Cleaning pool water: review of tools, methods and recommendations


2018-03-21 21:11:19




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The Advantages of country houses not only the absence of bustle and obtrusive neighbors. A huge plus is the presence of private land, which you can Refine according to your taste. Some sow the land with grass, other plant fruit trees. Still others dig a pit and build a pool. Swimming in it - quite entertaining leisure time, especially in hot summer days. But do not forget about caring for a swimming pool. Important the procedure – treatment of water in it. To clean it regularly. Dirty water – it's not only the smell and discomfort, but also a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. So today we will look at different ways of water purification in the pool and their characteristics.


Today there is a huge choice of means and methods for disinfection of swimming pools, through which you can avoid frequent water changes. So, the following cleaning methods:

  • Mechanical.
  • Chemical.
  • Electrophysical.
water purification chlorine VBUS

Method of disinfection can be:

  • Manual.
  • Automatic.
  • Semi-automatic.

What is the clean water in the pool in the country is the cheapest? The simplest way is manual. However, it should be noted immediately the cons. It is the complexity and duration of the procedure. If you want to save time and you have a bigger budget, should consider the option of automatic cleaning of the pool water.

The Third method is a kind of compromise between automatic and manual method.

What is used in mechanical disinfection?

This procedure is performed by means of liquid filtration. When using a mechanical method, water is cleaned of such particles as:

  • Insects.
  • Leaves.
  • Hair.
  • Dust.
  • Mud.
  • As well As other mechanical and organic debris.
water treatment equipment in the pool

How is this happening? In this case, special filters for water purification in the pool. They treat the top layer of liquid, passing it through your injector and returning back to the tank. But it is worth remembering that the equipment for water purification in the pool must have the same capacity to the entire volume of fluid through it could pass for a day at least three or four times.


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Types of treatment facilities

To date, several types of filters:

  • Sand. Apply often. Their advantage is that the required minimum financial costs. As a purifying element is the gravel and sifted quartz sand.
  • Diatomite. Have a high degree of disinfection. Inside contains granite backfill and diatomaceous sand.
  • Catridge. Very easy to use, however, not guarantee the same results as the previous type.

It Should be noted that if the cleaning of the pool water without chlorine pump, impossible to get rid of impurities that settle on the bottom and walls of the structure. In this case, it is advisable to use an underwater vacuum cleaner. It is designed for cleaning swimming pool water from various bacteria, mold and other particles of high density.

Types of underwater vacuum cleaner

Many have benefited from the use of this equipment. Such vacuum cleaner is most suitable for high-quality purification of water in the pool. But before choosing you need to decide what type of unit fits the most:

  • Manual. It is also called bottom. Has a small cost. It's mainly used for treatment of water in an inflatable or portable pool. Connected element. It connects to the filter and cleans the bottom of the pool.
  • Semi-automatic. This equipment allows to disinfect both the bottom and walls of the reservoir. Semi-automatic vacuum cleaner is versatile and suitable for all types of pools. Some models can connect to the skimmer. Also there are options that come with a bag to collect dirt.
  • Automatic. Has a high capacity. Used in reservoirs with a deep bottom and a large area. Reviews say that this device copes with the disinfection of the bottom and walls of the pool.
water purification in the swimming pool chlorine

Underwater units are ideal for the treatment of artificial reservoirs. When working, they do not emit any harmful substances. Their action is not accompanied by additional pollution, as is the case with the manual method. All the debris and bacteria get into the sealed bag, specially designed for this purpose.

Set to manual cleansing

If the budget for clean water in the pool is limited, you can apply and cheaper way. For manual disinfection, you need to prepare:

  • A Set of nets. With the help of these tools going all the debris from the surface. If you need to remove the mud from the bottom, apply the deep net.
  • Brush. Need to eliminate plaque algae on the walls of the reservoir.
  • Telescopic rod.

But even if you use professional set for manual cleaning of the pool water the result will differ compared to using the pump. Besides, this treatment does not applychemical. And, therefore, will not occur in the clearance of bacteria and dangerous microorganisms that penetrate the pool along with debris.

Chemical processing

In Order to efficiently disinfect the pond, you need to use special chemicals. Thanks to them, we will completely destroy various types of bacteria and microorganisms, reaching the required water quality. What cleans the pool water by chlorine and other chemicals? This is done to:

  • To Maintain a normal pH level. This can be achieved through the use of active oxygen, bromine or chlorine the same.
  • To Prevent contamination of the reservoir. Data cleaning of the pool water allow to exclude the development of calcareous deposits and algae on the surface of the walls of the reservoir. Also, thanks to chemistry to keep transparency of the liquid.
cleaning of the pool water without chlorine

Are they Harmful these drugs are to the human body? Experts say that if you use the recommended concentration of this water is absolutely safe for swimming. The main thing-to follow the instructions and do not exceed the permissible limits.

Today you can buy chemicals for disinfection in different forms. This:

  • Powder.
  • Granules.
  • Tablets.
  • Briquettes.

