Black tiger – the sign of the water element


2018-03-20 18:08:13




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A Tiger in the Eastern horoscope is the third sign of the twelve-year cycle of animals. It is a symbol of strength, courage, leadership, activity. 1962 the year of the tiger has produced many outstanding personalities. Among them, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Viktor Tsoi, Tom cruise, Cary Elwes, Anthony Kiedis. So many creative people born in the year of the black tiger is not accidental. In addition to the sharp mind and natural intuition, fate gave them a rich imagination that supports a natural craving for art.

Year of the black tiger

Water black tiger is considered to be the most quiet and peaceful tiger. His time in the twentieth century had the 8.02.1902 for 28.01.1903 and 5.02.1962 for 24.01.1963 tiger

People born under this sign possesses a broad Outlook, an extraordinary mental abilities and intelligence. Among all the others (and there are still metal, wood, fire, earth) water black tiger – the least aggressive and decisive. But in fundamental situations had absolute confidence and assurance.

The Element of water-the element of change. It forces cats to seek development and improvement. They live an active life, creating not only for himself but for others.

The tigers make excellent leaders, able to get to work anyone. Tireless, organized, for the cause can forget about their own interests – that he will, if he is interested in his work. Although the other can not be – a wayward cat will not do what is not for her tiger qigong


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In Ancient China this sign of the zodiac attributed to military prowess and magical powers. Not casually on the door jambs in homes of Asian people portrayed those graceful and powerful cats. It was believed that they can ward off demons.

The Black tiger is able to earn money. He enjoyed the love and respect of friends. He could always be relied upon. Family alliances with them robust and sturdy. People born under the sign of the black water tiger, life will devote to your loved one, trying at all times to keep the love.

Master Shen Zhi

An Example of a prominent person born in the year of the black water tiger, can serve as Master Shen Zhi. He practices martial arts of China, including qigong (“qi” – energy, “modes” – development). 1962 the year of the tiger Reaching unparalleled levels, he managed to defeat the masters of Hong Kong, Zhengzhou, Thailand and Singapore, famous “between the four seas". The impact velocity of his hands invisible to the human eye.

In July 2009, Master Shen JI visited Moscow school "Black tiger". Qigong, Wushu, tai Chi - these kinds of martial arts are taught in school. Master Shen Zhi commended to teachers and students, noting that such a school can be considered exemplary.

Tiger Woman, born in 1962

Impulsive and desperate, they do what decided. No advice will not stop them. Rushing to the next adventure, they rely on their intuition, strength, courage and instinct. This applies to romantic relationships.

The Trouble of all female tigers in their absolute independence. Because of this, they later married, if not solved on this step. But got a woman-tiger will be pleased. He guaranteed comfort, reliability and loyalty, prosperity and peace. But under one condition-if the husband will not be anything to reproach his daughter or give her advice.

Male tiger born in 1962

The Black tiger is a man, usually takes a leadership position. Chiefs with a complex character, authoritarian, demanding unquestioning obedience. However, they know how to win over the staff with her charm, intelligence and business skills. He enjoys the unqualified respect of his subordinates.

In the love of man-tigers flighty and fickle. Caring beautiful and generous, gentle with women, but the notion of loyalty they were not familiar with. The ease with which they get everything, plays with them a cruel joke: not knowing how to stop in time, they can lose everything.


A detailed consideration of the compatibility of the signs include:

  • Horse. Excellent Union, if the horse will not give rise to jealousy and recognize the absolute power of his chosen.
  • Dragon. Generous and careful, the dragon can be near spoiled cat, forgive her little prank.
  • A Dog. The signs can create a harmonious Union. Loyalty to spouse and children will help keep a strong family.
  • Boar. Two smart signs will always be something to talk about. The tiger will protect a wild animal and he will not pay attention to the warlike ideas of his partner.
  • Tiger. Quite a complex Union. Together they are companions that complement each other. He, she – home. It's all good if nobody will give cause for jealousy. Cats can't control their feelings, the explosion can be dangerous for both.year of the black tiger
  • Rat. Mutual concessions will provide a strong Union.
  • Goat. She loves when there are a lot of admiring fans. Family life will end quickly from a scene of a tiger and tantrums from the goats.
  • Cock. There is hardly a good Union have characters who can not obey.
  • Snake. Imperious tigerbetter not to mess with a clever snake. But, nevertheless, they are very similar in many views and predilections.
  • Monkey. If the husband is the tiger, the Union promises to be happy. Cunning wife can help her husband to make a career.
  • Bull. Strong and powerful he will not yield to anyone, the cat will have to leave.
  • Rabbit. Even if the game try to understand the hunter is unlikely to succeed. The Union will not be long.

Every rule has exceptions, and the ability to create a harmonious marriage for years to have all the signs of the zodiac, regardless of with whom they will link their fate.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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