How beautiful to make a marriage proposal


2018-03-22 10:31:25




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The Romantic relationship of couples has different stages of development. And in the development of each of these pairs comes a tipping point when you need to get to a new level, overcoming the next stage in a relationship and plunging into a more serious life, called marriage. It is very important to come to it consciously and to make this moment unforgettable. Therefore, young people often ponder how to propose a girl to marry.

What points should be considered before choosing the method of proposals hands and hearts

Before you can admit to your significant other ready to tie his life with her in Holy matrimony, it is necessary to consider some details.

  1. Preferences of the girl. If she is a lover of different genre of fiction, which simply can not live without books, we have to somehow associate the place recognition with her favorite library or using the most favorite of her works. If it is a fanatical supporter of extreme sports, we must give priority to carrying out the planned action recognition in another theme Park or on the Playground of high-altitude jumps with the insurance. To make a proposal to your beautiful, you need to know its weaknesses and interests and use them for the benefit of their goals.
  2. The Ratio of girls to the public. There are ladies who are not shy to expose their personal life, strongly demonstrating the surprises and gifts from her beloved social networks and bragging about them in front of friends. These girls are open to communication and discussion surrounding his person. Such beauties can propose to you in front of other people. But many girls are distinguished by delicacy of nature and the incredible modesty that makes them shy of attention and requires a special relationship to the person in a more intimate and cozy atmosphere. These girls need to do the proposal in private.
  3. Selection of the right moment. It would be very stupid and awkward look, the recognition of a young person wanting to enter into the marriage bond with his lover in the moment when she is absolutely not ready. For example, a girl not yet accustomed to the loss of the departed to another world beloved great-grandmother, or she just got fired from high-paying jobs, or it is tightly argued with my parents. It is important to seize the moment when she will be really glad that young man finally decided to take this serious step and nothing can stop her to indulge in a touching moment of recognition. Therefore, all these nuances must be considered before you can make a beautiful marriage proposal.

Offer in terms of extreme sports

How many people-so many characters. How many girls – so many varieties of unbridled temper. Each of them – the person, each requires a special approach. Many of them live long in your “shell” of beliefs, and various taboo they used to live a calm life. Option for them as nicely make a suggestion, is banal trip to the restaurant and the actual recognition of the beloved in your intentions directly over dinner. Yes, it's nice, and Yes, it was pretty romantic – but not for all girls it's an original and amazing way to conquer the beloved.


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If the bride-to-combat and typical if she was a stranger to fears and close experiments, the young man will certainly need to use this to their advantage. But how can I propose a girl to marry if she – a tough nut to crack? Recognition in the face of extreme – here is the solution.

There are several possible variations on how to make a nice offer in unusual form with a hint of adrenaline.

  • To Jump with the parachute – one can only imagine the excited emotional state and the incredible happiness of the young person at the time of landing after such a great flight that suddenly is complemented by the unexpected becoming a favorite to a position on one knee with an outstretched hand in a velvet box with the ring inside it.
  • Be on time climbers – an unusual and interesting option as nicely to make an offer of marriage to his girlfriend, is conquering new peaks with the help of specially prepared equipment and waiting on top of a simulated Everest surprise in the form of a small aperitif with a treasured ring.
  • Enjoy a romantic dinner on the roof of a skyscraper or high-rise building – equipping at the site of the attic similarity table for two with cooked his own or borrowed at the sushi bar meals and wine, you can surprise a brave sweetheart the vast breadth of the city and the extreme height of the selected buildings. Such conditions will allow the future bride to feel a bit of adrenaline and, at the same time, enjoy the splendor of the landscape and the welcome speeches of the beloved, the desire to cement relationships by marriage.
    Joint conquest of new tops

Offer in a cozy home atmosphere

What to do if girlfriend is not inclined to force his character to such a desperate travel and conquer the heights? And how to propose a girl home? You need to have a certain amount of intelligence.

You Can ask the courier to bring at the pre-arranged and decorated a huge giftthe box on the name of the future wife, which is in process of unboxing will encounter every time the box is smaller and, eventually, reach a small velvet box with a treasured ring inside.

