The father of algebra, mathematician françois Viet


2018-03-20 13:40:16




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All the famous French scientist who gave the world a symbolic algebra – mathematician françois Viet. Let us consider his discoveries and achievements.

Childhood, education and early career

The future mathematician was Born in 1540, in the small town of Fontenay-Le-Comte. Scientist parents were wealthy people. Father was a Prosecutor. Initial training of a mathematician received in the local Franciscan monastery.

Francois Viet

But then, following tradition, Francois Viet selects for study the faculty of law and at the age of twenty years, successfully completes a University (Poitou). Receives a bachelor's level. Returned to his hometown, where he became popular in the law field. In 1567 the list of French civil servants added a new name – Francois Viet. Interesting facts there was in his work in trigonometry “Mathematical Canon”, which was published in 1579, though written nine years earlier. The future father of algebra at an early age realized that he is interested in mathematics.

Teachers ' activities and important Dating

've Been a public servant mathematician for long. Francois Viet was invited as a teacher for the daughter of a noble family de Parthenay. The girl teaching the various Sciences, he felt a strong interest in astronomy and trigonometry.

In 1571, the future father of algebra françois Viet moved to Paris. In the capital, met with prominent mathematicians of the time – Professor Ramus and Rafael Bombelli.

Francois Viet biography

Meeting with the future king of France Henry IV (of Navarre) helps to obtain a position as a privy Councilor at the court.

In 1580 was appointed to the important post of rocketmatter, which allowed to monitor the implementation of orders and instructions of the Royal family.

Solution code

One of the few mathematicians who were awarded the Queens award were françois Viet. The biography mentions that the father of algebra, was able in just two weeks to solve the secret cipher which over the years fought eminent French scientists.


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the mathematician françois Viet

The Sixteenth century-the era of clashes with the militant Spain. The enemies of France had received information in the form of encrypted code, the most perfect at the time.

More than five hundred of the ever-changing characters helped the agents of the Spanish crown freely to plan attacks without fear of being caught. The information specified in the letters getting into the hands of the French, was unreadable.

Deciphering the code helped to win several major victories over the Spanish, to block the trade and cash flows. France got a serious advantage.

Representatives of the Spanish crown was in shock from what was happening. Not without a traitor who ratted on mathematics Spanish king.

Francois Viet photo

The First thing that was done – sent a letter to the Pope about the relations of vieta with the devil and involvement in black magic. This meant the court of the Inquisition, without any chances of life for a scientist.

Of Course, the French king was not given vieta on request from the Vatican.

Expulsion from Paris

In 1584 the family of guise has made the removal of vieta from office.

Surprisingly, the scientist was even pleased with the turn of events. For him, it meant that now all the free time he can devote to his beloved mathematics.

Contemporaries mention his extraordinary ability to work up to three days without sleep. Time was held constant studies.

Four years left for the decision of tasks. The main goal was to produce a formula that allows us to solve any equation. So there was a literal algebra. In 1591 he published a collection of “Introduction to the analytical art” (folded in a single system squares, cubes, roots, variables). Was introduced symbols based on Latin letters. Unknown data were designated vowels. Variables – agree.

Francois Viet interesting facts

In 1589, the relationship of the family of Guise and the king went wrong. Owing to what Francois Viet was completely restored in the public service. A mathematician returns to Paris.

Why open vieta so important?

Francois mathematics was a cumbersome task, written words. Often the description was stretched to several pages. Sometimes, finishing to read the writing, forgot about what was discussed in the beginning. The solution also had to record the words.

This approach made it impossible for complex calculations.

Thanks to the Vieta has been proven the law of multiplication, were derived the first formula. Began to be used for decimal points.

Of Course, in equations Francois remained words – “the construction of the cube”, “equal” etc. But even with this reduction it was possible to save a huge amount of the main resource-time.

In 1591 was presented to the world theorem, named after the great scientist. Nothing to hide, Viet was proud of his discovery.

Trigonometry and astronomy

One of the main goals of mathematics was astronomy and its development. It was necessary to develop trigonometry. Numerous studies have brought the scholar to the removal of cosines in a General way, which is somehow mentioned in the works ofmathematicians ever since the first century.

Viacom were derived expressions for the sines and cosines of arcs square. He deepened the knowledge of the circles and inscribed polygons. Brought to 18 the number of sign “PI”.

Using only compass and ruler could solve the problem about circle arcs concerning the other three, composed in Ancient Greece. On it for a few centuries fought the most prominent of mathematics.

Viet and van Roomen

The French mathematician bind another interesting story.

Adrian van Roomen, one of the most important mathematical figures of the Netherlands, announced a competition for a solution of the equation of the forty-fifth degree. The French colleagues were not even sent the job. It was thought that in this country scientists are not available, even theoretically capable of solving such a complicated equation. Only the personal influence of the French king was allowed to get a job.

Just two days Viet was able to present twenty-three solutions. Insatiable genius scientist allowed him to become the first winner of the competition of the best mathematicians. This brought the Vieta more fame, a cash prize and a personal deep sympathy van Romana.

Family and children

About this side of life, the great mathematician, unfortunately, the data quite a bit.

Little information is reported that Viet were married. And his daughter became the sole heir of the estate of his father.


Francois Viet died 13 February 1603 at the age of nearly sixty-three years. The last city, which saw the great mathematician, was Paris.

father of algebra françois Viet

According to one version, he was killed by envy or enemies.

After the death of the scholar (1646) was published another algebraic compilation. Such a long period of time it took to decrypt the complex and idiosyncratic language, which was used by the scientist during development.

Of Course, over the last four centuries mathematics has gone far ahead, and a survey Francois today seem naive and somewhat primitive. But in the memory of grateful descendants Viet will remain the ancestor of modern mathematics. Without opening the letter of calculating further development it would be impossible.

Did a Lot for science Francois Viet. Photo of the scientist, of course, does not exist. The first kind of camera will appear only after half a century after his death. But the artists-contemporaries often painted portraits of mathematics. Thanks to them we have the opportunity to see the man who gave us algebra. Judging by the portraits, Francois wore a beard and was dressed very stylish for the time. Filename vieta named a crater on the moon.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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