Conduct the fight against aphids folk remedies?


2018-03-28 20:54:12




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To put it Mildly, is very unpleasant to see aphids on their home or garden plants, because she is the reason they weaken, decreasing their resistance to various diseases. In addition, aphids may even be a carrier of a number of viral diseases. Most often it is the insect likes to be on the inner side of the leaves, shoots and buds. Damaged leaves usually turn yellow and curl, and the buds fall off, or produce deformed flowers. The danger lies in the fact that because of the aphids on the leaves appear sticky plaque that can be the perfect place for the development of the fungus.

the Fight against aphids folk remediesTo avoid these problems in the first place it is necessary to think not about how should be the fight against aphids, folk remedies, and how to prevent these pests. For the plants not attacked aphids, it is necessary to monitor the conditions in which they are located. The plant is better to have a bright, well-ventilated areas of the room, and cleaning flowers and remove all dried leaves should be regular procedures.

If you prevent the trouble still failed and one day you find the invasion of aphids on your flowers, then you are probably interested in the fact that in your apartment or on the plot was carried out against aphids folk remedies, without the use of strong chemical drugs. So, for flowers will suit the following method: if the insects are not too much, then assemble them by hand and treat the damaged plant is pre-cooked with water, which was squeezed garlic (per liter of water is enough 4 medium Zubkov). the Fight against bedbugs, folk remediesTo the fight against aphids folk remedies passed effectively, place the plant along with the pot in the package to 5 hours. After this procedure, arrange a kind of shower it will wash off insects and freshen the flower. To completely get rid of pests can be 3-4 such procedures, which must be performed with a break of 4-5 days. Any harm to plants or to others using this method will not. By the way, instead of garlic, you can use a bow or even tobacco.


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But this is not the only method by which this may be the fight against aphids folk remedies. Not less effective and the use of broth celandine or liqueurs from the peels of the citrus plants.

To prevent the negative impact of this pest on garden plants, you can prepare the following infusion: 1 kg of well-milled potato tops must be poured 10 liters of water and infuse for at least 5 hours. The strained liquid you need to spray all the damaged crops.

A Lot of trouble delivering to the host gardens and other pests, such as, for example, the mole cricket and Chinch. The fight with mole cricket folk remedies many people are interested in not less than with aphids. Of course, to get rid of this insect will be harder, but try to withdraw it without chemicals is. So, in the course of mole crickets pour soapy water: it will make her get to the surface of the earth where you will be able to kill her. And in order to reduce the risk of damage to the plants, they are best planted in plastic bottles: this method will not allow the pest to reach the roots.

the Fight with mole cricket folk remediesTo Avoid the appearance of various pests in the garden or in the garden almost impossible, as well as prevent the appearance of bedbugs in the house. But to withdraw the latter without the use of special tools is quite hard. Of course, some experienced hostess claim that the fight against bedbugs, folk remedies possible. For this it is advisable to purchase kerosene or turpentine, which need to treat all infected places, and apparatus, capable of delivering a jet of hot moist air (steam MOP or steam cleaner). If you see that pest control does not give the desired result, to completely get rid of bed bugs it is better to contact the experts.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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