Black rites: what will help and how to avoid the consequences?


2018-03-18 13:50:22




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It would be easier if hurts for some reason the soul or want to influence the situation – go to Church. Vpovilaitis, partake, pray to saints and ask for what you wish for. However, some have no faith in it, others - the ability to attend the temple.

Others complained that, despite the prayer in their life not changing. In this case, many turn to sorcerers or trying to perform black rites themselves. The paradox is that some of them really work. Although this was seeking help for white mages, but to no avail. Why does this happen?

Interaction forces

The fact that high frequency magic (white), which is associated with the divine angels, implies selfless help to people. In return, they expect only a simple observance of the biblical commandments. Sometimes a higher power give you the desire, but not immediately. For example, send the test to ensure that people received a proper lesson, clearing his thoughts. In other words, divine power decide to give a person immediately what he wants, or not.

black rites

The magic associated with the appeal to demons and fallen angels, several other mechanisms. It is believed that an experienced sorcerer is faster, using black rites. The mystery is in the fact that elf-magic is aiming to quickly win a man, to lure in and take advantage of its energy.

This is the secret of its greatest effect, rather than white rites. But the result is the corresponding cost. This is worth remembering always. Experienced wizards use a variety of protection and sacrificial rituals, in order not to forfeit their health and to protect yourself from other troubles.


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What you ask Of people?

Of Course, of material things, which, in turn, grant freedom and opportunity. Before you start plotting, you should remember that all magic requires energy and a strong willpower. Otherwise, you should find a professional who spends long black rituals for money, luck and love.

black rites for Christmas

There are some rituals that are performed in the Church. It is of no surprise! Temple – the perfect channel to communicate with the spirit world. Despite the fact that doing magic in large Christian festivals is not worth some risk. There are black rites for Christmas that are available hereditary witches. Beginners are recommended to make their New year's eve.

The ritual of the “Donation”

As soon As it gets dark, go to the nearest temple. On the road it is impossible to talk to anyone. As soon as you enter the Church, leave in a pot of donation money - 50-100 rubles. This should be done with the left hand, muttering to himself:

  • “I Give to whom Church not Mother, and God the Father. Instead, let them multiply the money in my pocket”.

This spell – the promise of dark forces. Then turn around and go home, but the other way. What good is this ritual? First, a marked improvement will cash in a few days. Secondly, you initially pay a certain fee for the service and for their well-being.

The Rite of "Prosperity and success”

There are many spells related to the moon. All they are focused on one or the other of its phase. If you conduct a ritual in the company of Hecate, it will be considered that he is black. Rituals for wealth, often at different products. Here is one of them.

black rites for Christmas

You Should buy a ribbon bright green with a length of 30-35 centimeters, come out into the open and begin to tie knots, saying:

  • “the First node, the magic begins. The second site is the business promotes. The third node is the money coming towards me. With the fourth node new opportunities. With the fifth host my business is booming. The sixth knot fixes magic. With the seventh node I will succeed. With the eighth node is multiplied by the income. With the ninth node is all mine now!”

During the spell it is recommended to periodically look at the moon. The tape should be stored in a safe place, away from prying eyes.

The Ritual for the brave

I'm Sure many have heard that some people practice black rituals in the cemetery. What they are connected? Basically, with the evocation of demons, and they sacrifice various animals. It is believed that dead energy is a very convenient medium for getting rid of disease and failure. Despite this, advised to refrain from any complicated specific rituals. We offer to your attention an acceptable black rites for beginners.

black rites at the cemetery

First held in Midsummer. It will have to prepare thoroughly in advance to find yarrow, thyme, immortelle, Thistle and zlataric. You then weave a wreath and go to the cemetery. The next step – locate the unmarked grave and put a wreath on it. Three days later, it should be taken away from the graves, leaving the traditional sight – cookies and candy. Put a wreath on the place where it was prepared. Slowly rasplatita it, and the plants scatter in different directions, uttering these words:

  • “Let me wealth and happiness will not depart as dead at this wreath will never come. Yes!”

The Home should go in silence.

Black rite on wealth

For this ritual you will need millet, a pinch of its hair and dust from the crossroads. By the way, when you take her to take leave from the mercy in the form of 9 coins. Next – mix a spoonful of millet, a handful of dust and ashes on their hair. Read over them conspiracy 9 times:

  • “I Came to a fucking cross. Like you, the devils, have fun, walk, sorrow, and the troubles do not know and I want: grief is not seen, the rich world to walk in. Give me the devils, good luck, but bigger bills in the bargain. Yes!”

In conclusion, charmed the powder should be spread to all corners of the house and put in your purse and pockets. Through various rituals, one should remember that all plots should be spoken firmly, without hesitating even for a minute. It is faith in the efficacy of these methods will bring fulfillment of desires.

black rituals of wealth

About love and not only

Modern man is concerned in a greater degree? As we have seen – wealth, health. Undoubtedly, a huge role is played by personal relations, love, heart novels.

All dream about this feeling, about the only one or the most unique. However, not everyone is able to meet the right partner (partner). Quite often there are cases of unrequited love. What to do then? The most wise advice – to learn to let people go, to be able to rebuild itself.

Alas, that's not all able. Start searching for magicians who can perform black rites of love. One of them – the love spell. The effect of this ritual seeks to evoke in the object of sympathy is a reciprocal feeling. Although this method is considered dangerous, it is the most popular of all types of modern magic.

What pitfalls can trap the novice, who decided to resort to a love spell? Some naively believe that it is worth to find a suitable method for the performance of the ritual, and all will be as intended. In fact, there are so many variables that you should consider before to carry out the ceremony.


If we ignore magical protection, it is possible to obtain a powerful undertow in the form of a dangerous disease, financial collapse. It may affect loved ones: father, mother, brother, sister, child. Reasons for the reverse action can be a lot. For example, unacceptable errors during the rite or the lack of benefits force, to which there was an appeal.

black rites of love

Do Not forget that even the actions of the brokered–the magician does not relieve the customer from danger. As the initiative comes from him. So he and answer! Although there are cases, when you suffer even the most experienced sorcerers.

Finally, the negative consequences can come from charmed. Because his own will is suppressed and imposed a stranger. Spell – not love! Physically, the person wants to be with someone who was charmed. But often he does not realize that it holds with a partner.

In addition, may be seriously affected his physical and mental health. In some cases, a strong character enchanted can reject a given program, and it can manifest in the worsening of existing bad habits. For example: alcohol, drugs, unmotivated aggression.

Scary? Then it is necessary to weigh everything and think about whether you need an affair with a human zombie or a psychopath? Experts notice that couples where doing a love spell, often children are born with disabilities.

Why you are unlucky in love?

Statistics show that these types of rituals often resort women. Although in recent years, and men interested in that. It should be noted that, before turning to magical manipulation, should be evaluated.

In the first place – external data. The way you dress, walk, present yourself? Perhaps hope...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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