Runic protection. The combination of runes. Runic formulas


2018-03-19 08:31:10




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The Mysterious writing the mysterious Germanic people is still shrouded in a fog of conjecture and speculation. What was the runes, really?

What is a rune?

This is the ancient writings of the Germans. They were found on the vastness of modern Denmark, Norway and Sweden and later Iceland and Greenland. Runes were cut on hard surfaces - stone, metal, trees, and bones. They differ in angular shape, which explains the complexities of striking. Since the adoption of Christianity, runes were gradually replaced by Latin. Interestingly, the root word translated from the ancient German means “mystery”. Today in the world there are about 5000 runic inscriptions. A considerable part of them were found on the territory of modern Sweden. Also the existence of runic calendars.

Runic protection

It is believed that runes were donated by the Scandinavian nation of Odin-the Supreme God of the Northern Pantheon. Their power is so great, and poorly understood, requires special care in handling. Ignorance of possible consequences can lead to tragic events.

The Danger and power of the runes

Faith in the possibility to protect themselves from negative influences, hexes and curses still lives. Even science is evidence that runes are really able to intervene in human life and influence it in a certain way. It's unbelievable, but ancient magic symbols not only to protect you, your home and family, but also to become loyal assistants in many matters of life.

Right runes using magic, you can radically change your life, letting her goodness, joy and light. However, wishing to resort to ancient magic should be very careful. Improper interpretation and, therefore, the use of runes, you can bring multiple trouble. Runic protection is completely based on faith. Having a strong faith in the efficacy of runes, you can achieve great results. Secret signs for centuries to help those who hears them.


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How they work?

The Rune of protection can become your guardian angels. Probably you are concerned about how well it works. Quite reasonably, because even the most inexplicable and fantastic things always have a clear scientific rationale. Although some argue that this is fiction. Scientists have long recognized the mechanism of action of runes. The thing is that each character – is a kind of code, which carries a bundle of energy.

Runes of protection

Everything is connected To everything. Disease and failure in human life occur when the violation of some of the many energy channels. Thanks to them we get information from the subconscious of the Universe, which “feeds” the soul. Runes act as a kind of valves that cover the holes in the energy flows. In addition, over time, the use of signs is no longer a necessity. During the impact rune “nursing” field of energy. People who use these signs, notice that the life is gradually returning to harmony. Even in the little things they are starting to run.

Runic protection

It can be done only by professionals. To engage in self-interpretation of signs is not desirable. No harm it will not cause, as well as use. To bring good runes, you need to seek help. Runic protection will be valid if the mage or people who own knowledge, fill these symbols with the energy of goodness and protection. You can do it yourself, but because of the lack of experience this energy will be very weak and will not bring practical benefits.

Runes stavy

Activating the rune requires the power of the person. Mage has the knowledge that will help him to put runic protection and to restore the lost balance in a relatively short period of time. Even if the common man will be able to charge a rune, he was very exhausted. In some cases, botched procedure can lead to diseases of the body.


The Rune of protection can be of two types - runescript or runic script. The first is a group of symbols which is built in a linear fashion, it indicates a special purpose. Runic script is an overlay of multiple signs on top of each other. It is better to use in a particular case, tell the professional, as each character relies on your type of record. Runescript should contain the exact goal, not just the direction of energy (well-being, health).

Ready to Wear amulets should be on the chest, close to your heart. In the house of secret signs must be located away from prying eyes. Magicians say that right tough to kill rune becomes “live” by the entity that has a certain program. This program provides the specialist with the help of its energy.

Combination runes

Rune protection of the family

Ensure complete protection of your beloved ones even with just one rune. The magician must imbue it with energy for the protection of family members, health, preservation of property and business well-being. The token must be always in sight, so it can be cut, and the designer of the plaque and hang on the wall or paint them kitchen utensils. To the secret symbol was an influence on family life, it is not necessary that every member of the family knew about it. Please note that to post such signs on display can only if your house is visited by only immediate family. Otherwise, they should be applied where they will not be visible to guests.

Runic protection at home

For the protection of the family nest use strong runes, which are able to resist negative energy. To protect family happiness envy and anger will help the combination of runes "soul, Otal, soul". The soul – it is a symbol of victory and struggle. While the sides, it gives the entire combination of energy, aimed at family protection.

To save a marriage and protection from enemy hexes will help the combination of runes "Evaz, Algiz, Otal". Evaz rune means destiny and Otal enhances the family orientation of patronage. In addition to these combinations to protect your home, you can use a rune Ansuz, Algiz and Fehu.

Pregnant or lactating woman requires particular protection, as her aura is very weak. For protection it is necessary to use the runes Algiz and Berkane, which means motherhood, safety, growth and well-being.

To strengthen the young family and strengthen love in a couple suitable combination of the runes Algiz, Gebo.

Particular attention should be paid to the rune Fehu. She will help the man in the business, will preserve and multiply the possessions and activates cash flows are concentrated in the hands of the head of the family. To protect the vehicle and to protect the getter from car accidents, you should use rune Alga along with Raido.

Dealing considering the characters in the house, you should think that over time they can fade, burn or slip away. In order to avoid constant updates of rune recordings, it is better to make or buy an amulet. Importantly, the material depicted on the rune, was natural.

Magical properties of Nordic Futhark used by humans for a very long time, but to use runes for protection from evil eye and spoilage can be one. For personal protection from the envious, you should use runes Teyvaz and TURISAS. The first contributes to the protection of family financial status, protects the business. Sign has a mirror property: the received energy returns to the sender. This rune is able to awaken in the human soul the spirit of rebellion, the desire to resist the circumstances, boldness and courage. Sign TURISAS acts as an activator of the inner fire of man. It awakens all the realms of the soul, protects from envy, gossip, intrigue. Rune is very strong against women's evil eye and curses.

Runic protection

Rune of protection for a child

Preschoolers desirable to test the effect of runes. This is because the energy of the child is very weak, and the ancient power of signs can damage the unstable field. To use runes to children should be very careful. When the children are older, it is better to use such signs in the form of amulets, not to put on the body.

The “gentle” stavy runes, which are suitable for children from 10 years, this is the following:

  • Algiz. Divine energy, gives the baby the protection of a Higher power.
  • Berkana. The sign of the Mother, which protects the well-being of not only the child but the whole family.
  • The Combination of "Ansuz, Uruz, Hiero, Ansuz". Signs aimed to help in obtaining knowledge, learning and mastering anything new.
  • The soul, Dagaz, Manaz. These runes stavy guide the child to personal development, success, shape the ability to achieve goals.
  • Ansuz, Dagaz and Manas. Combination runes are designed for adolescents, as it contributes to the knowledge and acceptance of himself.
  • Tives, Raido and Ansuz. The combination is very good for boys and young men. Develop courage and persistence.

It is Worth noting that runes of Hagalaz, ISA, Kano and TURISAS cannot be used for children, because they have a strong energy. In addition, these signs is able to awaken the child's evil tendencies.

Rune ISA means winter, concentration, slowing the pace. Kano is fire and light, experience. Hagalaz symbolizes the uncontrollable force, a natural disaster, a hurricane.

Rune mirrored protection

This protection is based on...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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