Peaceful neighborhood, or How to make friends with the family?


2018-04-02 11:40:11




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house in house photoIn every home must have his soul, his energy, the security guard and the owner – brownie. Depending on his disposition and situation prevailing in housing, the home spirit can be so seamless that people will feel that it does not. And maybe on the contrary - manifest itself by noises, sudden disappearances, petty mischief, and other available means. To get the location of the entity, need to know how to make friends with the family, and then maintain those relationships.

Who's house

The owners of the house do not belong to the ranks of the unclean spirits - they are a product of nature, its underlying forces and secret energies. This is why trying to kick a neighbor with the help of priests, prayers, icons or sprinkling water – the activity is empty and even harmful. Very few people like, when it is trying to survive with a legitimate site. If you are interested in how to make friends with the family, the first thing where to start – acknowledge his right to live near you. Treat it with respect, after all in his power to do what we - mortals - not on the shoulder. As this energy essence, atmosphere and family relationships have the greatest immediate impact. Where there is peace and kindness, it usually manifests itself a little, and if it evinces its presence, only for the benefit of the household. For example, you may warn or expel from the house the guests who come with malice, envy or bad thoughts. But in those families where constantly fighting, brawl, drink, are constantly to be traced to the actions of the house. Because this spirit is a kind of symbiosis of the energies of the people and the earth, then he usually lodges or in private houses, or in apartments located on the lower floors. Above the third floor such hosts are rarely encountered. It is interesting that originate (or are having) they are old, but growing up is getting younger and disappear, which means the transition to another, higher level of picture

The Etiquette of relations

So, how to make friends with the family? They love companionship and attention to his person, so at least occasionally try to contact him, at least out loud, at least mentally. And it is not necessary to do it just waiting for help, thank him if suddenly found the long missing, wanton left the house cockroaches or mice, especially well began to grow flowers. Treat your invisible assistant, cereal and sweets, it them very much. Of course, that spirits in the physical food need, but in addressing the question of how to make friends with the family, like gifts from the how to make friends with the familyThe hostess symbolize respect, care and gratitude. Leaving him treats, put them so that they did not get Pets or children. Should not silently leave food, brownie say a few kind words and invite to enjoy the gift. And they are eager to play, and that the house is not lost trinkets and other items that collect for his neighbor a box of fun. This may be out of date jewelry, beautiful buttons, beads, coins. This box should be without a lid. Its like food, you need to remove to a secluded place, giving the house to understand what it all meant to him, and trifles can do what he pleases.


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Get closer

Anyone interested in how to make friends with the family, I want to know how he looks like. According to eyewitnesses, the growth is usually small, not more than 0.5 m Can take the image of the owner, rarely the host, and can appear in the form of fur coma, the old man or the cat. With the latter he is very friendly, as evidenced by numerous pictures. Also, since the material shell of a house is poorly developed, its presence is manifested how to make friends with the familyThe vibrations of the air, the wind with the Windows closed. However, note that in any close contact with this creature, the human body freezes, it becomes difficult to move, to move your limbs and head. Is there a way to fix that is brownie in the house? Photos, if could get a picture of something, so vague and fuzzy that make them "photograph" is unlikely. And do consider how you can capture a bunch of energy? We have already mentioned that it is often in this form, and there is an invisible house. It is made by folk craftsmen and artisans, portray him as a grandfatherly, sitting by the stove in the company of a cat. Sometimes he makes something or repairing. And, of course, hosts at night, not appearing  household. He was accustomed to remind myself not visits, and chores. He can come at night to bed to a man, to settle domestic issues or, conversely, to interfere. Sometimes invisible, the owner hides the keys, trying to delay the person from leaving the house, if the trip can lead to negative consequences or on the road will happen the trouble.

Have something in common with the real brownie cartoon characters? Perhaps, Yes. They display a collective image of this creature, with all its features and habits. In the end, fairy tales – a reflection of reality.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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