Birthday George. The days of the birthday, George (Yuri)


2019-07-30 03:00:23




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A Birthday is a celebration that is also called angel's Day. In essence, he is dedicated to the Saint whose name was given to people. This man of God is the heavenly patron and intercessor before God for all who are named in his honor. Accordingly, the celebration of name day is a purely Christian tradition. So it does not make sense to celebrate those who hold different views. Below we review what days to have birthday George.

birthday George

The birthday party

Birthday determined solely by the name that person was baptised. One who has not undergone this rite of initiation into the tradition of Christianity in principle cannot celebrate. A Christian name is given in honor of a Saint, who later becomes the patron Saint of the newborn. This special spiritual bond remains for life. A name day is the day that the Church honors the memory of this Saint.

It Often happens that one and the same name have few saints. But the patron will still be only one of them. If it is unknown for certain, in honor of the Saint from the list of the saints of the Lord with the same name of the person baptized, the patron is chosen by date of birth: the Holy namesake, whose memory is in the Church calendar is closest to the birthday of the person who is his patron. However, if one feels a special bond with any other of the saints one name, you can select it.

birthday George on the Church calendar

Birthday George

Most of the boys are named George, baptized in honour of the Holy Martyr George, whose image adorns the national emblem and the Russian coins of small denomination. A horseman defeating a dragon, he is – George zeebonet, bringer of victory. However, this is not the only Saint in the Orthodox calendar so noble Greek name, which was once called the Zeus. Consider what other days can have birthday George on the Church calendar.


In June, the 19th is celebrated in memory of the Reverend George. It's kind of the Holy Ghost, in the sense that the memory of this the Church survived, but his life no information.


July 4 – birthday George, christened in memory of the namesake of the Holy Confessor, Archimandrite, who died in Nizhny Novgorod in 1932, however, repeatedly suffered from the repressions of the Soviet authorities.

The Definition of “Ghost” refers to another monk George, who is listed in the calendar on July 16. However, many such saints.

George Orthodox nameday


3 and August 13, the Church honored two Holy Martyr George. About both of them is not known.


On 21 September – the Holy Confessor George (Mkheidze), Archimandrite. Died in the 60-ies in Georgia.


October 2, honored the memory of the Holy Prince George II of Kiev, Grand Prince of Kiev and Chernigov. In the world he was named Igor, and the name, which he entered in the calendar, he was given the enforced tonsure of a monk, after the result of the conspiracy, the Prince toppled from his throne. Subsequently, the enemies of his kind did not spare the monk of princely blood. He was taken to slaughter directly from the Liturgy and dumped the body at the destruction in the middle of the town square.


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November 20, celebrated the birthdays of George, named in honor of the Martyr George (yureneva). During his lifetime he worked as a judge in the city of Vitebsk, while in the 20-ies he was not expelled from the city. In the 30s he was accused of counterrevolutionary activities and sentenced to the camps first, and then, 20 November 1937, belonging to one of the branches of the catacomb Orthodox Church, to death.


16 Dec Church remember the Holy Confessor George Sedov. During his lifetime he was a layman, suffered at the hands of the Soviet authorities in the 30-ies and 40-ies. Served as elder in various churches, until in the resurrection Cathedral in Tutaev it did not hit the stairs. From his injuries a year later he died.

31 Dec – the day of memory of St. George the Stylite. Where lived this Saint is unknown.


January 30 – the day of the birthday of George, named in honor of the Holy Martyr, the victim in 1838 at the hands of Muslims, who accused the young man of betrayal of Islam. Being compelled to adopt the religion of the prophet Mohammed, he refused to renounce Christ, for which he was hung on the city gates in the city Paramita, Turkey.


February 10, honored the memory of an obscure Saint George. Preserved only the name.

February 17 – in memory of George, the Holy Prince Vladimir. One of the Russian saints, princes.


March 23 – the Reverend George. Place of a feat is unknown.

18 March – the Martyr Yury. Date of death the legend is not preserved.


April 17 – the monk of the Peloponnese. Lived and died in one of the local monasteries.

April 26 – the day of the birthday of George - another unknown Saint. Again, preserved only the name.


6 may – from the three saints namesake: Shenkurskiy whacky Ptolemaei the Wonderworker and St. George. The last of them – the great Martyr, beheaded in 303 or 304. He was a military commander and one of the favorites of the Emperor Diocletian, not yet confessed to him openly thatprofesses Christianity. Eight days of the Martyr was tortured, trying to get him to renunciation, but without achieving success, betrayed to death.

May 10 – the day of memory of George, brother of Saint Simeon the Stylite of Cilicia. In addition, it is no more information.

the day of the birthday of George


This is a basic list of saints named George. Orthodox name day can be dedicated to the memory of other saints – little known or are not members of the Church edition of the calendar. So in the choice of his patron to be flexible and to go to the list of Arab Orthodox saints, which is virtually unknown in Russia.

George's Birthday on the Church calendar are considered to be festive for the man by day, the same birthday. However, in this day expected not only to have fun, but first and foremost, to pay tribute and to honor the memory of their patron Saint, having prayed in the Church during the Liturgy and communion of the Holy mysteries.

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"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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