The tale "the Ugly duckling": the author, characters, content, reviews


2018-03-26 18:30:29




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Who among us has not admired the proud and graceful birds - swans. These majestic white and handsome with excellent posture immediately reminiscent of the tale by the Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen's "the Ugly duckling". This product is a miracle! The story of the ugly duckling turned beautiful Swan, has touched the hearts of many children and adults. A great storyteller could very deeply and sensually to describe all the adventures of that poor, poor chick, until he turned into a majestic bird.the author of the ugly duckling

The World of fairy tales by the great Danish masters

Since childhood most will recognize the author of "the Ugly duckling" - Hans Christian Andersen. The world of his tales is very diverse. "The snow Queen", "the little Mermaid", "the Princess and the pea," "the Nightingale", "the Wild swans" are true masterpieces that are famous all over the world. Many of the characters of Andersen's fairy tales became a household name during the life of the writer. Hans Christian did not consider himself a children's writer, many of his works raise very deep problems of adults. What are tales of the author of "the Ugly duckling"?

Among a huge number of works by Andersen there are a lot of creations with a happy ending, that love children. Also in the collection are serious stories that can be understood only by adults. The minds of children and their parents fascinating beautiful story called "Thumbelina" is about a tiny girl who grew up in the flower Bud. The motif of the miraculous Transfiguration of the heroes of favorite fairy tales by Hans Christian. So, in the story "the Princess and the pea" readers see an inconspicuous girl who became a Princess.


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True love and self-sacrifice depicts the writer in the tale "the Wild swans". The girl Eliza with the risk of his life saves his brothers from the spell of an evil stepmother. This work is more dramatic. But the most tragedy-filled story about a young Mermaid who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the beloved Prince. The great power of true art showed Andersen fairy tale "the Nightingale". Ostentatious grandeur and spiritual emptiness reflected the writer in his work "the Emperor's New clothes". It is impossible to imagine the tales of the great Dane without the mysterious man, the giver of good kids sweet dreams - OLE Lukoye.the ugly duckling fairy tale

The Concept of literary fairy tales

The Creative legacy of H. C. Andersen are primarily literary tales. They brought the author of "the Ugly duckling" world famous. First, the Writer retold some traditional tales, and then began to create their works in this genre. Literary fairy tale genre called narrative with magical-fantastic content, fictional or real heroes, fairy tale or reality. Writers raised in these works, moral, aesthetic, social problems of society.

Early Andersen fairy tale similar to the works of the brothers Grimm: there is a simple and natural tone of the national narrative. His first collection was called "Tales told for children", where a lot of similar folklore. The basis of the collection he took 10 of the tales that he told in childhood. From these works, readers are discovering the beauty and spiritual essence of the world.

What is the primary author of the creed of the author of "the Ugly duckling"? The writer appreciates the sincere souls and direct feelings. In the images of the tragic aspects of life still prevails good. Andersen believes in the man always wins divine. The storyteller really believe in a good God. He believed that every event in a person's life indicates that he belongs to the Lord. According to the writer, only one will see the light and become better, who will survive many trials and burdens in life.

The Most voluminous literary fairy tale by Hans Christian is "the snow Queen". The author touches on very deep issues. The main thing that showed the storyteller is the all-conquering power of love that can overcome any obstacle. Brave girl Gerda didn't just save her brother Kai from the Snow Queen's Palace, but returned his good heart.

Andersen the ugly duckling

Hard fate of the writer and the autobiographical moments in the tale

In Denmark there is an ancient town of Odense. There was born in 1805, the author of "the Ugly duckling" Hans Christian Andersen. His father was a simple shoemaker. He lived in a poor apartment, was surrounded by ordinary people, fed on the most meagre food. But he had seen miracles in the most simple things, loved to hear the stories of older people. He often stare at the theatrical posters. He made homemade dolls and played entire performances.

Such imagination led him in the theatrical activities. He made a puppet theater right at home. He wrote scripts, made props, and paper suits. After the funeral of his father in 1819, a young man moved to the capital of Denmark - Copenhagen. Wanting to be happy, he tries to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. Kind people helped to get him to school. Fourteen-year-old young man had to sit at the Desk with students much younger than him. The address of Andersen flew a lot of ridicule and humiliation from classmates. Hans passed the test and graduated from high school. He then enrolled at the University. This period of his life the writer has depicted in the book "the Ugly duckling".

Being famous with words, Anderson and myself have realized that benefits the world. So he was happy. Each new tale brought many joyful emotions of his readers. Hans Christian has learned to read fairy tales in front of ordinary people. He was not ashamed of his low origin, but rather wanted his books were read by children from poor families like himself. Most of all, the writer hated the empty, ignorant, boastful and lazy representatives of high society.

