is constantly changing its constituent parts are diverse, so the animals, plants and even people have to constantly adapt, to adapt, to survive and to reproduce.


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Classification of environmental factors

On live organisms may be both natural and artificial exposure. There are several types of classifications, but the most common are the following types of ecological factors: abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic. All living organisms somehow affected by the phenomena and components of inanimate nature. This is the abiotic factors influencing the vital functions of man, animals and plants. They, in turn, are divided into edaphic, climatic, chemical, hydrographic, pyrogenic, orographic.

Light regime, humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, and precipitation, solar radiation, wind can be attributed to climatic factors. Edaphic affect living organisms through heat, air and water regime of the soil, its chemical composition and mechanical structure, groundwater level and acidity. Chemical factors – the salt composition of the water, gaseous composition of the atmosphere. Fire-impact of fire on the environment. Living organisms have to adapt to the terrain, elevations, and properties of water content of organic and mineral substances.environmental factors

Biotic environmental factor – it's the relationships between living organisms and the impact of their relationship on the environment. Influence can be both direct and indirect. For example, some organisms are able to influence the climate, to change the composition of the soil, etc. Biotic factors are divided into four kinds: opposed to a phytogenic one (plants affect the environment and each other), zoogenic (animals impact on the habitat and on each other), mycogenic (the impact of mushrooms) and microbienne (in the center of events are the microorganisms).

Anthropogenic environmental factor – a change in the conditions of life of organisms in relation to human activities. Actions can be both conscious and unconscious. However, they lead to irreversible changes in nature. Man destroys the soil, pollutes the atmosphere and water with harmful substances violates the natural landscapes. Anthropogenic factors can be divided into four main subgroups: biological, chemical, social and physical. They are all in varying degrees affect animals, plants, microorganisms, contribute to the emergence of new types and erased from the face of the earth old.

The Chemical influence of ecological factors on organisms are mostly negative impact on the environment. To achieve good harvests, people use fertilizers to kill pests toxins, thus contaminating soil and water. It should also be added the waste of transportation and industry. Physical factors involve the displacement in planes, trains, in cars, the use of nuclear energy, the impact on organisms of vibration and noise. Do not forget about human relations, life in society. To biological hazards include organisms for which the person is a food source or habitat, this also is attributed the food.classification of environmental factors


Depending on their characteristics and the forces and different organisms respond differently to abiotic factors. Environmental conditions change over time and, of course, change the rules of survival, development and reproduction of microbes, animals, fungi. For example, the life of green plants at the bottom of the reservoir is limited to the amount of light able to penetrate the water column. The number of animals is limited by the abundance of oxygen. A huge influence on living organisms has a temperature, because its decrease orthe increase affects development and reproduction. During the ice age became extinct not only mammoths and dinosaurs, but many other animals, birds and plants, thus changing the environment. Humidity, temperature and light – the main factors determining the conditions of existence of organisms.


The Sun gives life to many plants and animals it is not as important as the flora, but they can't live without it. Natural light – it is a natural source of energy. Many plants are separated into light demanding and shade tolerant. Different animal species exhibit a negative or positive reaction to light. But most importantly the impact the sun has on the change of day and night, because the various representatives of the fauna are exclusively nocturnal or diurnal. The effect of environmental factors on organisms is difficult to overestimate, but if you talk about animals, the lighting does not affect them directly, it only signals the need for adjustment of the processes occurring in the body, due to which living beings respond to the changing external environment.


Dependence on water of all living creatures is very large, because it is necessary for their normal functioning. Most organisms cannot live in dry air, sooner or later they die. The amount of precipitation falling over a given period, which characterizes the humidity of the area. Lichens catch the water vapor from the air, plants are fed with roots, animals drink water, insects, and amphibians are able to absorb it through the skin. There are creatures that receives the fluid along with the food or through fat oxidation. Both plants and animals have many adaptations that allow them slower to waste water to save her.ecology and man


Each body has its specific temperature range. If it goes beyond, rising or falling, then he just may die. The influence of environmental factors on plants, animals and humans can be both positive and negative. Within the temperature range an organism grows normally, but as soon as the temperature approaches the lower or upper limits, the life processes are slowed down and then completely stop, leading to the death of the creature. Need someone cold, someone – it's warm, and someone can live under different environmental conditions. For example, bacteria, lichens can withstand a wide temperature range, the tigers feel good in the tropics and in Siberia. But the majority of organisms survive only in a narrow temperature range. For example, corals grow in water at 21 °C. lowering the temperature or overheating them deadly.

In tropical areas, weather fluctuations are practically invisible, which is not true of the temperate zone. Organisms are forced to adapt to the change of the seasons, many with the onset of winter, make a long migration, and the plants all die. Under adverse temperature conditions, some creatures hibernate to wait out the wrong period for them. This is the only major environmental factors, organisms also affects atmospheric pressure, wind, height above sea level.

The Impact of environmental factors on living organism

On the development and reproduction of living beings is significantly affected by habitat. All groups of ecological factors usually act as a whole, not one by one. The power of influence of one depends on the other. For example, lighting cannot be replaced with carbon dioxide, but by changing the temperature, it is possible to suspend the photosynthesis of plants. All factors affecting the organisms in one way or another, is uneven. The leading role may change depending on the time of year. For example, in the spring for many plants the temperature is important, in the flowering period – the moisture of the soil when ripe – humidity and nutrients. There are also limiting factors, the excess or lack of which is close to the limits of endurance of the body. Their effect is manifested even when living beings are in a favorable environment.key environmental factors

The Impact of environmental factors on plants

For each of the representative flora habitat is considered to be the surrounding environment. It creates all the necessary environmental factors. The habitat provides the plant with the necessary humidity of soil and air, lighting, temperature, wind, optimal amounts of nutrients in the soil. Normal levels of environmental factors allows organisms normally grow, develop and reproduce. Some conditions can adversely affect plants. For example, if you put culture on a depleted field, the soil of which there are not enough nutrients, it will grow very weak or not grow at all. This factor can be called restrictive. But most plants adapt to environmental conditions.

