The diocese is... the definition of the word "diocese"


2018-04-13 03:55:13




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Often, when we go to the temple or find out news about developments in the religious world, we are confronted with the term "diocese". This word, or rather its value, is often baffled many people. What is meant by the word "diocese”? Let us examine this issue in more detail.

this diocese

Meaning of "the diocese”

Before turning to dictionaries, and Church acts, specify the origins of our term. "Diocese" is a word of Greek origin. Part of the "EPI" translates as “over the top” and “arch” means “power”. We can say that the literal translation of this term – some area of the property.

In the dictionary it is written that the diocese – is one of the main units of administrative and territorial division of the Russian Orthodox Church, which was established to manage on the ground. It is headed by a Bishop, who is always elected by the Synod after receipt of the decree of the Patriarch. Split of the Russian Orthodox Church to these separate units on a territorial basis. As a rule, every city has its own diocese. Just to the composition of the Russian Orthodox Church are more than 200 such parts.meaning of the word diocese

The diocese

This part includes RICS in its membership many other religious institutions. Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church to this category include the following units:

  • The Church;
  • Diocesan institutions;
  • Receipts.
  • Deanery;
  • Monasteries;
  • Monastery, spiritual educational institutions;
  • Brotherhood and Sisterhood;
  • Mission;
  • Hermitages of the monastery.

The diocese and its boundaries are established by the Holy Synod, then the bishops ' Council. There are also special controls inside the unit. Subordinate of the Russian Orthodox Church is the many dioceses, which are located not only in Russia and CIS countries, but also exist throughout the world, including European, American and Asian continents.meaning of the word diocese


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The Entire Russian Orthodox Church is divided into separate parts. It includes numerous diocese, Archdiocese, Exarchates, Metropolitan district, Autonomous and self-governing Church, brotherhood and Sisterhood, the mission, the Vicariate of the Synodal institutions, monasteries, parishes and deaneries. Also include the Orthodox Church and the theological educational institutions, offices and farmsteads. Thus, it is possible to say that the diocese – one of the main parts of the ROC, which includes many religious institutions, created for the convenience of management.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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