Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra: photo and description


2018-03-18 16:21:25




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The assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra was founded by Tsar Ivan the terrible, and consecrated only after 26 years. The Cathedral is the largest Church in Laurel and the most popular among tourists. Summer is here committed the festive divine services, are musical performances by the Lavra choir.

the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity Sergius Lavra

The Trinity-Sergius Lavra

The Orthodox monastery of the Trinity, founded the PDP. Sergius of Radonezh in the 14th century, for several centuries is the largest spiritual center of Orthodoxy and the most revered Russian Holy.

In the 17th century the monastery withstood a months-long siege of the Polish-Lithuanian troops (15 thousand soldiers). The defenders of the monastery in the amount of 3 thousand people survived the siege, thanks to not only his courage, but also the miraculous appearance of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Since 1744 the monastery with honor was renamed the Lavra and around it gradually began to be built other monasteries and hermitages, spiritually connected with it. In 1814 after a fire in Moscow moved in the Theological Academy, which is the oldest University in Russia.

 assumption Cathedral in Trinity Sergius Lavra

From 1920 to 1945, Lavra was closed, and its territory temporarily housed the Museum of history and art and the premises, then in 1946, began its revival.

Construction History

The assumption Cathedral of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is called the Church due to the fact that its construction marked a triumphant fall of the Kazan khanate. The construction of the temple lasted 26 years and ended only in 1585. The rite of consecration was celebrated by Metropolitan Dionysius, in this present Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich with his wife.


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The imposing Cathedral located in the centre of the monastery. It was built in the Byzantine style on the model of the Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin (architect A. Fioravanti from Italy), but the walls were built of brick (thickness 2.25 m). The builders during the construction of the temple appealed to the Russian tradition and made the 6 pillars with a rectangular cross section. Assumption Cathedral in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is crowned with 5 domes, Central — gold, dedicated to the Savior, the other blue, with the stars, is dedicated to the virgin.

iconostasis of the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity Sergius Lavra

The Arcature-columnar zone, which is typical for the architecture of the cities of the Golden Ring was used in the construction of the Cathedral. Previously from the West to the Cathedral was built an open porch, it was then replaced in the 18th century to the porch, painted on the instructions of Metropolitan Platon.

The Interior of the temple

The assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and especially its interior is surprising for its huge size and bright light coming through the window openings. Huge pylons (3x3 m) is supported by cross vaults with five reels.

The Nave and the walls of the facades in the centre are superior to the others in width. Behind the iconostasis there are choirs with a 3-tiered gallery.

Almost 100 years standing neraspisannyy assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The year 1684 was a landmark in its history: the money of Archbishop Moses Ryazan hired a team of 25 painters under the master D. Plekhanov. In one summer they painted the walls, the pillars and the vault with frescoes on biblical themes, which up to our days almost intact. Moses Ryazan was solemnly buried in the walls of the assumption Cathedral with the other bishops.

Murals on the walls — light, airy frescoes in blue, lilac, blue and purple tones. On the North and South walls in four rows depict the gospel stories (the mother of God, Ecumenical councils), and on the West — a doom with lots of figures and details.

 the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity Sergius Lavra year

The Monumental murals of the pious princes (Alexander Nevsky, Vladimir of Kiev, Prince Dmitry, etc.), martyrs, and saints in full growth located on all 6 pillars that prop the arches. Religious frescoes there and the window slopes and arches. Inside the temple looks unrealistically high and solemn.

The interior of the Cathedral is preserved also cast chandeliers of the 17th century, made from bronze by masters of the Moscow Armoury chamber as a gift to the monastery from the Yanovich family.

The Main altar is the chapel 2:

  • Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates, the patron of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich;
  • Wife of Boris Godunov — Martyr Irene.

Later the chapel— Saint Nicholas — was built in the 17th century during the protection of the monastery from the invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian soldiers.

