Strong spell on the Apple on the man: feedback about the consequences or results


2018-03-21 00:33:19




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This is a strange and sometimes illogical at some moments, the attraction between a man and a woman is called “love”. Perhaps there is no more beautiful than this feeling. Everyone wants happiness and love. And do not dissemble that it is possible to live without experiencing at least a little of what tends to the entire population of our planet.

The path of unrequited feelings

But how often people suffer from unrequited love? The most desperate applicants reciprocity of the elect or chosen one is ready to do crazy things, breaking all the laws of the universe, recourse even to magic-both black and white. I say the same, can not be forced, but even folk wisdom does not stop wounded by the arrow of Cupid to the heart.

At Any cost they want to win the love of his chosen magic and divination, and most are engaged in pretty girls. And the fact that any intervention into the lives of the other person's feelings is fraught with sometimes unfortunate consequences, no one cares.


Grandpa Michurin used to say that it is not necessary to wait for mercy from nature, our task is to take what we need. Every man creates their own destiny and personal happiness. As for happiness, here often comes into play "heavy artillery" magic.

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Also you should avoid all kinds of conspiracies with the mention of the dark forces, devils and other evil spirits. All these roads lead to one – deterioration in depression, anger, aggravation of loneliness. Not immediately, but after a while all the dark.

Angry fruit

Well, when among friends and skeptics, and agnostics. They will certainly protect from excessive emotion if you choose the path. In the first stage of the choice of means should look for the remains unclouded mind and to listen to him. Because the Internet is swarming with enticing methods and practical tips for spell and priusquam beloved using different items or products. It remains only to select a “victim of love" and act. But is the game worth the candle?

“Humane” love spells

One of the most soft effects is the spell on the Apple. No wonder this fruit is called “Apple of discord". This dark story begins with the expulsion from Paradise of Adam and eve. And as we know, the instigator of this tragedy was a snake-a subclass of reptiles and just a reptile.

Magic fruit

The First temptation hit a woman. Since biblical times, and led that women are increasingly suffering from unrequited love, and the results of any magical influence on the situation.

We Must remember that any exposure through magical manipulation on the other person, his feelings will come back to him who conducted the ceremony. And those “vozvrate” three times exceeds the effect from the ritual. At least so say those who did the love spell on the two halves of the Apple. This is a serious kind of “fruit” of prisuschi on the subject of love. You should start with something more easy and humane, if I may say so on the forced to attract attention to his person.

Apple No. 1

To Do a love spell on Apple is quite simple and easy. It will not take much time but will require care and concentration of all senses. For the rite it is necessary to observe a number of conditions, otherwise the magic will not work:

  • Object love exposure needs to be geographically close, is available for meetings. Otherwise everything will be done in vain.
  • Apple must be freshly picked. To buy better in the Bazaar.
  • Wait until midnight on the moon rising.
  • Visualizing the image chosen, say to Apple: «As the Apple will dry, and you are the servant of God (name), will you miss me. Amen”.

Different sources indicate that to pronounce the text you need from one to twelve times. Then it all depends on the impatience and the determination of home-grown fairies.

Fruit position so that in the day time it fell the rays of the sun, and then nothing surprised.

The old woman is proruha

According to reviews, who did the spell on the Apple, the ritual can be carried out independently, the support sorcerer is not required. But it is worth remembering that nobody will give an absolute guarantee of receiving desired positive result.

As with any rule, every spell lapel there are exceptions, and if preparatively the subject has a strong will or energy, the effect of the spell on the Apple, those same inquiring minds, it may be the opposite. Instead of feeling sympathy, interest, attraction to morozivka lady or girl, the subject male begins to show negative emotions or even to avoid it.

Apple magic

So, beforeto proceed with the action with the other forces should get to know the subject of heart affections, his habits and preferences. Maybe the plot did not need…

Amazing fruit

There are numerous practical options and rituals using red or green fruit. ?? Apple has always been endowed with powerful magical powers. This fruit, especially in love magic, symbolizes immortality, eternity and infinity of the Universe. Remember the Russian folk tale about rejuvenating apples, and as Baba Yaga a bullseye on a platter by the plot rolled and seen everything that is done in the district?

Almost all the peoples of the world at areas where countries grow apples, there are tales, legends, beliefs about the miraculous capabilities of these fruits. So is it any wonder that it, and not a pear or a potato Magi-the wizards chosen envoy miraculous power to connect the hearts?


And the media are full of references and idols of beauty and fashion. Rare women can compete with modern models, the Queens of the catwalks and competitions of «Miss world" or something some kind of miss or missus.

