American animator Matt Groening: biography, creativity, and interesting facts


2018-03-20 00:25:14




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Immature loser fry, coarse humorist Homer, a notorious bully Bart – the virtual life of these popular “cartoon” heroes watch millions of inhabitants of our planet. All of them were created by one person. About it we will tell you in this article.

Matt Groening: his childhood and youth

“Simpsons” and “Futurama” – in today's world it is difficult to find anyone who has not heard about these iconic cartoons. Their Creator is Matt Groening (Matt deeanna coar). Who is this man? Where he was born, and how was his childhood? Let's deal!

Matt Groening

The Famous American cartoonist Matt Groening was born on 25 Feb 1954 in Portland (Oregon), in the family of the advertiser, and a former teacher. Studied future genius of animation doesn't matter. But already at school began to draw funny cartoons and funny cartoons that often visited the principal's office.

At the end of high school Matt went to College evergreen (Evergreen State College), located in the town of Olympia in Washington state. However, according to the multiplier, anything useful for this study to no avail. However, during College Matt worked hard in the University newspaper as its editor. There he was, incidentally, published his first mini-comic.

After Graduating from College, Matt Groening moved to Los Angeles. There he dreamed of becoming a writer, but it all came together for him a little differently.

The Search itself, and the first small successes

‘Animation – this is a special lesson that is perfect for those who really can't write or draw" (M. Groening).

In the period up to its global recognition Matt has changed many professions. In particular, he has worked as a courier, journalist, driver, a literary critic, a dishwasher, a seller of records. This period of his career he was called "life in Hell”. Burdened by the mundane and difficult life in Los Angeles, Matt Groening starts again to draw comics. And calls them respectively – Life in Hell.


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Matt Groening matt deeanna coar

The Main character sketches from the “hell of a life” was anthropomorphic rabbit named Binky. And he, apparently, was also a resident of the “cursed” Los Angeles. Groening, multiply his drawings on the photocopier and distributed to friends and acquaintances. First, his comics are appreciated only in a very narrow, avant-garde circles. But two years later they began to publish in the weekly newspaper Los Angeles Reader (although for this Matt had to be arranged in this edition).

By the Way, working in the Los Angeles Reader, Groening met his future wife, Deborah Caplan (the couple divorced in 1999). She advised Matt to publish your favorite comics in book form. The collection came out in 1984 and sold in great quantities in 22 thousand copies. Then followed other books – “School is Hell", "Work is HELL”, “the Big book of Hell” and other. They can be purchased in bookstores today.

And what was next? And then there was “Simpsons”!

Unprecedented success… yellow

The Idea of the animated series, bringing in one billion dollars annually, was conceptualized and designed by Matt just over half an hour! In 1985, the work of a novice animator interested famous producer James Brooks. He invited Groening to him and offered work on a small animated sketches for the entertainment of the show Tracey Ullman.

Matt Groening did not want to use these drawings of characters from his “Life in Hell”, fearing to lose the copyright on their books. So, literally on the move, he sketched on the paper of the Simpsons family – five heroes yellow color with angular and rather ugly features. Brooks approved of the idea. And so were born the famous “Simpsons”.

Matt Groening produced 48 issues in the framework of the “Show Tracey Ullman”. To watch early Simpsons is now quite funny, because they are nothing like the modern and loved by millions of heroes. Compare for yourself:

Matt Groening, American animator

But even such “Simpsons” has been quite well appreciated by the audience. Therefore, in December 1989, the FOX has a chance to put on the air a full 13 half-hour episodes of the new animated series.

What you need to know about the simpsons: the most interesting facts

“Simpsons” (The Simpsons) - the longest cartoon series in television history, spanning 28 seasons and over 600 episodes. To this day it was broadcast in more than hundred countries around the world. In “simpsons” in a rather rigid form completely ridiculed all the way up to modern TV!

We have selected for you the most interesting facts about this cartoon:

  • Almost all the characters of the series – yellow.
  • Characters “Simpsons” never age and look exactly the same as in the first season.
  • A Lot of neologisms gave a “Simpsons” in English. The most popular of them – the exclamation "Dow!”.
  • All the cartoon characters four fingers on his hands (five – the only God).
  • Production of one episode “the Simpsons” goes from 6 to 8 months.
  • On the series has about 200 artists and animators (half of them live in South Korea).
  • The Script each new edition rewritten at least 12 times.
  • Barbara Bush in 1990year called the show “the most stupid thing she had ever seen”. However, then she apologized for his words.
  • But the Vatican, by contrast, described the stories “the Simpsons” is quite realistic and reasonable.
  • According to statistics, the average age of the audience “Simpsons” is 30 years.

Matt Groening: movies and main works (list)

In 1999, when Groening was at the peak of world fame, the FOX network aired another creation multiplier – “Futurama”. This project, in contrast to the “Simpsons” has already been completed (all were drawn and released seven seasons). With the help of the animated series “Futurama” Matt Groening brought to life cherished childhood dream – to create an ideal and fantastic world of the future.

Matt Groening movies

Recently it became known that Matt is preparing to release another product-animated series for adults called “Frustrated”. The premiere is scheduled for 2018.

All animated films and other works of Matt Groening are listed below:

  • Comic book Series Life in Hell (1978-1984).
  • “Simpsons” (1987-…).
  • “Futurama” (1999-2013).
  • “Frustration” (2018).

Matthew Abram Groening,: 10 interesting facts

  • Yes, it is the full version of the name of a famous animator (Matthew Abram deeanna coar).
  • Matt & ndash; he has a star on the walk of Fame.
  • Many make a mistake in the pronunciation of the names of Matt Groening calling him. As said multiplier in one of his interviews, the right to say it, Groening (consonant with the English word complaining).
  • Groening grew up in a large family (his parents had five children).
  • Ethnic origin Matt – half-canadian, religion-agnostic.
  • Matt Groening – left-handed.
  • Matt & ndash; a big fan of Godzilla – a fictional character of comic books and feature films.
  • At the time, Groening drew cartoons erotic content.
  • When the main character “Simpsons” stands in profile, his ear and hair looks like two letters: M and G. So the cartoonist modestly decided to encrypt their initials.
  • Matt voiced one of his characters, namely – baby Maggie Simpson. In particular, it reproduces its funny tutting noise.

the Simpsons Matt Groening

“I always wanted to sneak in popular culture and turn it on its head. Perhaps I did it!”. This quote Matt Groening is the best completes the story about outstanding cartoonist of our time.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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