It is Also possible to involve the most important action of a pet lover, hanging on his collar mini-envelope with obruchalnoe and a small note with the cherished words about the proposal of marriage. Tired and exhausted she'll come after the hard workday home falls on the sofa will beckon furry friend – and the one on the neck is such a lovely surprise. The future bride will definitely be touched and happy.

Proposal of marriage

Quotation for work

Public beauties, collecting hundreds of “likes” on social networks and thousands of daily hits on your pages, like increased attention to his person. They love it when you care for them and they prefer their joys to share with others. But how can be nice to propose a girl who's not shy about public attention? You can tell her your intentions right at her work.

Office worker can please a flashmob in the form of the cluster of her colleagues and friends around the beloved young man gathered under the Windows of her office with balloons of hearts and banners on the offer of her lover to marry him. A similar picture is in any case will not leave a girl indifferent.

The Employee of small Bank branches can play out, had sent a very nasty and demanding client who, supposedly, will require for girls the issuance of reprimand with a record in a personal matter. And when she goes “the rug” to the head office, where it will wait for the cheering Collegium and the main man in her life with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers in their hands, to utter the cherished speech.

Offer to the public

Offer in the air

A romantic nature in the face of a young dreamer I like to contemplate the world from a bird's flight. They like to consider the scenery and enjoy the pleasant flow of air. How beautiful to make an offer of marriage to such a lady? You can use the following techniques:

  • To come clean about its intentions to double the cable car – you can only imagine the enthusiastic eyes of the bride, filled with tears of joy and happiness from a combination of her favorite elements with the words of the man she loved;
  • To arrange hang gliding – a good excuse to please and surprise the lover free smooth fall with an overview of the magnificent view from the top; to combine such a nice gift for the beloved woman with the marriage proposal will be a decision very smart and attentive;
  • Together to take a ride on the bungee Troll – to cross a little river trip in the air on a specially designed harness and terminate such flight offer hands and hearts would be quite appropriate in the case of the lover of aerial adventures, as she gets a double set of emotions – joy of flight and happiness from overwhelming the feelings of love.
    Proposal in the air

Quotation in the water

In Addition to admirers of air transport, there are also lovers of water treatment and river environment. And how beautiful to make an offer hands and hearts of his beloved, if she admires the water and the purity of her depth?

If the couple lives in the town of arrays, you can buy a couple of tickets on the water bus trip around the city and to overwhelm the bride-the sudden appearance of a bouquet of flowers and balloons in the most romantic spot of the excursion. There is no doubt – the beautiful will cry from happiness.

Once in the trip during the summer holidays, you can make a bit trite, but a very romantic proposal with a trip to the seaside during sunset in a secluded beautiful place. The sound of the surf, warm sea air, the cries of seagulls and a bottle of champagne will set up a happy girl in a romantic mood and prepare for touching the proposal to marry the most beloved man in the world.

If time and circumstances do not allow to get out to sea, you need to try the trick with the dolphins. Trip to the Dolphinarium will be not only a good reason to dispel their beauty and give her moments of joy in the beloved atmosphere, but also to prepare it to the most important event in her life – an early marriage. An agreement with the organizers of the event and the use of trained trained dolphins as assistants, bringing in your nose treasured box with a wedding ring is a great idea for a marriage proposal. The bride will definitely be thrilled.

Proposal on the beach

Offer at the zoo

How beautiful to make an offer to marry a girl who loves animals and everything connected with them? Of course, to use her love for wildlife with visits to local nature reserve or zoo. Intense energy scurrying the length and breadth of the fauna will set beauty in the moodand immerse yourself in the touching atmosphere of the emotion of the most beautiful animals of nature. But how to beat it and make a nice offer?

Picture is plastered all over the territory of the inhabitants of the institution can be used as arrow pointers with hints about which direction to move. Fascinated by the beauty of local residents, the girl on a subconscious level will lead your young person, nothing knowing, in the direction which is so needed for the climax of the action planned. The destination of couples in love should be the most beautiful part of the zoo where there will be a pre-prepared table with fruits, wine, cherished suede box and a monkey with a bow tie, imitating the waiter. This idea is not only unspeakably surprise agitated the girl and moved her so fabulously embodied idea.