Many turn to mysticism as a last resort in approaching the fulfillment of his dream of personal happiness. Perhaps thinking that the spell on the Apple gives you a real chance to say goodbye to the loneliness, our contemporaries make a decisive step towards the unknown. Maybe better in the gym, a beautician, a psychologist? But if the spell more in the heart, then move on to the next Chapter.

Apple No. 2

So, for the rite spell on the two halves of the Apple need to arm themselves with all necessary:

  • Object love exposure needs to be geographically close, is available for meetings. Otherwise everything will be done in vain.
  • Definitely Apple. The fruit should be whole, ripe, when the man looked at him, should begin a rapid salivation in the literal sense.
  • New (!) knife and better with a wooden handle.
  • Photos of the chosen one, hair or nails - that will be able to get.
  • Sheet of paper, thin red ribbon, new (!) needle.

The Ritual is performed on a young moon. The fruit cut in half, print on paper with the blood of your chosen names. If the sight of blood scares you, you can simple ballpoint pen. Next, attach a piece of paper with your names, photo or hair, woven with yours, between the two halves of the Apple and firmly connect them by means of winding prepared tape, or thread.

Apple Unique

Sensually And read the spell: “Love you like a ripe fruit. Let your attachment to the former will dry and never come to life. Bind you (name) I (name), who loves you forever. Let our love be as sweet as Apple juice, and the relationship is as strong as the peel of an Apple and the children will be plentiful as the seeds in an Apple”.

Then look for Apple Sunny place, but invisible to prying eyes. If it is after a time, just shrunken, so prisska men at Apple has happened. But if the fruit is rotten, so either you have to repeat the ritual, or you have made a wrong choice of love object. Often the second is closer to the truth.

Stop and think

Before performing any magical rituals and manipulation, it is worth considering, for some reason, the object of the aspirations of the soul pays no attention to you. They say that from destiny will not leave. This means that your man will find you itself without any supernatural influence wants to be near me.

Those who did the spell on the Apple, I assure you that the result will be seen quickly. But everyone's different. Let's do a retreat. Really good domestic magicians and wizards recommend all of these prisuhi-love spells to do only in case if the object of sensual desires is free from other obligations. That is, people should not be married. The alternative would be worse places to be “return”, which can last up to 3 years or even more.

Mystical fruit

For those who did not calm down and continues to draw in economy version, that is without paying high fees professional witches and wizards, there are a few simple opportunities to demonstrate your magic talent.

Apple No. 3

The Version of the spell on the Apple, in the opinion of the latter-day fairies and witches, the most safe for all participants. Attract the attention of a guy or men through the involvement of the Christian egregors. In this case, with the support of the Mother of God. We have to act like this:

  • To Get up before dawn and pray for the help of the mother of God. You need to read all the prayers that you find.
  • Felt like grace went – visualize a bright and joyful event.
  • Recite the text of the spell on the Apple: «As the Apple dries, so the slave (name) for I, the servant (name), groaning. Apple rot tread, the slave (name) to see me want. Mother Mary, remind the slave (name) about me, the slave (name). Tell me my dear (name) that he was bored, SOH and miss. As Apple will be dry, so the slave (name) will not forget me, neither in an hour nor a day nor a year. Let it be so, my dear will not forget me. Amen”.
  • The Fetus to bury it from prying eyes for the icon.
  • To Get out of the house and the wind said: “As the Apple dries, so cute of me remembers. As the Apple dries, so he is aboutI'll dry up. Amen”.

Behind this independent work is done.

Afterword for the patient

It Should be noted that after all the spell on the Apple powerful ritual in any of the three varieties. And we have to be careful with desires - they have a magical feature to be implemented.

They share an Apple and a desire to live in love. But it is worth repeating and mentioning some conditions must be followed:

  1. Man or boy should be free from the bonds of marriage or other commitments to another girl or woman.
  2. The Object of desire and worship should be at a close distance to the manifestation of thrust he could come himself, or meet on the street. If the distance between the two parties involved in the ritual, significantly, all magical manipulation will only lead to suffering, disease, and losses.
  3. If the object of passion is a popular personality – actor, singer, dancer, athlete, speaker etc, no point in doing any prisuhi-plots no. It's the people that change the face during the day more than once, and their real names, many fans don't know. So the efforts of the millet will be in vain.
  4. Undertook to do a love spell on the man on the Apple, then buy only good fruit. At least this will have minimal harm to themselves and the object of their dreams.
Minutes of rest

Remember, no spell on your Apple or herring will not help to materialize the sensuous ideas is better than you – just believe in yourself and good fortune.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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