The most beautiful male name. Rare and unusual names


2018-03-18 21:41:07




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The Name has a definite influence on the character of its proprietor. Its sound vibration must match with the internal rhythms, and like its owner. In this case, he is much more likely to become a successful person, happy with his life. If the name is not like psychologists suggest, it is better to change.

"the ship name..."

But the esoteric is strictly against changing the names. The fact that, together with the name of the person gets the fate which if another name can be changed radically. Most often this affects the quality of life. Even in social networks to change the name is not recommended.

Therefore, parents should carefully consider the name of the future baby.

a baby name

All parents want to name their child a beautiful name. But each person has their own list of beautiful sounding names. Some prefer to call the boy Alexander, second - Name, third - Vladislav.

Today, lots of lovely names that symbolize kindness, wisdom, generosity, sunk into Oblivion. However, a few centuries ago were very popular. But no wonder they say that all new - well forgotten old. Perhaps one day these names will revive again, come back from obscurity.

Names conferring happiness

choose name

Every name has its own value, often unique. Many parents prefer to give children "lucky" names. And not all these beautiful male names modern. For example:

  • Makar means "happy."
  • Tikhon - "lucky".
  • Benjamin "happy son".
  • Arkady - "lucky country".
  • Felix - "pleasing, bringing happiness".

In many countries, children are "angelic" names - angel, angel (Angeli), angel, Angelus, Angeles.


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Beautiful male names

the owner of the name Adam

Bogdan - a beautiful male Russian name. Means "given by God". The old name used today. In the Church of Bogdan baptized under the name of Theodotus. As it is believed that this name originated from the Greek Theodotos or Todos.

The character of the owners of this name inconsistent. Bogdan somewhat stingy, stingy on the expression of emotions, lazy. He's a bad mixer. It is prone to disputes, stubborn and principled. Liquor in the house where he lives, should be as small as possible.

Cyril translated as "sun", "Lord". The name comes from Ancient Greece due to the adoption of Slavic Orthodoxy.

The character of the owner of this name is very strong. So much so, that not all maintain fellowship with him, subconsciously feeling his inner core. Cyril closed, but loves the noisy company. Some of the qualities of his character can prevent a peaceful family life.

Mylene is a beautiful male Russian name. Translated from old Slavic means "cute". Female version of the name - Milena. The owner of this name is reliable, which allows him to gain prestige among peers even at a very young age.

The Name of Ruslan has Arabic roots and means "lion". Roots date back to the Iranian heroic epic. Hero of the Persian poem "Shakhname" was the name of Rustam. Is also the Russian form of türkic name Arslan. Ruslan is a person is a little narcissistic, hungry for fame and love of others. But reliable and motivated.

Edward (English version Edward) is one of the most beautiful names of our time. This word goes back to old Germanic language and consists of two parts: "ead" (rich) and "weard" (guardian). Literally translated as "guardian of wealth". Energy of this name is filled with reliability, toughness and determination.

Timur - Turkic name of the commander who played an important role in the history of Asia, Caucasus and even Russia. The second option is named - Tamerlan. Perhaps is a variation of the name Damir. In translation from Turkic means "iron". In the character Timurov salient features of the famous General - stubbornness, strong will, determination.

Svyatoslav is one of the most beautiful names in the world, like many other Slavic names that have the ending "glories". This name means "his glory Holy", "sacred glory". Russia remembers many princes, Svyatoslav narechenyh. The owner of it is openness, the ability to stand up for myself, vanity.

Igor - beautiful modern male name, which was popular in the pre-Christian time. Descended from the Norse God of Ingvar, who, according to the Chronicles, was the first God. According to another version, part of "ing" represents the God of fertility in Scandinavia and the second part of the name, "varr" means to protect. Literally, "guarding the name of God." According to a less widespread version, the name has Celtic roots. The owner of this name mobile, easily converge with people, but has a stubbornness and self-interest.

Yaroslav is another popular in the princely families of the name. Means "bright", "has life-force". Perhaps the name comes from the Norman language. Today in the Czech Republic and Poland, as in ancient times, Yaroslav is still lovingly referred to Yarosh. Owner name Yaroslav - the person with strong spirit. It is difficult to break. He is secretive, vain, but honest and reliable.

Adam is one of the most beautiful male names in the world. This ancient name has Jewish roots. Means "created from clay" because this name got the first man on Earth. Muslims revere him as the father of all mankind and the first prophet of Allah. The owner of the name Adam - the person is emotionally vulnerable, unstable, but determined. Adam is a caring, talented, loves animals.

Muslim names

Muslim names

This group contains the names of all the peoples who converted to Islam. Therefore, Muslim names very much. However, many families prefer such traditional names as Ali, Muhammad. This is because choosing a baby name not in accordance with its value. Usually the baby is named after someone. This explains why most men who practice Islam, wear the name Muhammad and its derivatives - Mahmoud, Mohammed. They are named in honor of the prophet of Allah.

List of rare Muslim names

The List of rare and beautiful Muslim male names is quite extensive. But to meet someone with the same name is problematic, because they are practically not used modern Islam.

  • Shadid (from Tajik "strong", "bold", "cruel");
  • Fatih ("the conqueror"). So is the first Surah in the Qur'an;
  • Fudali ("honour" in Azerbaijani);
  • Khalil (lit. "lover);
  • Maali (probably descended from Turkic language means "talented and deserving");
  • Basile (in translation from the Tatar "brave", "hero");
  • Walid (Arab. "child", "descendant", "newborn");
  • Farhan (is of Persian origin, means "happy");
  • Jabal ("mountain");
  • Amir (Arabic for "Prince", "Lord") can also sound like an Emir;
  • Iskander (the Muslim version of the name Alexander);
  • Vildan (pers. "the child");
  • Ilnur (the Tatars. "ruler");
  • Ainur (the Tatars. "moonlight");
  • Eldar (lit. "gift of God").

Now, having discussed Muslim male names, move on to European.

Beautiful foreign names

foreign names

Foreign names are meeting today in Russian-speaking countries often. Many parents prefer to give their children a rare foreign names that sound unusual and beautiful. Some names are already long time residents of the Russian-speaking countries - Alex, Philip, Edward. Other names, like Michael or Thomas are too simple, according to many parents.

Consider the most beautiful male names of European origin.

  • Arthur (Celt. "big bear"). This name gained popularity due to the legend of king Arthur of Camelot;
  • German (with the Latin. "native");
  • Renat (Latin "re-born);
  • Robert (from German/Franz. "bright");
  • Ewald (ger., "the rightful ruler"). Roland (it. "famous land");
  • Leandr (grets. "lion nature");
  • Eric (from Skand. "ruler"). The name of the Northern rulers of the Danes, Swedes, Norwegians;
  • Edmund (it. "defender of the land");
  • Hector (ancient Greek. "custodian"). The so-called Prince of Troy;
  • Alexandr (from the English. "defender of mankind");
  • Kendall (eng. "from the valley of sources");
  • Beale (FR. "beautiful").

This list may not be comprehensive. List beautiful male foreign names can be infinite.

Male Spanish names

Spanish times

The Spanish can have up to 5 names. But often only use first and second. The first boy's name is given in honor of his father, the second in th...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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