The world's first mobile phone


2018-03-20 13:59:21




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Mobile communications operating today around the world, traditionally considered a relatively new invention. However, the first concept of the infrastructure of mobile communications emerged in the early 20th century. On the question of which country had the first mobile phones and when, is difficult to answer unequivocally. But if you try to do it — what are the facts about the development of telephone communication with use of radio equipment should study first? Based on what criteria this or that device should be attributed to mobile phones?

the world's First mobile phone

History of mobile phones: basic facts

To Answer the question — who invented the first mobile phone in the world, we can, first of all, after reviewing the history of the creation of appropriate communication devices.

Concepts and prototypes of communication devices, from a functional point of view close mobile phones, have started to discuss in various communities (scientific, engineering) in the early 20th century. But in fact a cell phone subscription as a means of communication proposed in the late 70-ies to develop a laboratory of Bell Laboratories, which belonged to one of the largest American corporations — AT&T. among the first States to successfully implement a commercial mobile communication system — Finland. Mobile communication system has been developed in the Soviet Union.

But what the state was ahead of others in introducing mobile phones?

It will be Useful to dwell on Soviet inventions — acquaintance with the facts about them will help us understand when the first mobile phone in the world and in what country.

the world's First mobile phone in any country

Creating a mobile phone: the Soviet experience

During the great Patriotic war, the idea of creating a special device, monotone, invited Soviet scientist George Ilich Babat. This unit was to represent a portable telephone, operating in automatic mode. It was assumed that it will work in the range of 1-2 GHz. The principal feature of the apparatus suggested by G. I. Babati, was to provide voice services with an extensive network of special waveguides.


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In 1946, G. Shapiro and I. Zaharchenko offered to organize a system of communications, in which devices for receiving and transmitting voice had to sleep in cars. In accordance with this concept, infrastructure-based mobile communications was supposed to be acting city stations, supplemented by special radio equipment. As for the caller ID was supposed to use a special Callsign.

In April, 1957, the Soviet engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich created a prototype communication devices — phone LK-1. This device had a radius of about 30 km and had a significant weight-about 3 kg. He could provide a link due to the interaction with the special ATS that could connect to local telephone lines. Subsequently, the phone has been improved. So, Leonid Kupriyanovich significantly reduced the weight and size of the device. The updated version of the size of the apparatus was approximately equal to the size of 2 tissue boxes, stacked on top of each other. The weight of the phone was about 500 grams with the battery. Was calculated that the Soviet mobile phone will find wide application in the national economy, in everyday life and will be subject to the personal use of citizens.

Cordless L. I. Kupriyanovich allowed not only to make calls but to receive them subject to the assignment of personal numbers and the operation infrastructure to transmit the signals from the automatic telephone exchange on automatic telephone station, and with them — already on the subscriber device.

Research in the area of mobile communications were also undertaken in other socialist countries. For example, in 1959 the Bulgarian scientist Hristo Bachvarov has developed a mobile device that is similar in basic principle with the phone, I. L. Kupriyanovich, and patented it.

Can we say that the world's first mobile phone was invented, thus, in the Soviet Union or other socialist countries?

Criteria for the assignment of devices to mobile phones

First of all, you should decide what to believe, in fact, a mobile phone. In accordance with the common definition, so should be considered as a device that:

- compact (a person can carry);

- operates using radio channels;

- allows one subscriber to call another using a unique number;

- in a certain way integrated with wired telephone networks;

- the public (the possibility of connection does not require permission from other authorities, and limited financial and infrastructural resources subscribers).

From this point of view a full mobile phone in the Soviet Union still was not invented. But, of course, the above criteria determine the mobile phone cannot be considered universal. And if them to remove, in particular, accessibility and compactness, then the rest may well be consistent with the Soviet system «Altay”. Consider its features in more detail.

The Soviet experience of development of mobile communication:system «Altay”

Studying the question of what the first mobile phone in the world, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the basic facts about the corresponding communication system. The devices connected to it, had, in principle, all the characteristics of the mobile phone, in addition to accessibility. This system, thus:

- functioned on the principle of radio communication;

- allow some subscribers to call other numbers.

- was in a certain way integrated with the urban networks.

But it is not publicly available were: subscribers lists were approved on the departmental level. System «Altay” was launched in 60-ies in Moscow, and in the ' 70s was deployed more than 100 cities of the USSR. Was used extensively during the Olympics in 1980.

the world's First mobile phone history

There were in the Soviet Union plans to establish a mobile communication system to which could connect everyone. But due to economic and political problems of the mid-late 80s working on the development of this concept has been rolled.

In post-Soviet Russia was introduced Western standards of cellular communication. By the time they had been provided communication between devices, which could be called a full-fledged mobile phones. Learn how the developed standards in the West. This, again, will help us to answer the question of where and when the world's first mobile phone.

History of mobile communications in the U.S.

As we noted at the beginning of the article, prototypes of mobile phones in the West began to emerge in the early 20th century. In 30-40-ies started to infiltrate real development. In 1933, between the cars of the NYPD could be the link using half-duplex radios. In 1946, Missouri was deployed a mobile network in which individual subscribers can communicate with each other using radio equipment under the mediation of the operator. In 1948, in the state of Indiana launched the infrastructure that allows one subscriber to call another in the automatic mode.

Is it Possible to say that in the USA, thus, was invented the world's first mobile phone? If we consider the above criteria in use to the device of the appropriate type — Yes, you could say that, but in later American development. The fact that the principles of its operation American cellular networks 40 years were very far from those that characterize the modern mobile network.