Offer in the Botanical garden

No less interesting and sophisticated idea to make a beautiful proposal of marriage to the girl is the recognition of intent to engage her in marriage to the Botanical gardens. This option is ideal for girls-flower girl or just an ardent admirer of exotic varieties of various plants, as well as for connoisseurs of varieties of flowers. The contemplation of the rarest, most beautiful and most exotic residents of the greenhouse of the Botanical garden will immerse the unsuspecting beauty to the pleasant atmosphere of leisure and peace of mind.

The process of recognition, of course, as in the case of the zoo must be pre-arranged with representatives of the administration of the Botanical garden. You can use it a guide as associated with the described plant stories about a certain girl, wandering in search of her cherished bouquet of rare flowers, or a fabulous story about something in a similar way. In the climax of the interchange of history about this beauty, driving a group to the final point, the couple and the guide must go to one of the most beautiful areas of the garden where the most beautiful flower bed will be prepared in advance of the amazing bouquet of the favorite flowers of the bride with a pedestal and a wedding ring in the box. Hardly any woman could remain after such recognition indifferent.

Offer new year's eve

And how can I make a suggestion for the new year? Here, perhaps, we can unleash the imagination to roam. After all, new year's eve itself has a magical mood, fairytale-like atmosphere, a sense of family warmth. Most people tend to this day to stay at home and meet the chiming clock with the family and friends at home.

Nice and cheap to make a suggestion, as if to emphasize the family and the veneration of home traditions, in a cozy home setting with the use as a carrier of cherished ringlet fluffy Christmas tree. The long-awaited velour box can be hung on one of the twigs as toys so that the girl accidentally found her, or put the box to the total pile of gifts for the family directly under the Christmas tree. More effectively can give a ring to the girl in advance of throwing it in her glass – when you begin to beat chimes, champagne is poured, the girl will make a wish, and maybe a minute later it'll come true. It's very romantic.

In Addition to home atmosphere to many young people like to celebrate new year's eve with friends. You can work together to go to a huge city Christmas tree on the main square and there with the boys, uttering a congratulatory toast in five minutes to twelve, abruptly switch to the specific greeting yourself with what found love and the beloved in life in the face of a beautiful girl. With the support of friends with a bunch of lit sparklers, and noise of festive fireworks happy bride-to-be will be smitten with the magic of new year's eve, in which dreams come true.

Fans of the sweepstakes are the easiest to come up with the option of how nice make a proposal to your new year's eve. Elementary, on the eve of the Christmas celebrations dressed up as a Santa Claus and casually meet her at the Mall or at the site of the entertainment complex, where all scurry in the pre-holiday hustle and bustle in search of gifts for loved ones. First element of beauty not even realize that before it's her other half, and when he finds him – he alone will stand before her with ring in hand, offering to be his “granddaughter” officially.

Offer new year's eve

Offer in the form of a quest

Connoisseurs of extraordinary situations you can think of how nice make an offer in the form of a modern quest. If a girl likes fascinating stories, detective stories, search events, this offer she will be remembered for a lifetime. Only to such kind of recognition in his intentions to the young man you need to be prepared and have a plan of action. In the quest will have to be involved not only other people, acting as assistants in the organization of all this action. Will need to detail and figure out all the details regarding tips for the future bride, transport, by which it will move to quest objectives, and the final mysterious places in the currentchain.

Intriguing puzzles, spy gadgets, extreme conditions of searching for something that requires solving, and most importantly – the happy ending… what could be better for lovers of all-consuming atmosphere of intelligence operations? The quest will show you how can be nice to make an offer, the beauty with similar preferences.

sentence at the end of the quest

Modern technical, financial, and communication capabilities together with the development of imagination in young people allow them to do incredible recognition in the desire to legalize the relationship with his lover. How can I make a suggestion, and what to use for this methods – the question is not difficult. We just need to listen to his lady and slowly remember her preferences, Hobbies, to analyze what she likes and what she is afraid. And then at the crucial moment attentiveness and erudition will not fail, and future wife will be conquered by a caring beloved and touching it created a wonderful moment.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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