Nostradamus: biography, prediction


2018-04-02 06:33:20




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The Most famous prophets in the world over the past 500 years is a French physician and astronomer by the name of Michel Nostradamus. In the story he entered as the winner of the plague and the Lord of time, inexplicably looking forward for 2000 years. To this day his foresight are great attention and with interest studied by many astrologers.

The birth of the future prophet

In December, 1503, 14 numbers, in the French province of Provence was born boy in the family of Jacques Nostradamus, notary in Saint-Remy and Rene. It was named by the name of Michel de Notre Dame. According to his father he was a Jew and all his family from time to time adhered to Judaism. However, the time was turbulent: Europe has lived under the close supervision of the Catholic Church and its laws. Therefore, all the followers-the Gentiles could be outlawed and executed as heretics. Where was born Nostradamus, the Jewish families were threatened with exile. Therefore, the whole family of the future the seer accepted the faith preached by the Pope, and was baptized. That is why the little Michel was given the name the Latin way - Nostradamus.


In the family on the paternal side of Nostradamus were the ancestors involved in the healing and predictions. Maternal relatives were from the Sciences, especially mathematics and medicine.

Childhood and primary education of Nostradamus

All his childhood he spent in his native Saint-Remy, growing up on the streets of Provence are exactly the same as other children his age. With regard to education, it should be noted that it is in medieval Europe was a force not to each family, and therefore primary and secondary education, Nostradamus got home. Educated and taught basic Sciences to his maternal grandfather, Jean de Saint-Remy. It was he who instilled in the young man's interest in studying the stars. Michelle was so fascinated by astrology that already in childhood, his friends and family called "the little astrologer". Jean was able to give his grandson a very good and complete education by the standards of the time, but when Nostradamus has reached the age of 15, his grandfather died. After that, his life begins a new period.


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Mysteries of Nostradamus.

Avignon master travels in France

In 1518, immediately after the death of his grandfather, he goes to one of the largest cities of France - Avignon. There he enrolled in the University and proceeds to the study of the Sciences and Humanities, such as logic, philosophy, grammar and rhetoric. The next 3 years he spends in school, after which in France comes another master of arts - Michel Nostradamus. Biography the next 8 years is very vague. Some sources say that all 8 years after training, he traveled the country, studying medicinal plants. For other information, in 1521, he decides to devote himself to medicine and entered into one of the most prestigious universities in Europe - University of Montpellier medical school which was famous throughout the Old world. Three years he spends training, the result that gets a bachelor's degree, and only then sent to travel to his native country until the year 1529. However, the truth is, most likely, we'll never know, because the period of his life from 1921 to 1929 shrouded in darkness.

First meeting with a lady by the name of Plague

While traveling in 1526 he was in AIX. There he first met with the disease face to face. Since then its study has occupied all the time. After the first successful attempts to fight against the dangerous epidemic Michelle begins to treat infected across France, and is taken for those patients that other doctors have refused to give the terminally ill, leaving them to await their death. At this time, Nostradamus invented a famous remedy against the plague. It consisted of a set of aromatic herbs, which had to be placed under the tongue to those who were in the area of infection. In this terrible for the whole of Europe the fame of the winner of the plague spreading through the towns and villages of France.

the Book of Nostradamus.

Training on the verge of exclusion, or How the student has surpassed his teacher

Nostradamus traveled until 1529, when he decided to continue his studies at the University of Montpellier. On 23 October he succeeded. He was reinstated at the faculty of medicine with the aim of obtaining a doctoral degree and a license to heal. After tuition and oaths on compliance with statutes and regulations of the University, he chose a mentor. They found Antoine Romieu. However with further training he is on the verge of expulsion. The reasons for this were many, but the most important is that his understanding of the nature of diseases and medical activities were contrary to the existing canons of healing. More doctors were enraged rejection of bloodletting and the recognition of its threat to human life.

 Nostradamus predictions for 2016

Doctor Nostradamus

At a time when its fate as a student was hanging in the balance, he did not renounce his beliefs and made the fight against the plague of his vocation. He suggested that if in infested areas to carry out disinfection, can reduce the incidence. Also one book of Nostradamus revealed the secret of making money, opposed to of plague infection. One of the most famous of his inventions in those yearswas the pills from the petals of roses, rich in vitamin C. In large quantities Nostradamus distributed it on the streets and squares of the infected cities. The result of success in confronting the plague managed to reconcile the contradictions in the University, and in 1534, at the age of 31 years, Michelle PhD. With this event, his name is spelled only as Nostradamus.

 the birthplace of Nostradamus

A Little happiness and a crushing defeat in Agen

The Result of the recognition of Nostradamus was an invitation to Agen one of the most significant scientists of Europe, called the "French Erasmus", with the purpose of continuing education. It was Jules-Cesar Scaliger. It happened in 1536. At this time, Nostradamus married his beloved, who bore him two children. Everything was fine. But soon the white strip was replaced by black. In Agen, there was an outbreak of plague. Michelle joined her in the fight, but suffered a crushing defeat. In this battle he lost his family. Then began a controversy with Scaliger, old competitors and just envious called him a charlatan. But the worst - Nostradamus gets a note of the Inquisition, he faces death.