The aristocracy, which ridiculed Anderson in his books, was dissatisfied with his witty ridicule. They could not understand how the son of a shoemaker can over them to make fun of. After all, he even the name of low origin. Only on its 50th anniversary, the author was recognized in his hometown of Odense. On the day of giving him the title of honorary citizen, the townspeople lit the lights.who wrote the ugly duckling

Summary of the fairy tale "the Ugly duckling"

His tale, Hans Christian published in 1843. Many children are interested in, who wrote "the Ugly duckling", and this is not surprising. After all, the problems raised by Anderson in this tale is relevant in our days. On Russian language the Danish version translated by Anna Hansen. In accordance with role-semantic sections of the tale artwork "the Ugly duckling" can be divided into five parts:

  1. The Hard life of the ducks in the poultry yard. It was a Sunny summer season. In an old manor house, amongst the fluffy leaves of burdock, mother duck hatched ducklings. It becomes clear that the heroes of the "Ugly duckling" are animals. Little kids joyfully looked at the large leaves around them. Duck reassured the children that the world is much larger than these plants, and she's still not all seen. A young mother was approached by an experienced duck and inquired about the situation of Affairs? Mommy was happy with his cubs, only one chick of the biggest all eggs could not hatch. Duck decided that the nest accidentally hit the egg of a Turkey. Finally the moment has arrived. From the last egg appeared chick, which is very different from the others, even his mother, he is not liked. She decided to see if he could swim like all the other ducklings.the ugly duckling analysis
  2. Start wandering. Meeting the duck with friends. In one of the Sunny days the whole family went to the lake. All the kids were yellowish. Only one runt of the litter was grey, but sailed no worse than the others. After bathing duck decided to show off his brood and took all the poultry yard, to show "society". Before that, she taught children how to behave in front of the inhabitants of the yard, to bow down to them. But what, then, were the tenants of the courtyard? Ducklings watched duck families were fighting over a fish head thrown to them by the owners. In the yard there was a terrible scream. Then one duck Spanish breeds welcomed a new family. Only one, the "awkward" young she was and all irritation. The mother duck first came to the defense of the grey duckling, saying that he will grow and will become a prominent duck. Then all the kids went to play. Everyone wanted to hurt gray duckling. They pecked him. Over time, hated it even brothers, sisters and mother. The duckling was exhausted from humiliation and ridicule. He didn't know how to get out of this situation. The only salvation for him was the escape from the house.who was the ugly duckling
  3. Meeting with the geese. Duckling managed somehow to get over the fence. There he met wild ducks, they too began to make fun of his unsightly appearance and worry that he didn't ask them in the family. Several days later, the lake came two important Husak. The appearance of the newcomer seemed to them amusing, and they even decided to show it to their wives. Only this was not to be: the hunters began to shoot the geese, and two new friends were dead. Then to the lake ran a hunting dog, to collect prey. The grey duckling was very scared. But even a dog he never liked: she did not touch the chick. In fear he sat in the reeds until evening, then decided to run.
  4. Suffering duckling harsh winter. The Whole day wandering poor chick. Finally he saw the hut. In it lived an old lady, hen and cat. The hostess decided to leave the chick at home, hoping that one will lay eggs. The cat and the chicken in every way I laughed at the duck, and eggs he was carrying. One day the bird felt that its very tempting to swim, so went to live to the lake. Once there he saw a very beautiful bird. It was the swans. They screamed, and the bird cried in response. Important to approach the birds he did not dare, fearing that they'll reject him like everyone else. And here come the cold winter. To stay warm, the duckling had to swim constantly. But this did not help the poor. He was completely exhausted and frozen to the ice. One farmer saw the duck and took it home. In the new environment, the bird was unusual. He scared little children who wanted to play with him. Running away from them, ducks spilled milk and got covered in flour. The winter he had in the bushes by the lake. It was cold and hungry.
  5. Spring awakening and the sudden transformation of a duckling. Once in the spring, the bird emerged from the reeds and flew. Near the blossoming Apple trees he noticed the proud and beautiful white swans. Duck was sad. But then, remembering all of my troubles, I decided to approach these birds, even if they peck him. Duckwent down to the water and began to swim quietly to the Swan flock, and they swam to meet him. Duck sullenly lowered his head in front of the swans with the expectation that it will be killed. And suddenly in the water he saw his reflection. Who was the ugly duckling? It was a beautiful majestic Swan! Other birds sailed past the handsome young man and stroked it with their long beaks. They gladly accepted him into her pack. Ran children, began to throw to the birds pieces of bread and call new the most beautiful Swan. Before the duck did not even dream about such happiness.

