Physocarpus Darts gold is one of the hardiest of ornamental plants


2018-03-29 01:04:14




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Physocarpus Darts gold was bred in Holland and is widely used for the decoration of land. This shrub is distinguished by its unusual appearance and airy blossoms that are pleasing to the eye for 3-4 weeks.

The appearance of the plant

English Physocarpus Darts gold is a dense and compact shrub, crown is similar to a dome. On average, his height is 140-160 cm

The Leaves consist of 3 or 5 blades. Their colouring is quite unusual, early summer leaf plate acquires a Golden color, then gradually it becomes light green, and with the onset of autumn and is converted to a bronze-orange color. A distinctive feature of the plant is the fact that the leaves are very densely arranged on the branches and create a powerful crown.

physocarpus dart's gold

The Blossom falls at the end of June - beginning of July and lasts about a month. White or cream flowers are collected in a neat fluffy blossoms that resemble shields. After the flowers fall off, on their place there are decorative red berries, pressing on which you can listen to cotton. Such fruits are kept in their places for 1-2 months.

Key features of the plant

English Physocarpus Darts gold is a long-term culture and very quickly expands, adding each year by 30-40 cm Due to such characteristics it is often used as a hedge.

English physocarpus Darts gold

Also, this plant is not picky about the care and composition of the soil can easily grow in the urban area, given its unfavorable environment. Physocarpus tolerates winter temperatures down to -34 degrees. Has good resistance to disease and pests.


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Rules landing

Physocarpus Darts gold, planting and care which do not require much effort, has the following preferences regarding place of cultivation:

  1. Best the plant feels on acidic loam and other soil types it will grow successfully.
  2. The sun will ensure a more bright and unusual color of flowers and foliage.
  3. Physocarpus Darts gold it is advisable to plant on a hill to protect from stagnant moisture in the soil, but if this is not possible, it is necessary to provide a quality drainage, made from pebbles, clay pebbles and broken bricks.

For individual planting physocarpus put in the pit, and when you create a living wall in the trench. 2-4 weeks to work on 1 square meter of soil make 500 grams of superphosphate, 3 buckets of mullein or humus.

 physocarpus Darts gold planting and care

After the plant is dug, the earth tamped and watered abundantly.

Plant Care

Varieties Physocarpus Darts gold low maintenance and tolerate even an adverse habitat. The most important procedures that should be regularly performed during the plant growth will be watering, weeding, fertilizing and sanitary pruning.

Watering physocarpus thus, to prevent water stagnation in the soil. To the roots faster is saturated with oxygen and could get all the necessary materials, tree trunks clear of weeds and shallowly loosened. Another important procedure is the mulching of the soil, which is recommended after each irrigation.

Fed physocarpus Darts gold twice a year according to simple rules. In the spring, immediately after snow melt, the Bush is watered with a solution prepared with:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 500 milliliters of mullein;
  • 1 tablespoon of urea;
  • 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate.

In the Fall, after the fall, all the foliage, physocarpus fertilize with NPK.

The Shrub grows very quickly and, therefore, also recovers quickly after cutting, so do not be afraid to experiment with the form of physocarpus. Depending on the choice of the grower, the plant can be square, ball, oval and many other interesting figures. Sanitary pruning is traditionally performed in the early spring and late autumn, while removing damaged, diseased and dry branches. It is also worth to trim the shoots that violate the overall composition.

If you follow all the above rules, then Darts gold will enjoy its beauty for many years.

Reproduction of physocarpus

There are many ways to propagate physocarpus, but experienced growers recommend the use of vegetative methods such as cuttings, cuttings or division of a Bush. This is due to the fact that using seed is very often not saved varietal characteristics of the parent plant.

physocarpus varieties

Propagation by seed, despite its drawbacks, usually works quite well, and seedlings emerge, quickly and amicably. Each of the plants can be quite not like any other. To physocarpus Darts gold from seed, you need to develop them in the moistened mixture of sand and peat. After this landing, covered with a film or glass and regularly watered. With the emergence of the first leaves of small plants can be put in a separate container. Permanentplace seedlings tolerate only a year later. This is necessary to ensure that they had become stronger.

Propagation by cuttings begins in late June. At this time, woody shoots are cut so that they remained at least 3-5 of the kidneys, the lower cut should be made obliquely, and the upper - right. Rooting cuttings directly in the open ground, in a homemade hot-house under the mother plant. All this time they should be watered abundantly, and the winter shelter spruce branches and burlap. Those plants that survived the winter frost, you can transplant to a permanent location.

For propagation of cuttings choose a strong and healthy shoot, which in early spring, bends to the ground and dropped 5 inches, for better fixation it is fixed in addition metal straps. Care removal is carried out jointly with the parent plant. Released bushes necessarily shelter with the onset of winter. Next spring strains carefully dig up and separate the young seedlings from the Bush, after which they are transferred to a permanent place of residence.

The division of the Bush is appropriate in that case, if the physocarpus greatly expanded and began to fill the garden, in such case, break it carefully from all sides so as not to damage the roots, and then cut into several parts, each of which is immediately moved to a permanent location.

Among the other varieties of this plant:

  • Red Baron;
  • Diablo;
  • Lucius;
  • Nanus;
  • Summer vine;
  • Nugget.

Varieties Physocarpus Darts gold can become a real decoration of any garden plot. This plant boasts decorative leaves, flowers and berries. In addition, the shrub is undemanding to care and environmental conditions.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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