The flora growing in the desert adapt to the environment with the aid of a special form. They usually have very long and powerful roots that can go deep into the earth at 30 m. a Possible shallow root system to collect moisture during the short rains. Water trees and shrubs stored in barrels (often deformed), leaves, branches. Some of the inhabitants of deserts able severalmonths to wait life-giving water, but other pleasing to the eye only a few days. For example, ephemera disperse the seeds that sprout only after rain, then the desert blooms early in the morning, and at noon the flowers fade.

The Impact of environmental factors on plants affected in cold conditions. The tundra is a very harsh climate, summers are short, warm not say, but the frosts last from 8 to 10 months. Snow cover is insignificant, and the wind and is bare of plants. The plants usually have a shallow root system, thick leaves skin with a waxy coating. The necessary supply of nutrients the plants accumulate in the period when the polar day lasts. Tundra trees produce seeds, germinating only once in 100 years during the most favorable conditions. But the lichens and mosses have adapted to reproduce vegetatively.

Environmental factors of plants allow them to grow in a variety of conditions. The flora is dependent on humidity, temperature, but most of all they need sunlight. It changes their internal structure, appearance. For example, a sufficient amount of light allows the trees to grow luxury crown, but the bushes, the flowers that grew in the shade, seem to be oppressed and weak.influence of ecological factors on organisms

The Environment and people very often go different ways. Human activity detrimental impact on the environment. The work of industrial enterprises, forest fires, transportation, pollution emissions of power plants, refineries, water and soil with residues of petroleum products – all of this adversely affects the growth, development and reproduction of plants. In recent years many species of flora included in the Red Book, a died out altogether.

The Impact of environmental factors on man

Even some two centuries ago, people were much healthier and physically stronger than today. Labour activity increasingly complex relationship between humans and nature, but to a certain point they managed to get along. It was thanks to the synchronicity of the way of life of people with natural modes. Each season had its own working attitude. For example, in the spring the farmers ploughed the land, sowed grain and other crops. Summer care of crops, cattle grazed, fall-harvest, winter-engaged in household chores, rest. Health was an important element of General human culture, consciousness of a personality changing under the influence of natural conditions.

This changed dramatically in the twentieth century, in a period of huge leap in technology and science. Of course, before human activities significantly harm the nature, but then were beaten all records of negative impact on the environment. Classification of ecological factors allows to identify what people affected to a greater extent, and what - less. Humanity lives in the mode of the production cycle, and it can not affect the condition. There is no periodicity that people perform the same work during the whole year, not getting enough rest, constantly in a hurry. Of course, the conditions of work and life has changed for the better, but the consequences of this comfort very unfavorable.

Today, contaminated water, soil, air, and fall acid rain, destroying plants and animals, damaging structures and facilities. The thinning of the ozone layer also can not scare effects. All this leads to genetic changes, mutations, people's health gets worse with every year, the number of patients with incurable diseases is growing inexorably. Per person is largely affected by environmental factors that biology studies is the impact. Before people could die from cold, heat, hunger, thirst, in our time humanity "itself is digging its own grave”. Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fires-all these natural phenomena take lives, but even more, man is hurting himself. Our planet is like a ship, which at high speed is on the rocks. You need to stop before it is too late to correct the situation, try to less pollute the atmosphere, get closer to nature.

Human Impact on the environment

People complain about the abrupt change of the environment, deterioration of health and General well-being, but rarely realize that they themselves are to blame in this. Various types of environmental factors has varied over the centuries, there were periods of warming, cooling, dried up the sea, went under the water of the island. Of course, nature has forced people to adapt to, but it did not put people rigid, not acted spontaneously and quickly. With the development of science and technology all have changed significantly. For centuries, mankind has so polluted the planet that the scientists clutching his head, not knowing how to change the situation.

We still remember about the mammoths and dinosaurs, which became extinct in the glacial period due to the cold snap, and many species of animals and plants have been wiped off the face of the earth over the past 100 years, how much more is on the verge of extinction? Big cities crammed with factories, villages are widely used pesticides that pollute soil and water, everywhere there is a saturation transport. On the planet there are almost no places are able to boast clean air, unpolluted land and water. Deforestation, endless fires, the cause of which may be not only heat waves but also human activities, pollution of water bodieswith oil products, harmful emissions in the atmosphere – it has a negative impact on the development and reproduction of living organisms and does not improve health.influence of environmental factors on plants

"Or people will reduce the amount of smoke in the air, or the smoke will reduce the number of people on Earth”, these are the words of L. Batona. Indeed, the picture of the future looks depressing. The best minds of humanity fighting over how to reduce pollution, create programs to invent various cleaning filters, searched for alternatives to those objects that are to the greatest extent pollute the nature.

Solutions to environmental challenges

Ecology and man today cannot come to a consensus. All governmental and non-governmental organizations need to cohesively work to resolve existing problems. All you need to do to transfer the production to zero waste, closed loops, on the way to it is possible to use energy - and material-saving technologies. Environmental management must be rational and based on characteristics of the regions. The increase of species on the brink of extinction, requires an immediate expansion of protected areas. And, most importantly, to educate the population, in addition to General to give environmental education.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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