The Night he escaped from Agen and leave the territory of France. Starts the seven-year period of wandering in Italy and Spain. Mysteries of Nostradamus in these troubled times out of his pen. It is believed that after the loss of the family it appears the gift of foresight.

Nostradamus predictions

How Nostradamus was able to turn Stalker into an ally...

1546 was the turning point in his life. The Provence, has experienced enormous difficulties, the plague epidemic there has reached catastrophic proportions and threatened the complete destruction of the entire population. In the same year occurred a great flood, in which a large number of corpses of people and animals appeared on the surface of the earth. The infection spread with frightening speed, every day there were new infected. Nostradamus was invited to organize the fight against the plague. Using preventive measures and self medication, he was able to stop the epidemic.

At the same time he showed himself as a skilful psychologist, failing to raise the morale of the population, using the Church and the biblical commandment. At the peak of the epidemic in the cities did not stop the services in the churches, the bells rang. And so people saw him as their Savior. The Church and the Inquisition, to learn that Michel Nostradamus to fight the plague made her his ally, has abandoned the persecution of the doctor.

the prophecy of Michel Nostradamus

Second happiness and progress of the diviner

In 1547 Nostradamus moved to the small town of Salon-de-Provence. Here he married a rich widow named Anne Pansar Gemella, who bore him 6 children: 3 sons and 3 daughters. In this quiet and cosy place he will live until his death in 1566. All the riddles of Nostradamus including predictions, date from this time.

Writing work he began in 1549, and wrote until his death. From 1550 began to publish the first version of his work. Nostradamus used the latest technology - the printing press. The initial works were far from the predictions they contained information about cosmetics and cooking. However, after some time he began to use his deep knowledge in astrology and began to draw up calendars of crops of agricultural plants and predicting the time of sunrise and sunset. The works of Nostradamus was full of mystery and mysticism, so instantly gained great popularity, and his very identity has acquired new incredible rumors.

The First predictions of Nostradamus

1554 Nostradamus begins the systematic work on writing the fundamental work containing of divination for many years to come. The book of Nostradamus has been named "Centurion", or "Century". She first appeared in print in 1555. Instantly, she won a stunning success in reading environment. The collection consisted of two parts – the so-called "Epistles": the first son of Cesar, the second to king Henry II. Predictions consisted of quatrains-quatrains, numbering about 1,000, and described future events, beginning in 1559 and ending with the year 3797.

Immediately after the release of "Centuries" of Nostradamus was summoned to the capital to the court of the king. He was invited by the wife of the ruler Catherine de Medici. The reason for this was the prediction of the death of Henry II during a jousting match. As it turned out, this forecast was true, then Catherine left him at the court side. In 1565, was fulfilled the prediction about the clashes Christians and Muslims on Malta in the course of which Europe won a brilliant victory.


In life was fulfilled yet another prophecy of Nostradamus, he predicted the defeat of the French army from Spain in 1557. Latest true the forecast was that at dawn the next day it will not. It happened in July 1566, Nostradamus died.

Nostradamus Predictions for 2016

A Large number of the prophecies of Michel has come true and is coming true now. Scientists, aiming the study of Nostradamus ' predictions, produce evidence of 90% alreadyaccurate forecasts. The rest, they argue, is either not encrypted, or had no place in history. Some needs to happen at a certain time, including in 2016. So, what's going to happen this year, according to Nostradamus?

In 2016 were predicted natural disasters: first, start the fires that will engulf the whole world, then, as a result of the greenhouse effect, people will not see neither the sun nor of the moon. This will start heavy rains, and to top it all off for the big city will fall comet that will be the beginning of an unprecedented tsunami. As a result, suffer all continents, particularly Australia and Oceania. However, not all so sad. It was at this time in Russia there will be people and a new religion, which will begin the spiritual unification of mankind, and by 2040 all artificial boundaries that divide Nations, will disappear.

predictions of Nostradamus in 2016.

In Economics and the technical Sciences there will be significant changes: first, will open a new source of renewable, readily available and cheap energy. In addition, scientists will introduce in life the invention of Nikola Tesla - the transmission of electricity without wires. This will produce a revolution and lead to the so-called energy revolution.

In the geopolitics of Nostradamus predictions for 2016 also contain a lot of interesting points. He says that the world will hang in the balance. The focus will be moved to the middle East. It all starts with the "fight" Iran and Turkey, but after a while they will come together and "anger look" at Europe. The peacekeeping mission will be assigned to Russia and Africa. If you look at the current international political situation, it is already clear that some things in the world happened. It was also foretold the expulsion of the own Governor in one of the countries that in itself will surprise the world.

mysteries of Nostradamus

A great reputation in astrological circles still is Nostradamus. Predictions had an enormous influence on the fate of some crowned heads at all times, since the second half of the XVI century. He predicted major disasters and events that changed the world and turned back time. There is probably no such person who never heard of Nostradamus. All people are divided into two major camps: the first are sure that Michelle really could predict events thousands of years ahead; others believe that he is just a charlatan who wrote a complete confusion in which it is impossible to identify specific events and names. However, you should acknowledge the enormous influence of the ideas of Nostradamus on the development of medical science, astrology and prorezinennoj activities.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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