Deism - what is it? Deism in the philosophy of


2018-03-20 05:43:11




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Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe is rapidly changing people's worldview. Actively developing science: a textile industry, invented metallurgy, many natural phenomena were explained from the point of view of physics. Consequently, the dogmas of the Catholic Church has been in doubt, and renounced the faith of scientists began the persecution (the Inquisition).

this is deism

The European society of the 16th-17th centuries required a new doctrine, giving people complete answers to your questions. To explain unsolvable within the framework of religion questions was called deism.


What is deism? Can we consider it a religion?

Deism in the philosophy – the direction of public opinion that emerged in the 17th century. Is a synthesis of rationalism with the idea of God. According to deism, the root cause of the world was God or a Higher Intelligence. It was he who gave impetus to the development of this amazing and beautiful around us. Then he left the world to develop according to natural laws.

Deism, in philosophy appeared with the revolutionary bourgeoisie, feudalism and denied the limitless power of the Church.

It's time to understand what deism: religion, philosophy, or ideological construct? Most sources define it as the direction or flow of thoughts that explain the world. Deism is not a religion because it denies the dogma. Some scholars even define this philosophical direction is a hidden atheism.

Birthplace of deism?

The Birthplace of deism was England, then the doctrine became popular in France and Germany. In each country, the direction had its characteristic color, combined with the mentality of the people. These three countries were the centers of the ideology of the Enlightenment, most scientific discoveries happened in them.


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In England, deism was widespread among educated people. Only a narrow stratum of writers and philosophers led by Lord Carbery “lit” a new idea. They wrote numerous works, based on ideas of the ancient philosophers. The founder of deism was highly critical of the Church: he believed that she possesses unlimited power, based on blind faith of people.

a supporter of deism

A Second name of deism-a religion of the mind, described in "Treatise of the truth" of the labor Cerberi. Peak direction's popularity in England came in the first half of the 18th century: the idea of the exercise was to share even deeply religious people.

Of Great importance was the deism of France: Voltaire, Montesquieu and Mella strongly criticized the power of the Church. They were protesting not against the belief in God and against religion-imposed prohibitions and restrictions, as well as against great power of Church officials.

Voltaire – a key figure in the French Enlightenment. A Christian scientist from turning into a deist. He admits a rational faith, not blind.

The Deists Germany read the works of their British and French contemporaries. Next, they formed a popular movement of "Enlightenment". The German philosopher Wolff was a deist: this is where the Protestant religion became more free.

Deists – famous historical figures and scientists

Not surprisingly, the classic supporter of deism had higher education and was fond of history. When a man knows physics, it is impossible to convince that the rainbow or the thunder-divine phenomenon. The scientist can assume that the root of everything was God, who formed the harmonious and beautiful world, gave him the logical laws, according to which all lives and moves. But God does not interfere in the events. They occur in accordance with open physical laws.

deism in the philosophy of it

Well-Known Deists were:

  • Isaac Newton.
  • Voltaire.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  • David Hume.
  • Alexander Radishchev.
  • Jean Bodin.
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.
  • Mikhail Lomonosov.

The Ideas of deism are still popular. Many Western scientists are Deists – they recognize the Divine principle of the world, thus know their field of science.

Theism, deism, pantheism – what is the difference?

The Difference between these similar sounding words big:

  • Theism – it is an ideological concept based on the belief in one God. Two world religions-Christianity and Islam - are theistic. They belong to the monotheistic religions, i.e., recognize one God.
  • Deism – is not a religion, as mentioned earlier, the symbiosis of two ideas: the idea of the Creator with the laws of science. This philosophical direction is not based on revelation, and recognize the mind, intelligence and data.
  • Pantheism – it is a religious-philosophical direction, equating God to nature. To understand the “God” through convergence with the Universe and with nature.

pantheism and deism

Having Defined the concepts, we list the main differences between these concepts from each other:

  • Theism – the same as religion. Recognizes the existence of one God who created the world and still helping people. Pantheism and deism-is a philosophical movement that describes the world order.
  • Deism – the current of thought, which combines the idea of a God who created the Universe, and the idea of further development of the world according to certain laws, alreadywithout the intervention of the Creator. Pantheism is a philosophical direction, identifying the concept of God with nature. Deism and pantheism – fundamentally different things, which should not be confused with each other.

The Impact of deism on the development of philosophy

Deism, in philosophy, is a completely new direction, which gave rise to at least three philosophical concepts:

  • Empirismo.
  • Materialism.
  • Ateismo.

The ideas of deism relied on many German scientists. Kant used them in his famous work “Religion within the limits of the mind”. Even Russia came to the echoes of the European Enlightenment: in the 18-19 th centuries, a new trend has become popular among Russian progressive leaders.

Deistic ideas contributed:

  • Combating prejudice and superstition.
  • Dissemination of scientific knowledge.
  • The Positive interpretation of progress.
  • Development of social thought.


according to deism

Deism – this is a fundamentally new direction in philosophy, spread rapidly across Europe during the Enlightenment. Inquiring minds of medieval scholars, philosophers and thinkers linked the idea of a Creator God with scientific discoveries.

We Can say that the new vision has been successfully satisfied. Deism contributed to the development of science, art and freedom.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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