Interpretation of the wax figures at guessing. Divination on wax: the value of the figures, interpretation of symbols


2018-03-28 11:28:17




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The Most famous and widespread prediction – divination by wax. It came to us from ancient times and is still in great demand. There is an opinion that for accuracy and truthfulness need to take it the candle wax and not paraffin. These manipulations can be performed not only at Christmas but any other day.

That means divination by wax? This exciting activity is interesting in that it brings the negative. There is the classic method of prediction. You must be able to correctly produce the interpretation of the wax figures at guessing. How to do this, read our article.

What is divination by wax?

Today, there are many different predictions to know your future and destiny. One of them – divination by wax. Many magicians say that the wax with the water – a strong, positive combination for each person. That is why there is a perception that these materials are not afraid to hold rituals, because nothing bad will happen. Divination on wax allows you to look into the future without negative consequences.

interpretation of the wax figures at guessing

Before you start guessing, you need to find a natural wax. Usually stores sold the candles from paraffin wax. You can, of course, and they guess only the opinion of sorcerers, the result is likely to be untrue. Prediction of the wax shows the man various figures that determine the future or the present. They need to be able to decipher, because each destiny value of one and the same shape may vary. For example, for one person fish – this is a good sign for the other – bad.


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It is Important to know the interpretation of the wax figures at guessing. Only then will you be able to understand exactly what promises the prediction. This is an exciting time not only addicted to girls but also Mature women, serious men and windy guys, because we all wonder what lies ahead. We will describe the classical method of divination by wax. The explanation of some figures will be given. Everything else depends solely on your ability to dream.

Classic methods of divination on wax

Today, there are two options for obtaining such predictions.

1. Take a bowl and pour in it water, not tap, and sanctified or melt. Take a real wax candle, crumble it in a deep spoon so that the wick didn't get there. When you cook, turn on the gas or electric burner. Over her hold the spoon until then, until the wax melts. As soon as you be a liquid, sharply and quickly pour it into the center of the bowl. In just a few seconds you will notice that the wax turns into a figure that you have to decipher.

divination by wax fish

2. This divination is called “Brownie”. For it you need in a small deep bowl pour the glass of milk and put it on the threshold of the home. Now fire the wax in the same way as described in the first method, only need to pour it in a bowl with milk saying the following: “a House, invite you to the threshold of taste Royal jelly and wax”. Appears wax figure, and you have to decipher.

Very interesting and fun guessing on the wax. Transcript you may be shocked, because she tells the truth. Read the interpretation of the most common symbols.

Wax figure of the embryo

It can be of two types, when you divination on wax – embryo with umbilical cord and without it. It's two different predictions. The first symbol suggests that you or your close friend will soon get pregnant. But it's not necessary. Allowed the beginning of new ideas, changing jobs, and finding new friends. Itself the umbilical cord means that all new you will be given an obstacle.

How to explain if brought divination by wax embryo without the umbilical cord? It is also to pregnancy. However, this symbol can also mean new beginnings in the near future. The only thing good embryo without the umbilical cord, it's the fact that you will pass on any case without obstacles. And if there is a pregnancy, then it will be very easy.


There are several species of migratory that appear in the wax. For example, if a figure like a crow or a magpie, then you will be the loss of a friend or betrayal. What else will suggest divination on wax? The bird can be interpreted in different ways.

divination by wax embryo

The Dove – get a nice unexpected news. May be able to answer a very important question. This information will help you in the future, even will decide the fate.

If you have a bird that is in flight, on the threshold of good news.

I Saw a small bird similar to Sparrow, tit or bullfinch? This means that it is necessary in the near future to implement the plan. For example, if you wanted to quit your job, do not be afraid. Turn to you good luck. Could not decided on divorce or separation, but I understand that the relationship you are gone? It is time to decide!

So, what promises a divination on wax? The bird will bring happiness.


