Tomato Snowdrop. These different tomatoes


2018-03-28 16:10:07




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The Homeland of tomatoes is South America. This plant was brought to Europe by Spanish conquistadors in the XVI century. “Tomatl” in the Inca language means “big berry". And the French for the color and shape of the fruit resembling a heart, he called them the Apple of love in French-Pomme d'amour. Hence the name of culture, the tomato. Initially, this plant was used as a garden decoration, planting the joy and wonder around the house, and its fruits were considered inedible and even poisonous. A wonder came to look at the neighbors, whose surprise had no limit.

Its suitability for use in food led to a happy occasion, which we all have. It happened in the midst of the struggle for freedom and independence of the English colonies of North America in 1776. The rebels were led by future U.S. President George Washington. And it tried to poison with sauce made from the fruit of this amazing plant by submitting a dish flavored with them. Taste it to Washington much, not to mention the fact that he was still alive. But the prejudice against tomatoes still some time left. While in Europe and the New world the tomato was considered inedible (XVIII century), in Russia, in the southern regions, it began to grow like a garden and food culture. In the mid-nineteenth century the propagation of tomatoes already covers the regions of the middle band and the end of the century – the Northern zone. Over time thanks to plant breeders created new, not only precocious, but cold-hardy varieties, one of which is tomatoes snowdrop, who received the rapid spread.&the Breeders managed to achieve incredible results, and not surprisingly, now this culture cultivate almost everywhere.


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Cold-resistant variety of tomatoes snowdrop initially adapted to the cultivation in the open ground of the North-Western regions of the country. Chain of its development and growth removed this link, as growing seedlings on windowsills in houses. Better than other varieties, tomatoes snowdrop grow on poor soils and even reduce productivity if the soil to make nitrogen fertilizer.

Tomato snowdrop is usually sown in early April in a greenhouse that is not heated (or at the end of April in the greenhouse, where a well manured soil). Grown seedlings in mid-June and planted in the open ground. The stage of full ripening is in the middle of August. Tomato snowdrop - polutemnoy compact shrub, when grown with the use of hilling, it is formed 3 stems, each of which in turn is usually 3 brushes. In the second half of June there is a period of mass flowering in early July - fruit. The first branch they ripen weighing up to 150 grams, and the second - to 90-11 grams. In the brush usually 5 fruits. Just tomato snowdrop with one plant produces up to 1.6 kg.

And, of course, tomato snowdrop is no different from their counterparts in the diversity of its medicinal properties. Tomatoes improve metabolism and due to serotonin, improve mood, as a good antidepressant. Have a rejuvenating and anti-tumor effects on the body, help with atherosclerosis, fatigue, bowel disorders. And natural medicine and a powerful antioxidant - lycopene, a part of their composition, reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. This vegetable is better digested, if food with its content of used oil.

Still its useful properties help preserve vision and prevent changes in the retina of the eye that in old age can cause of vision loss. Contraindications exist for such diseases as gallstone disease, gastritis and stomach ulcers, but they are relative, therefore to completely eliminate this healthy vegetable in your diet is not required. Eat tomatoes and stay healthy!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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