Shrine of the assumption Cathedral

On the South side in the building of the Cathedral on the pedestal is a coffin of St. Sergius of Radonezh, where he was buried (1392), and then 30 years later it was discovered his relics. In the 16th century by decree of Ivan the terrible was made a silver reliquary, standing now at the Trinity Cathedral. At a time when power lay in the coffin, the pilgrims coming to the Cathedral, certainly was applied to him and tried to bite off a piece to carry with you. For several years one of the walls began to collapse, and it had to strengthen the metal brackets and make the coffin in a glass sarcophagus.

icon of the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity Sergius Lavra

The assumption Cathedral of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is the burial place of monarchs and well-known Orthodox figures. Inside the Cathedral has a tombstone of Queen Maria Vladimirovna and Princess Eudoxia, and of the archbishops (of Moses Ryazan, Augustine of Moscow, who raised the spirit of the soldiers in 1812) and the Metropolitan of Moscow Macarius (who wrote books on theology).

Many tourists come with the aim to venerate the relics of St innocent Orthodox Bishop of Kamchatka and America, considered the patron of all foreign language learners, and the monk Maxim the Greek.

During the warm months, in the temple divine services and the Liturgy.

Burial of the family of Godunovs

To the Left of the entrance to the assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is located the tomb of the Godunovs. It was built in the 18th century in the form of a stone tent (on the site of the former refectory of the porch), and immediately adjacent to the wall of the Cathedral. Inside it are the tombs of Boris Godunov and his wife Maria and son Feodor (they were killed on the orders of the self-styled king of Dmitry, and the body was brought here in 1606) and daughter-beauty of Xenia (who died a nun in 1622).

the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity Sergius Lavra

At the opening of the graves in 1940 got their stuff, very well preserved: silk shirt, Fedora, and shoes Princess (things are now exhibited in the Museum), but the burial itself was ruined, because the skull was thrown.

The crypt of the Cathedral

Crypt of the assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is located under the Cathedral, and the entrance — from the South side. It was built in the 19th century for burial of metropolitans Sergius and Leontius, at the same time there was consecrated chapels with an altar. Already in the 20th century, built two chapels in the centre — 2 tomb of the patriarchs-Alexy I (1970) and Pimen (1990). Indoor crypts on display are part of the Church vestments and personal belongings, photos.

The Crypt is open for free access of visitors, it conducts prayers, the distribution of the consecrated oil.


The first iconostasis of the Cathedral was destroyed, now in its place put another.

The Iconostasis of the assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra consists of 5 tiers with rims of icons of gold or thread, entwined with vines, and contains 76 icons, mostly of the late 17th century.

The Iconostasis of the five lines is crowned by the crucifixion with the virgin and the Apostle John the Theologian, framed by the carved patterns of sunflowers, roses and grape clusters. Thread is also present on the frame of the iconostasis, columns of the altar in the form of intertwining branches, vines, and Frisians — outlandish colors. The entire carving depicts the “Paradise”. At the top of the cross image of the cherubim and is crowned by all the Royal crown.

crypt of the assumption Cathedral of the Trinity Sergius Lavra

A lot of icons made by famous painter Simon Ushakov, one of the famous is “last supper" (1685), which is now in the Museum of the monastery.

All the icons and carved decorative elements throughout the centuries was several times onovleny, which is confirmed by samples of restorers (all icons have 3-4 layers). The last time the icons were updated in 1986-1988 in connection with their emergency status. Then it was discovered the original 16th century icon of «Dormition of the virgin”, which appeared after removing two layers of more recent icons painted on top.

Mosaic icons

Inside the Cathedral is located two icons of the assumption Cathedral of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, made of mosaic,

  • The first Martyr, James Stephen, which until 1931 was in the Temple of Christ the Savior.
  • Mother of God of Kazan (according to one version, she was brought from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, on the other, — from the chapel near the Kazan station in Moscow).

The Kazan mother of God has for all Russian people of particular importance. The fate of the Cathedral of...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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