Here is a brief summary of "the Ugly duckling". Sad tale turned out with a happy the ugly duckling

Analysis of the "Ugly duckling": genre, theme, style writer

It is believed that in this tale, Andersen has veiled his biography. The very name of creation is very unusual and is an oxymoron. The same character acts and ugly, and beautiful. Who wrote "the Ugly duckling" and in this connection is already clear. In any genre of written work? Of course, this is a literary tale. But it has other distinctive features. Present in it the motives of the myth, how the theme of exile was very close to the ancient myths. Very often the hero of such works can not control their own destiny - others have power over him power.

A Fabulous duckling acts as a representative of the wild nature that instinctively survives even in the harshest conditions. Wild nature is struggling to exist. The reason for the expulsion duckling was not ugly in his appearance, and that he was different from others. No one knows how the Swan egg was in the nest. The author shows what the test had to go to the hero before everyone began to admire its beauty. The main theme of the "Ugly duckling" is a struggle between good and evil. The transformation of the homely chick in a white handsome man is only the shell, but not the main point of the tale. Andersen showed that the soul of a little duckling open for love and kindness.

In the style of the author is evident dynamism. All events are developing with a particular voltage. For skilled and lively story the writer uses a variety of turns: "dropped dead", "the reeds stirred", "the hunters surrounded", "mist-shrouded", "reeds swayed".

Psychological tales coloring

The Product of "the Ugly duckling" is very unusual. Andersen just shows the fate of the hero, but describes his state of mind in different situations. This he did with monologues. Duck is constantly wondering why he's so ugly. The author shows his tired, sad. Vividly illustrates the psychological state of the duckling at the moment of transformation into a beautiful Swan. His joy knew no bounds. The tale of Andersen "the Ugly duckling" is very sensitive, she overwhelms readers with experiences for a young hero.

The Idea and the problems of work

The Hero of the book is Andersen's "the Ugly duckling" had much to suffer and be humiliated, but, after such a lonely and difficult life, he was able to truly appreciate happiness. The ideological meaning of a tale is expressed by the following concepts:

  • Life is not simple and easy, sometimes there are suffering and joy, coarseness and beauty.
  • A keen perception of happiness man needs wandering and suffering.
  • Sensitive soul and inner talent necessarily rewarded by fate.
  • Generosity and magnanimity manifested after suffering and unexpected happiness. Because it taught the duckling to forgive their abusers.

It Should be noted that in the form of the allegorical tale shows the struggle that had to Andersen on his way to glory.the ugly duckling review

Conclusions about the personality of the author

The Title of the fairy tale has developed into a metaphor. Such a household term as "the ugly duckling" called clumsy teenagers, the appearance of which is still evolving. This autobiographical tale come up the following conclusions about Anderson:

  • The Writer, like his hero, suffered a lot of suffering, incomprehension and ridicule of the vulgar.
  • Andersen had a very vulnerable and sensitive soul.
  • Like the hero of the tale, the author was the bigger person, forgive their abusers and enemies.
  • Andersen has been a huge faith in victory of goodness, beauty and justice.

Feedback about the product

Many adults and children leave reviews of the "Ugly duckling" by Hans Christian. Parents can immediately see in a fairy tale educational background. They believe that it is impossible to guess how the child will grow. Perhaps in childhood he is ugly and unsightly, but, becoming adults, many will achieve. Readers draw the conclusion that everything comes to those who wait. We rush to judgment of a man is not worth it. Parents tale "the Ugly duckling" learn to love their children not for looks, but to educate them a beautiful soul. Many readers like Unbroken the fragile nature of the duck, which did not overcome many hardships.

The Children after reading the fairy tale "the Ugly duckling" think about how hard to be different. They condemn animals that are not friends with Lebedenko and teased him. Good deeds man can overshadow all the shortcomings of his appearance.

"the Ugly duckling" in culture

"the Ugly duckling" Andersen deserves to be filmed, the filmmakers who wrote the music composers. Famous virtuoso Sergei Prokofiev was a musical of the same name written fairy-tale for voice and piano. Twoanimated film based on this work, filmed by Walt Disney. Soviet cinema in 1956 released the cartoon "the Ugly duckling".

In Denmark and other countries is a lot of monuments to Hans Christian Andersen and his fairy tale heroes. In 2010 he opened a Park dedicated to the tales of Danish writer in Shanghai, China.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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