Not to be confused with the choice, you can buy universal multifunctional tablet. They are suitable for disinfecting all bodies of water. In addition, they adjust the pH in the liquid and remove lime deposits, as well as prevent their further development.

water purification equipment

It is Worth noting that for a more rapid purification is better to use Halogens. This bromine and chlorine. These drugs are the most cheap and suitable for disinfecting large volumes of water. Today widely used chlorine gas (at least – the dioxide and chloramines). But if you are using this chemical, do not forget about safety. Halogens (including chlorine) are highly aggressive substances. It is not necessary to increase their concentration.

Active oxygen

With a soft disinfectant – is a method using active oxygen. This operation is not performance and is quite slow. But active oxygen is the most safe means for chemical purification of water.


This is another method of disinfection fluid. It is as follows:

  • In the pool added a certain amount of salt.
  • Salt passes through the electrolysis station.
  • As a result, it splits into two components. Are sodium and chlorine.
  • The Latest falls in the water and interacts with the pollutants.

Reviews have noted that the electrolysis – a rather effective method of disinfection. Moreover, such a water purification system in a pool does not cause allergic reactions and does not irritate the person.

Reagentless method

In this case, applied electrophysical technology of disinfection. It can be done in several ways. This:

  • Ozonation. Experts say that the use of ozone is a more effective solution for disinfection than the use of chlorine. In addition, this tool is absolutely safe to human body.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation. It's a pretty effective method, but it is always with the use of ultraviolet irradiation. After treatment this water will be completely safe for humans.
  • Ionization. This process is carried out using such metals as copper and silver. The essence of the process consists in the following. The pool is equipped with special equipment, through which passes the contaminated water. The equipment has electrodes which are exposed to electric current. While working, they please the ions of silver and copper. The water passing through them, disinfected. It also lost the microorganisms that form algae and other organic residue.

How often is disinfection?

Clean up of pool water (peroxide, chlorine or ultraviolet lamps – doesn't matter) should be performed at least once a season. Only with timely procedures to preserve the purity and transparency of the liquid in the pool. Moreover, this water is absolutely safe for the human body.

Useful tips

There Are times when the water is very rapidly losing its appearance. It begins to bloom and give off an unpleasant odor. Produce weekly cleaning – is also not an option. But how can that be? Not to wrestle with the question of how to disinfect the pool, its construction, need to produce high-quality waterproofing. You also use the charging magnetic water softener. It should go into closed loop "pool - filter pool”.

water purification with peroxide

You Need to carefully approach the issue of filling the reservoir. Do not use the liquid from rivers, lakes and ponds. Why? This water has a lot of bacteria, algae and impurities. Therefore, in the artificial pond, it quickly starts to bloom. Just after a week at 30-degree temperaturethis fluid will acquire a green color and an unpleasant odor. Swimming in this reservoir is not only unpleasant, but also harmful for the body. Fill the pool exclusively from centralized water systems. It will be cheaper than regular chemical cleaning of the reservoir.

Also note a few useful guidelines:

  • Before the season to not only check the fluid for contamination, but the pump itself to clean the pool water for proper operation. If necessary, replace the filter element.
  • Swimming pools closed type possible to disinfect because they are not in contact with the external rainfall.
  • If the walls of the reservoir are fat and algae, it is better to treat alkaline cleaners.
  • To eliminate limescale you can apply the acid cleaner. But it is not necessary to use hydrochloric acid even when the pool is emptied. It penetrates into the space between the tiles and the subsequent filling is mixed with the liquid. Also, don't use products that contain phosphates. They will contribute to the growth of mold and mildew on the tiles.
  • After disinfection of the reservoir is to flush the surface of the pipes. It is unacceptable that they rusted. To prevent corrosion, you can use an acidic cleaner.
  • To avoid the appearance of algae in the future, lubricate the wall of the pool solution algaecide.
  • When cleaning tiles you should not use aggressive means. They should not cause the whitening effect and affect the uniformity of the color.
  • When cleaning zone "air - water" use products with emulsifiers the dirt.
  • Do Not choose cheap products for disinfection. They can form an active foam and deposits on the surface which will very last long afterwards. Also cheap media can have an unpleasant odor. He says that in the product used a combination of ammonia and ammonia. These products have a negative impact on the human body, including on the respiratory tract.
  • To get rid of lime on the bottom or walls of the pool, you should use special products to reduce the pH level or chlorine powder. Ten minutes later it can be washed off from the surface.
  • If you have stainless steel items in the pool is to be careful. They should not come into contact with cleaning agents, otherwise it can change their color. For cleaning this metal is necessary to use special facilities (pickling paste) and deletion of the processing brush with steel fibers. The only way to preserve the original appearance of stainless steel elements in the pond.
    water purification in the pool


So, we found some methods of cleaning the pool. As you can see, quite a lot of ways. However, for effective disinfection it is better to apply comprehensive measures, i.e. mechanical and chemical cleaning. So we will maintain normal pH and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the water.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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