That means if you had to see waterfowl? That imply the divination by wax? The fish will only bring good news. Most often they are associated with water. Even if you don't know what it is, thenafter some time you will. For example, a girl can get to know a Prince overseas, and the woman older will travel to where there is a large amount of water. This can be a sea, ocean or just a river. What else carries such a divination on wax? Fish says about the imminent pregnancy and easy childbirth. Listen to your families and loved ones. They bad you just will not wish.


What does divination by wax? The dog, as we all know, is a man's best friend. Also in divination. If you saw a dog in the water, it symbolizes a faithful and devoted friend you have. This image suggests that you are ready in difficult times to help those who really need it.

divination on wax transcript

What else carries such a divination on wax? The dog runs? This means that the other rushes to help, he really wants to be near in a difficult situation. If a friend – a man, most likely, he will be able to help you with his power. The woman will give wise advice that can change your life for the better.

Dog – the good-natured and wise omen. It will teach you a lot. For example, if you have a problem, and no one to help, most likely, the divination says that will soon appear in your life dependable people who will help you to succeed.

The Tree

It is important to consider the meaning of the symbols in the prophecy. What else might be guessing on the wax? The tree has several meanings. If you saw him with branches, which are located up – success, joy and fulfilled dreams in the near future is guaranteed. There is the opportunity to climb the career ladder. So if you made an interesting proposal, take it, do not be afraid. This is a great chance.

Sometimes it happens that the branches of the tree are omitted. It means sadness, boredom, bad mood. However, if the right side branch is raised, then not so bad, and you have the opportunity to overcome their problems.


This symbol has several meanings. If you spent the divination by wax, the Bud means that you're close to new cases and victories. It was at this point, you can start a new business, and everything will work out. Just need to try harder to overcome your fears, weakness, and confident to move forward. Only then will the long-awaited result.

divination by wax embryo

If there is divination by wax, the embryo still means that soon your family will be the baby. But not necessarily from you. It is likely that there will be a baby sister, mom or close friend. However, doctors can not be avoided, because the fetus warns of a difficult pregnancy.


This symbol is inextricably linked with the family. Interpretation of the wax figures at guessing can shed light on a lot. You feel that is happening in the family? If Yes, then it will be easy to understand that promises a way home. He is a very good character. It is believed that your family is finally changing for the better. Perhaps you live in an apartment, waiting for changes. If you've always wanted to move but could not overcome obstacles, this means that now is the time.

divination by wax bird

Start to change your life for the better. To do this, given a sign from above. Now is the time to fear and nothing to act.

The sign says about love. If you see a solid and smooth heart, I will not force myself to wait for the big and bright feeling, which will never fade.

If the heart is broken, it means that your love is beginning to crumble, but it can still be saved. You need patience, and everything will work out. Relationships almost always depend on women, so try and fight for his love.

If you see a broken heart, it's a sign that you are in search of your love, or your feelings will not save anything. So you can break up with your partner without hesitation.


Before you start guessing, read the recommendations of mages who adhere to certain rules.

1. Water divination must be clean – melt, pure or consecrated. It carries special information and energy, so don't take it from the tap.

2. Classic divination seriously helps mirror. The prediction will be true if the bowl you put the mirror, and then pour the water.

3. The wax is better to use real. Paraffin candle – not an option for divination, it is unlikely you will tell the truth. Think so many magicians. But wonder girls claim that paraffin wax has the power not less than wax, and shows only the truth.

4. Breaking the candle, as it is possible to put a spell on someone. You should carefully planed with a knife the required amount of wax.

5. The present wax, it is recommended to buy from the beekeepers. They are unlikely to meet a fake (which is not true about the stores).

6. If you have no opportunity to buy wax from beekeepers, then buy a candle in Church.

7. If you are unable to make their own interpretation of the wax figures at guessing, then you better look in the special literature.

which means divination by wax

All interpretation that is described in the article above, common. Remember that each person has their own actual transcript. When you learnto understand the symbols then it will be much more interesting to practice divination on wax.

Subject to all of the above rules proceed. Do not be afraid. There is a perception that it is the most harmless divination.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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