How to know your number in numerology? Meaning of numbers in numerology


2018-03-19 04:20:45




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The man's identity and fate have no impact. So many people wonder how to find out your number in numerology. Having calculated them, you can find answers to your questions and to make your life better. Such a science, numerology, studying the influence of numbers on people and at the moment there is a lot of information to help you better understand what is happening in the life of each individual.

Date of birth

Numerology destiny gives you the opportunity to understand the potential of the person dominant features of his character, but does not allows to accurately calculate all of his life. People born under the same numbers can be similar with each other, but not necessarily that all of them will be shared. Numbers can suggest that it is better to develop and maintain the potential in us. Each person needs to understand this, because if he will not go there, then his life can be to know your number in numerology

It is Customary to divide the numbers from one to nine, as well modern numerology recognized 11 and 22 as the most powerful and lucky numbers birth. It is believed that under them are born great people who are able to lead masses of people, uniting them by a common idea or doctrine. It is believed that many famous people were born under these numbers.

Calculation by date of birth

There are several ways to find out your number in numerology by date of birth. The most common option is to use all numbers from date. In other words, if a person born December 12, 2002, we recorded the number of 12.12.2002. After that, you need to summarize them, that is 1+2+1+2+2+0+0+2 and get 10. Next you need to fold the resulting number again. In the end, it turns out that people born under the number 1.meaning of numbers in numerology


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And in the second method, which recognizes modern numerology, the number of a person is calculated taking into account transfer letter values of the month into numbers. The Russian letters are assigned numerical values. Write the alphabet in several rows, each with nine letters.


Then sum these numbers using the table: select the letter and it looks a numeric value. This method refers to the Pythagorean system. In the previous example it turns out that we need to add 1+2+5+6+1+1+2+7+2+0+0+2 and out 29, this and 11. That is, this method allows to find a more correct value.

Calculation of Pythagoras

It is calculated based on the numbers belonging to the letters, was made at the time of Pythagoras. Thus, the months are numeric values:

  • January – 7.
  • February – 3.
  • March – 2.
  • April – 4.
  • May   4.
  • June – 4.
  • July – 2.
  • August – 8.
  • September – 1.
  • October – 7.
  • July – 1.
  • Dec   4.

This method also takes into account when calculating numerology name and surname. All numbers to be summarized, and this will allow you to get the personal number of the person named. But in the Pythagorean method takes into account values from one to nine, and all numbers lower than 22. But a one and a two are not considered.

The Value of numbers according to Pythagoras

Here is a short meaning of numbers in numerology person was developed by Pythagoras.

3 – an active person, loving to work;

4 – team leader, used to solve everything himself;

5 – an outgoing, friendly personality;

6 – very creative, talented people;

7 – motivated individual who loves risk;

8 – responsible and reasonable man;

9 – the lone wise man, very wise;

10 – fatalistic nature, there are the makings of a leader, often gambling;

11 – active person with lots of energy and vitality;

12 – motivated, hardworking personality;

13 – a bright, energetic person who loves life and peace;

14 – meticulous person, with a large stock of patience;

15 – cheerful personality with a huge amount of energy;

16 – sensitive, emotional nature;

17 – purposeful, romantic personality;

18 – sensitive man, very emotional, but holding his inner world in himself;

19 – confident personality;

20 – very serious and categorical identity;

21 – adventurer;

22 – a very clever man, prone to constant self-improvement.


With the help of numerology, you also learn what problems people can face in their life. In addition, the figures allow us to calculate how likely the occurrence of an event. To do this, you need to take a double-digit number of your birth date and subtract the smaller from the larger. For example, a person born on the 15th will count 5-1, and the result will be 4. When the single digits are subtracted zero.

Meaning of numbers in numerology on the problems

Let's take a brief value problem of numbers obtained by subtracting:

0 – problems in life are not expected.

1 – may have different dependencies;

2 – increased uncertainty in their own abilities;

3 – inability to Express his emotions;

4 – laziness;

5 – conservatism, fear of change;

6 – evasiveness from obligations;

7 – indecisive;

8 – people do not understand, where good and evil;

9 – lack of ability to sympathize.

The Value of the numbers of birth

The Most important thing you can define with the help of numerology – why people came to this world, what it needs to achieve, what is his mission on earth. We've already covered methods on how to find out your number in numerology, now let us look at the meaning of these numbers.

People born under the unit – are natural leaders, so called leaders. They have to develop will power, self-confidence, they are inherent in the activity and selfishness, they often overbearing. They also may be stubbornness, initiative, aggression and the ability to self-actualization.numerology destiny

Those Born under the deuce are ordinary team members. This is the average person. They must develop humility, vulnerability, sensitivity, gentleness. Usually such people are emotionally unstable, resentful, rarely addressed in decision-making, consistent, nurturing, passive. This is the meaning of numbers in numerology.

Those Born under the number three come into this world to be the initiators and instigators. To gain life experience, they must be proactive, cheerful, optimistic, sociable, visible to the public. They need to improve their creative and speaking skills. Often it's self-centered personality, lazy and in need of approval by society.the meaning of numbers in numerology

Those Born under the number four come into this world to work. This is the true workaholics who are to receive life experience must be organized, self-motivated, resilient, diligent, patient, stubborn conservatives. It is also important to develop the ability to forgive. So decrypted the values of numbers in numerology.

Born under number five is called the souls of society. This freedom-loving individuals, they are witty, resourceful, smart, flexible. To get experience, they need to develop a love for self-improvement. Usually they are flighty, impatient, love entertainment of various kinds, love sensation and don't always respond positively to change.

Those Born under the number six numerology destiny indicates as a prop to society. They should be interested in spiritual growth, to care about people, to sacrifice themselves, have a heightened sense of responsibility and a balanced psyche. Often they are overly emotional, idealistic, beautiful, artistic. Can suppress their own desires and try to control someone else's life.numerology the number of man

Those Born under number seven thinkers. To gain experience in life, they need to be thoughtful, lonely. Priority should be introspection and spiritual quest. They must possess an analytical mind, not to trust others, fear of change, to be a loser. Such people often insular, shy and critical in their judgments. That is the meaning of numbers in numerology for those born under the seven.

Born under the number eight perform the role of «Eminence Grise», a careerist. They should be energetic, self-motivated, determined and confident in their own abilities. It's a cold, fair, sensible people, with a ruthless and demanding attitude towards the people...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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