Systems such as those that were deployed in the States of Missouri and Indiana in the 40's, had significant limitations in frequencies and channels. It is not allowed to connect to mobile networks a large number of subscribers simultaneously. The solution to this problem was proposed by a specialist company, Bell D. Ring, who proposed to divide the transmission signal into the cell or cells that would have formed the special base stations operating at different frequencies. This principle is, in General, is realized and the modern cellular operators. The implementation of the concept of Ring D. in practice, was implemented in 1969.

History of mobile communications in Europe and Japan

In Western Europe, the first telephone system using radio equipment was tested in 1951. In the 60 years of work in this direction was actively conducted in Japan. It is noteworthy that Japanese developers found that the optimal frequency for deploying the infrastructure of mobile communication — 400 and 900 MHz. Today these frequencies — the key used by mobile operators.

One of the leading countries in the implementation of best practices in the field of functioning of cellular networks was Finland. In 1971, the Finns began to deploy a commercial cellular network, the coverage area which by 1978 had reached the size of the entire country. Does this mean that the very first mobile phone in the world operating on modern principles, appeared in Finland? There are certain arguments in favor of this thesis: in particular, the fact of the unfolding of the Finnish telecommunications corporations corresponding infrastructure nationwide.But in keeping with the traditional point of view, such a device has appeared yet in the United States. A major role in this, again, if we consider the popular version played by Motorola.

The concept of cellular Motorola

In the early 70-ies in the United States developed a very stiff competition between suppliers of services and equipment in a promising market segment — in the field of cellular communication. The main rivals here steel Corporation AT&T and Motorola. In this case, the first company focused on the deployment of automotive communication systems — by the way,as a telecommunications Corporation of Finland, the second — on the implementation of compact devices that anyone subscriber can carry.

the world's First mobile phone invented

He Won the second concept, and based on it, Motorola has begun rolling out, in fact, a full modern understanding of cellular networks using compact devices.The world's first mobile phone under the Motorola infrastructure, again, in accordance with the traditional approach, was used as a subscriber terminal in 1973. After 10 years in the US was launchedfull-size commercial network that could connect to ordinary Americans.

Consider what constitutes the world's first mobile phone invented, in accordance with the popular view that engineers of the American company Motorola.

First cell phone: features

We are Talking about tablet Motorola DynaTAC. He weighed about 1.15 kg. Its size was 22.5 x 12.5 x 3.75 cm. it was located number keys for dialing, as well as two special buttons for making a call and ending a call. The device had a battery, which can function in the call waiting mode, about 8 hours, and in the conversation — approximately 1 hour. To charge the battery of the first cell phone you had more than 10 hours.

Looks The world's first mobile phone? Picture device — below.

Who invented the first mobile phone in the world

Subsequently, the company Motorola has released a number of upgraded versions of the device. If to speak about commercial network Motorola — the first mobile phone in the world was made for the appropriate infrastructure in 1983.

The first mobile phone in the world

We are Talking about the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. Weighed this unit is about 800 grams, its dimensions were comparable with the first version of the device. It is noteworthy that in its memory could store 30 numbers.

Who invented the first cell phone?

So, let's try to answer our main question — who invented the world's first mobile phone. The history of the development of telecommunications using radio equipment suggests that the first device which fully meet the criteria for inclusion in mobile phones is still relevant today, was invented by Motorola in the USA and shown to the world in 1973.

However it is incorrect to say that this Corporation has introduced a fundamentally new development. Mobile phones — in the sense that they were radio equipment and provided communication between the subscribers by a unique number - had been used in the USSR, Europe, and Japan. If to speak about when was commercialized first in the world mobile phone — the firm which developed it, started the appropriate business in 1983, and later than, in particular, such projects have been implemented in Finland.

So, the Motorola Corporation is legally considered as the first who offered a mobile phone in the modern sense — in particular, operating on the principle of distribution of base stations by the honeycomb, as well as having a compact format. Thus, if we talk about where it was invented the world's first mobile phone, the country in which — as a portable, compact device, which is part of the infrastructure of cellular communication, it will be legitimate to determine that the state became the United States.

However, it is worth noting that the Soviet system «Altay”, which functioned very well and without technology adoption, American-style. Thus, engineers from the Soviet Union fundamentally proved the possibility of deploying the infrastructure of mobile communications nationally, in fact, the scale, without the use of the guidelines for the allocation of base stations by the honeycomb.

It is possible that without economic and political problems of the 80s, the Soviet Union would introduce its own mobile network, operating on the basis of concepts, alternative American, and they would have worked worse. However, the fact — in Russia today use the cellular standards developed in the West, who proposed and kommertsializirovatj the first mobile phones, the world.

It is Worth noting that the system «Altay” in fact, he worked until 2011. Thus, the Soviet engineering has long maintained relevance, and this may indicate that they may, with the necessary revision, could compete with foreign concepts of building a cell phone infrastructure.


So, who invented the world's first mobile phone? To answer this question difficult. If by mobile phone to understand compact Subscriber radio equipment integrated with urban networks cellular principle, available to everyone, probably for the first time this infrastructure was introduced by the American company Motorola.

the world's first phone firm

If we talk about the first commercial Networks — such, probably, in the entire state has been implemented in Finland, however, with the use of devices oriented for placement in cars. Non-profit closed mobile network successfully unfolded and, in fact, on a national scale in the Soviet Union.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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