Pine Sawfly: methods of struggle


2018-03-26 19:41:13




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Pine Sawfly – a dangerous enemy to all types of coniferous trees. He lives in the woods, where there are similar types of wood. Spreads quickly, capable of hitting a large area of woodland. Insects cause enormous damage to trees. pine Sawfly control measures

Meet not only in Russia (European part, Siberia, the Caucasus), but also in Japan and other Asian countries. Even in North America observed outbreaks when beetle was struck by the huge areas of pine trees. A place where they never met an insect, – the Arctic.

How does the larva of a pest?

There are several types of such insects.

  • Common Sawfly;

  • The redheaded pine Sawfly.

Despite differences in appearance, the damage the insects cause is the same, as they have identical habits. The only difference – reproduction. Common Sawfly gives at least two generations during the summer season, thus can cause more harm.

Just to make sure what kind of insect harms the tree, you need to know, how does the common pine Sawfly. The size of the larva is not more than 2.5 cm. Color may vary from light yellow to green. The head is brown. There is a false pair of legs marked with black spots.

The larvae of red borer differ color of the bullock, and of the head. They have a light gray color with a distinctive white stripe along the back, sides are black spots with light inclusions. The head is glossy black. pine Sawfly

Appearance adult

The appearance of adult insects of both species of sawflies are almost identical. There are differences only between female and male.

The Female has a light yellow, sometimes reddish color of Taurus. Around the perimeter of the black spots. Size small, length not more than 1 cm.

Appearance females of the Sawfly is very similar to the pupa of this insect. She is in the cocoon of the same yellow color, and the length is not more than one centimeter.

Males are painted black, except legs (red shade). Mustache shaped like the crest of a wave. common pine Sawfly

As there is a harmful insect?

The Female beetles lay their eggs in a special way, like slotting vaincu. Thus, the eggs immediately fall into the soft tissue of the tree. If you look good, then the pine trees affected by this pest, you can see the convex swellings (galls). redheaded pine Sawfly


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Depending on the climatic conditions in mid-April-early may appear from the eggs, the larvae begin to destroy the young foliage at the sides, and the adults eat it whole. They keep in flocks, crawling from one branch to another. It has been estimated that one larva can completely destroy up to 40 needles on a pine tree.

The Development of the larvae takes a long time and involves 6 stages. On average they Mature in a few months, then pupate in the branches of a tree, and after 15 days the light appears ordinary pine Sawfly.

But not always. Very often the caterpillars descend the trunk in a bed of grass, moss, fallen needles. Carefully disguised in it and sink into hibernation. The larva can remain in this state up to 2 years, with the additional food she required. Some individuals can hide in the bark of a tree at its base.

What damage does the pest?

The Forest where planted conifers, are well familiar with the term "pine Sawfly". Measures to combat them are different, the main thing - time to detect the problem, otherwise the damage from the insect can be enormous.

Damage is caused as larvae and adults. Even if the first go round needles on the sides, leaving the middle intact, it shrinks and turns yellow and eventually falls off. In addition, older caterpillars eat the whole thing, but if there is a shortage in feed, can reach the bark and young shoots. And this is leads to the fact that the branches in the crown dry out. After a time, the plant is weakened, starts to hurt, which leads to the death of the tree.

If pine Sawfly got to a young pine tree, it dies within 4 years. Very often it happens that in addition to the described weak wood insect attack and other pests. In this case, the pine dies during the winter. pine Sawfly how to deal

Pine Sawfly: how to fight and win in the forests

In coniferous forests is very problematic to deal with this kind of pest. But the methods of getting rid of an insect is:

  1. Using a special adhesive rings. On the lower part of the trunk with a thin layer of glue is applied, which is not subject to drying and resistant to moisture. In the period when the larvae went down for the formation of the cocoon, they are caught in a trap.

  2. Chemical spraying infected trees and close.

  3. If a large area of damage, carried out air processing.

  4. The Use of the viral drug ("Virin-diprion"). When using it you should consider the pH of the medium.

Threat of the pine Sawfly: measures of pest control in the garden

If the country youfound this evil pest, it is necessary to save the trees. The struggle will be as follows:

  1. Planting next to infested pine bushes of tomatoes. The enzymes produced by this plant, to repel insects.

  2. Obkatyvaniem infected tree.

  3. Before planting young pine it is recommended to fill in the hole specially prepared solution of the ash with water.

  4. Spraying tincture of mustard, tomato, sage, tobacco.

  5. The Use of biologics.

  6. If the pine is small, collect the larvae by hand. When you do this, be sure to use gloves and glasses. The insect in case of danger, spitting up his own blood, which can cause a severe allergic reaction. pine Sawfly methods of struggle

Methods of prevention

If at least one tree in the forest struck the pine Sawfly, control methods should be initiated immediately. But they do not always have the desired effect. Each method is good for use at a certain time (the maturation of larvae, pupae, education, breeding, etc.). Therefore, it is better to prevent the occurrence of malicious insect. For this there are special preventive measures:

  • In many ways, the spread of the pine Sawfly due to the favorable weather. If weather forecasters predict a hot and dry may and June, with confidence 80% we can say that the trees will face the onslaught of the pest. If in these months will go a sufficient amount of rainfall, you can not worry about pine. At high humidity, the larvae of the insect perish.

  • If possible, it is better to plant mixed forests (coniferous and deciduous). The presence of shrubs complicates an adult in search of food.

  • Pine Sawfly – a tasty morsel for the birds. Build birdhouses to provide a lure for birds, which are the natural attendants of forests.

Pine Sawfly multiplies rapidly and attacks a large number of trees. To fight him you must in order to prevent the extinction of forests.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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