How to make a caisson for the cellar with his hands


2018-03-26 19:40:16




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In Front of every person who is engaged in cultivation of various crops and harvests, there is a question about its storage, and harvested for winter preservation. Most often, this always used the cellar, but unlike modern variants previously resorted to the usual pits, lined with brick. And today there are more convenient and cost effective solutions to such problems, and they were caissons for the cellar. What is this device and how it is advantageous to the usual pit? What are the niches and how to make them with my hands?

The Caisson. What is it?

Storing pickles, vegetables, roots and fruits is accepted to carry out in crawl spaces, cellars, sheds and vaults. The preference is still given more and more cellars, construction of which was always quite a lot, but each has its drawbacks. Whether it's a pit, made of brick, wood or concrete, the durability and impermeability of these materials leaves much to be desired. Over time, the brick and concrete lose their properties and deteriorate, and the wood is exposed to mold and mildew. Yes, and often arises the problem of groundwater that can penetrate into the cellar and spoil the stock.

But the modern world does not stand still, and today we have a great solution and a worthy alternative to old structures – caissons for the cellar. It is a completely sealed dry chamber that, while in soils saturated with water or completely under water, creates a pocket of air.

Caisson for the cellar can be rounded or rectangular shape with the neck and Luke. To counter groundwater and exposure to soil, the thickness of the walls of the caisson can reach sixteen millimeters. Inside structures arranged in the ventilated, protects from excess moisture and humidity.caisson for the cellar


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Advantages of the caisson

The Caissons have a number of advantages:

  • Complete sealing that allows it to be installed even at a place with high water table without fear for the safety of products;
  • Not subject to the occurrence of fungus, which happens all the time with the usual cellars;
  • Do not attach to the products stored inside, a peculiar odor.

Caisson for the cellar can be fitted in any place such as under the house, barn and garage, and under the open sky. Properly done waterproofing will guarantee protection from the rain, accidents Sewerage or running water and groundwater. As well as the caisson has a more reliable level of protection against theft than the usual cellar.caisson for plastic cellar

Types of caissons

So, there are several types of caissons:

  1. The Most expensive and time-consuming is considered to be a caisson of reinforced concrete rings. For installation of this design you need a good base. Next are rings and installed the top cover. Must be made excellent waterproofing. The main drawback is the large weight, complicating the installation and implementation of waterproofing, and considerable price.
  2. The Most popular option was the metallic caisson. Such structures are made of steel sheets, welding them into a sealed unit with a ladder and hatch. Such caissons necessarily treated with the coating against corrosion and equipped with a relief valve in case of admission to the pit groundwater. In this design always maintains optimal temperature for storing pickles and harvest.metal caisson for the cellar
  3. Caisson for the cellar plastic does not require the procedure of treatment against corrosion. Due to the fact that the design has low weight, equipment for installation is not required. Model plastic casings are extremely leak proof and do not require the establishment of waterproofing protection. The caisson for the cellar plastic will serve their owners for over fifty years.

Caisson for the cellar with your hands

Gaining popularity and fame, the caisson is increasingly used by gardeners. Periodically the groundwater level may rise and threaten the safety of the crop, the owners erect caissons for protection from water. And besides, proper storage of the crop will allow him to stay until next season intact, and pickles kept for one year. The caisson can be purchased as a ready product, together with the installation service or to do and install it yourself. For those who are inclined to self-decision, describe how to make the caisson for the cellar.

Location of the caisson

When Choosing a place for the location of the caisson, it should be remembered that for a constant blowing wall fresh air, it is desirable to place the device in the middle of the underground. More common option is hiding under the kitchen, with entrance through the floor. You should note that the hatch of the caisson shall be closed with a tight lid, placed on the same level with the floor.

The most Successful equipment of the caisson on the site prior to the construction of the main room. You need to carefully examine the place where you plan to install the caisson with his hands. If the terrain on which the plot is situated high and dry, problems with the arrangement should not arise. If the soil is swampy, will have to make efforts and work hard. The recommendations of experts incline to the installationmetal caissons because of their greater reliability. But a large number of owners chooses a plastic caisson for the cellar, which also has good user reviews. caisson for the cellar with their hands

Fabrication of caissons for the cellar of metal

To become a good owner of the caisson to preserve the harvest, there are two solutions. In specialized shops you can buy ready-made metal caisson. And also you can order the model in size. But if you have certain skills, it is possible to make yourself a metal caisson for the cellar. Options shape the future of the caisson, there are many. Remember that all joints must be welded inside and outside to eliminate possibility of water contamination. Poorly welded seams threaten to rapid corrosion damage and time consuming repairs. The walls and floor of the caisson should be made of metal, and the upper part can be made of concrete or wood.

