Metropolitan Arseny of Istra, biography


2018-03-19 10:40:25




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Metropolitan Arseny of Istra, a famous Bishop in the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1997 he received the ecclesiastical rank of Archbishop, and in 2014 became Metropolitan. Currently holds the post of vicar of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Biography of the priest

Metropolitan Arseny of Istra

Metropolitan Arseny of Istra was born in 1955 in the Moscow region. He was born in the small village of Vostryakovo, which is now one of the districts in the Western administrative district of the capital.

Hero of our article, graduated from an ordinary Soviet school. And immediately went to work. He got a job at the post office, located at the Kazan train station in Moscow. Earning his first money, Yuri A. Epifanov (as it was then called), went to serve in the army.

The Path to the Church

vicar of his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus '

With 15 years old hero of our article already professed Christianity. Deliberately a career in the Church of the future Metropolitan Arseny of Istra chose immediately after served in the Armed forces of the USSR. In 1975, at the age of just 20 years, he became an altar server at St. Nicholas Church in Biryulyovo. His duties included assistance during the service at the altar. This Church office recruited ordinary men of the laity. There is no separate training and education in order to become an altar boy, to not required.

The Temple in Biryulyovo, which Arseny started his career in the Church was named in honor of St. Nicholas. It was built shortly after the Civil war, in 1924. The Soviet government then still so openly hindered the work of the Church. At first it was wooden. And burned to the ground in 1956. In the coming year, it managed to recover and consecrate. Almost secretly. This temple is unique because it was built in the years of Soviet power, when the clergy in every way to oppress.


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Study at the Seminary

Yuri A. Epifanov

As an altar boy, the future Metropolitan Arseny of Istra made sure in his will to give himself to the Church. To do this, in 1976, he entered the theological Seminary in Moscow. And then in the Moscow theological Academy. He graduated in 1983.

Then for six years as the future Patriarch Alexy II legal assistant and personal Secretary. However, in those days Alex was just Metropolitan. First, the Estonian and Tallinn, later Leningrad and Novgorod. Patriarchal rank he got in 1990.

By the time Arseniy broke up with him. In 1988 he got the post of cleric of Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. It is an ancient Orthodox Church built during the time of Peter I.

Meanwhile, he in those years have already received the rank of Archpriest.

Bishop of Ladoga

Metropolitan Arseny of Istra where is

In 1989, the hero of this article received a new assignment. He became Bishop of Ladoga and vicar of the Leningrad diocese. That is assistant to the diocesan Bishop does not have its own diocese.

In September, he took monastic vows, receiving the name Arseny. It is so named in honour of Arseny Konevsky - Novgorod Orthodox monk who lived in the XIV-XV centuries. It was he who brought to Russia from mount Athos icon of the mother of God. Together with this icon, he settled on the island of Konevets, located on lake Ladoga. Over time, founding cenobitic monastery, which was dedicated to the Nativity of the blessed virgin.

At this time, it turned out that not forgotten his former administrative assistant new Patriarch Alexy II. At the first meeting of the Holy Synod, after its inauguration, the hero of our article was Metropolitan Arseny of Istra. Biography of the priest in the future were very well developed. He was ordained a vicar of the Moscow diocese.

In 1997 he was elected to the Secretariat of the Council.


Metropolitan Arseny of Istra biography

At the same Council of bishops, where Arseny joined the Secretariat, he was awarded the rank of Archbishop. So went up the ecclesiastical career ladder, the Metropolitan Arseny of Istra. Where is this priest, known to many parishioners.

In his Vicariate Istra located in the Moscow region (Istra), came from different parts of the country for advice and absolution. By the way, Metropolitan Arseniy and still manages them. For the past 27 years.

In 2009, Arseniy became the vicar of his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, who succeeded the deceased Alexy II. In the area of his responsibility included the Metropolitan parishes.

Responsibilities of the Metropolitan

Metropolitan Arseny received in 2014. In the circle of his immediate responsibilities is to oversee the capital's temples in South and Central wards of the capital. With 2015, the Metropolitan Arseny among the members of the Supreme Church Council. In fact, it is the Executive authority which is functioning under the Russian Orthodox Church.

Vicar of his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia is not only monitoring the activities of the parishes. He must be responsible for the work and the performance of their duties by the clergy and parish councils of the churches included in his submission.

It is one of the permanent members of the Commission, which deals with examination Of the Holy relics, which return to Church or find again. In recent years, the Commission has confirmed the authenticity of the relics of many saints: in 1988, Alexander Nevsky, and in 1990 the monk Sabbatius, Herman and Zosima of Solovetsk. The priests, who became one of the founders of the world famous Solovetsky monastery in the XV century. Not upoint and Seraphim of Sarov (he founded the Diveevo convent) and of Patriarch Tikhon, who led the Russian Orthodox Church during the October revolution and the Civil war.

In 1998 he was certified the authenticity of the relics of Matrona Nikonova - the Holy Russian Orthodox Church, which is rumored to have advised even of Joseph Stalin.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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