Zabudovani bricks: types, features, specifications


2018-04-03 12:50:18




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Brick is among the most popular materials, because without it is impossible the construction 99% construction. To fully meet the needs of the construction market, produced several types of brick products, designed to solve different problems. One of them – zabudovani brick. How is it different from similar products of other types, the purposes for which intended and what are its features? More on that later.

Products Features

Zabudovani brickZabudovani brick called ceramic stone red color, has various shortcomings appearance. These are:

  • Heterogeneity of textures and colors;
  • Slant face;
  • Roughness;
  • Chipped.

Because this material is not used for the construction of exterior walls or, if still used, is subjected to subsequent finishing, decorating, paneling. But an unattractive appearance is not a particular flaw – due to this drawback the cost of products zabudovanou kind a lot cheaper, which is very often the choice of materials is the determining factor.

Produced two kinds of zabudovanou ceramic stones, each of which has its own characteristics.


BrickVoids inside the product can take up to 40-46% of the volume of products. Hollow ceramic due to the small supporting strength is not used to build load-bearing structures. But it is indispensable in the case when the construction of private houses and other low rise structures. Core ceramics are used for the construction of partitions and walls. Each product weighs 3 to 4 kg.


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The advantages of ceramic hollow stone.

  1. High thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. The Ability to significantly reduce the load on the base.
  3. A Small rate of moisture absorption.


The voids in the solid product is not more than 13% of the volume. Because of this, the brick has a high thermal conductivity, therefore, the construction of it are in need of additional insulation.

Although full-bodied ceramics weighs more than hollow, it's strength than her, why used in the construction of bearing elements, foundations, plinth other types of such structures.

The Brick has the following characteristics:

  1. High resistance to frost.
  2. Excellent compressive strength.
  3. Ability to withstand any load.


Zabudovani brick priceProducts have a different shape and texture. In addition, zabudovani bricks produced in different colors – this indicator has no effect on the strength of the product and depends on what shade of clay used in the manufacture.

The Material has excellent characteristics that distinguish it from similar goods of other types. These are:

  1. Environmental friendliness – products made from natural materials without the addition of harmful or toxic components.
  2. Excellent density.
  3. Long lasting appearance, regardless of any weather conditions.
  4. Excellent resistance against aggressive natural impacts.


brick Size zabudovanouAlthough the appearance of the brick products of this kind are far from perfect, it does not matter, because the material is designed to create a solid framework, which subsequently is coated. Moreover, the presence of the relief pattern enables excellent grip surfaces with concrete, resulting in the laying turns out quality and reliable.

Zabudovani brick is Used very widely to perform all types of external works including the construction of:

  1. Columns.
  2. Arches.
  3. Foundations.
  4. Load-Bearing walls.

Labeling products

To be able to choose the right zabudovani brick in the construction of buildings of different heights, the product should be marked. Marking informs you about pressure at 1 m, which can withstand the walls. For example, the markings M100 reports: for every square meter should have no more than 100 kg load.

Produces several brands of ceramic zabudovanou stone:

  1. M100. The most affordable material, so often used in the construction of private cottages and houses.
  2. M125. Designed for the erection of cottages and low buildings. For reliability and strength characteristics superior to similar material M100.
  3. M150. The most popular products, with high strength.

In Other words, the greater the number of floors you need to build, the greater should be zabudovanou brand ceramic stone.

According to GOST No. 530-2007, size zabudovanou of the brick is the following:

  1. Dual products – 25 x 12 x 14 cm
  2. Half – 25 x 12 x 8.8 cm
  3. Single – 25 x 12 x 6.5 cm

Zabudovani brick price depends on several characteristics-the size, brand, type. For example (price per piece):

  1. Single Core products are about 9.5 rubles.
  2. The Price of a full-bodied production M125 – about 7.3 RUB
  3. The Price of a single brick M100 -about 5.5 rubles.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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