The excavation for the caisson

When the caisson is ready, you need to calculate the size of the pit and to do the layout on site. Metal caisson is installed to a depth of not less than 2.5 meters. Doing layout, it is necessary to consider that between the walls of the caisson and pit should be a distance of 0.5 meter around the perimeter.

In order to avoid fraying of the walls of the pit, when digging should try to save the turf. During the works, after removing the upper layer, the clay can cause problems with ground water. If it happened in the middle of the pit dig a hole with a depth of bayonet spade to collect water. After digging the bottom of the pit is filled with sand layer of 10 cm. Tar, smeared on the walls and the bottom of the pit to provide additional to make a caisson for the cellar

Waterproofing of caisson

As the metal is exposed to corrosion prior to installation of the caisson to the pit, you have to process anti-corrosion coating. Or by purchasing a special composition, are painting waterproofing. After you want to cover the caisson with bitumen. To do this yourself in the pot to cook bitumen mastic. Taking the amount of bitumen is equal to one third the volume of the pot, set it on fire. After the bitumen stopped foaming, a thin stream pour in the previously prepared container of gasoline and mix. For the treatment of external walls must be observed that the proportion of one part of bitumen to three parts of gasoline. For the initial painting in equal parts, to re - the three parts of bitumen to one of gasoline. The coating of the caisson in such a composition should be continuous, with a focus on acute areas.

The Insulation of the caisson

So, from the penetration of water, the caisson is protected, but now it has a high temperature, and it means that with its walls the water will drain, causing the yield on the caisson will rot. To overcome this problem required the installation of thermal insulation. Need to better insulate the walls and bottom of the cellar.

To the device of the caisson for the cellar was the most perfect, it is recommended to do it an insulating layer of clay with a minimum thickness of 20 centimeters. The same clay layer should be isolated. To achieve the best reliability, with cement floors and internal cellar wall plaster layer, 2 cm. On the frame of steel wire with a diameter of 0.06 inch set steel mesh with cells fixed and plastered. Next, cover the floor with a layer of 3.5 cm and allow the composition to dry. Internal walls can be insulated with glass wool or a warm blanket. the device of the caisson for the cellar

Installation of the caisson

After completion you can omit the caisson for the cellar in the pit. To install the caisson in the center of the pit in the first lowered vertically from two sides of the logs, which will play the role of constraints and guides for caisson. The installation can be carried out with a winch, the rope which needs constantly to weaken and control by one person. The remaining participants direct the caisson and keep it from rocking.

If the installation occurs in an area with a constant supply of water, the caisson will float. To overcome this problem install the water trap. Fill distance from the walls of the caisson to the cellar with clay, tamping it well. The device of the water seal must be below the level of soil freezing. But even setting it does not guarantee.

Construction of the caisson

After the caisson is installed, it needs to be equipped for ease of use. The modern market is replete with variety of all kinds of drawers and shelves for food storage. The installation location will only depend on preferences and the imagination of the owners. It is also possible to make shelving from wood, which are set on stands made of timber. fabrication of caissons for the cellar

In Addition to the equipment of the caisson various shelves and drawers, you need to attend to its ventilation. Therefore, in each metal casing must be installed vent pipe that will prevent dampness in the device.

To access the caisson was comfortable, you need to use the stairs. It can be made of metal or wood, the main thing - goodstrengthen the two sides, protecting against movement and vacillation.

Of Course, for the convenience of the caisson should be lighting. It can be electrical or with candles, a lantern or kerosene lamp. Do not forget about fire safety, and if the selected method of lighting a kerosene lamp, it is desirable to remove from the casing after use to avoid the peculiar smell of products.

After filling the caisson harvest and pickles the top of the caisson is recommended to cover the material intended for thermal insulation, for example, slag or expanded clay. If for this purpose, the selected moss, peat or sawdust, should be on top covering it up with layer of earth or sand, since they have high Flammability.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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