Two-pipe heating private houses: diagram, working principle


2018-06-11 08:00:34




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In our article we will talk about the two-pipe heating system in private homes. This engineering design will determine how well it will be in the room. Comfort – most important, what should be achieved when building a house. Also include such communications as electricity, water, sewer, and even Internet access. They must be present in a modern house, because to live without them is quite difficult.

Heating system

In apartment buildings, centralized heating. This gives the tenants the benefit – no need to think about heating during the entire time of cold weather. Of course, there may be inconvenience to the beginning of the heating period (when it's still hot) and after it (when freezing outside). But when construction in the city will have to resort to self-heating system. In our article we will consider what heating system is better – Monotube or twin-tube. It can be based on any scheme. Also consider all their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

hot Water boiler

The Popularity of both systems is high enough, actively using them even for experienced developers. But each has pros and cons, we will talk about them further. The design of the systems is as follows:

  1. Heating boiler. Design it can be absolutely anyone. You can also use any type of fuel – from straw to gas or kerosene.
  2. Pump for circulating the working fluid. With it comes the stretch of the heat carrier from the boiler to the farthest corners of the trunk.

Design a two-pipe system is the most efficient and economical. It is also worth considering the presence of different boilers automation, valves and other assemblies that help carefully control all processes in the system.


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Single tube system

Some builders are still in doubt about which system is better. If you pay attention to the practice, we can see that a lot depends on what design of the house. For example, if the house has no basement and only one floor, then the best option – installation of one-pipe system. In addition, money for the construction will take not very many.

Under this system, the pipe away from the boiler to the radiators. The coolant pumped under pressure through the pump. The heated water passes through all the batteries. But in this case, there is one small thing – those radiators, which is close to the boiler will warm up stronger than those that location. Therefore, one-pipe system it is best to install in small houses.


In the manufacture of a two-pipe system you will ensure that all batteries will warm up equally. This is a bit of a different outcome. The radiator fits a separate pipe through which water is pumped. The so-called return pipes allows you to collect the cooled liquid and direct it to the boiler for re-heating. Most of these designs heating systems are used in the construction of multi-storey buildings.

construction Scheme

There are two types of systems:

  1. With a vertical layout.
  2. With a horizontal layout.

The Horizontal is normally used when the roof of the house is flat and has a basement. Vertical layout is ideal for building houses with a well-equipped attic. In this case, all the heating equipment is installed there.

Wiring Diagram two-pipe systems

In the manufacture of a two-pipe system, you are guaranteed that all the radiators will warm up equally. This is very important, as it significantly increases the comfort inside.

Set water heating systems

It is Possible to allocate such scheme of double-tube wiring of heating systems:

  1. Manifold connection. The radiators are two pipes from the manifold.
  2. Parallel connection of radiators.

The Last type of connection is good because it provides the possibility to regulate the temperature in each battery. But there is a disadvantage – a lot of pipes, with isolating equipment. But the main disadvantage are complex and costly installation works.

How is the installation?

Sure, in the manufacture of the system to carry out the separation at certain stages. First, install the boiler. To put it in a separate room. Often to do this, equip the basement. If you use natural circulation, the boiler must be installed lower than the pipes and radiators. After the installation of the boiler to produce its connection with the surge tank. It is set as high as possible – in the attic or on the ceiling.


If the system has a pump, the installation of the reservoir can be made anywhere, as long as it was above the floor. But if the circulation is natural, the collector should be put just below the tank. After thatit is necessary to conduct to each radiator from the manifold “hot” pipe. Similar to mount and “return”. Reverse the pipe to collect into a single circuit, this is connected to the boiler.

Definitely need to surge tank weld another pipe – it has to be made at the top. It is designed to drain excess water. When boiling liquid is expelled from the radiators to two-pipe heating system and into the tank. When the cooling water re-enters the system.

Species a two-pipe system

As the name implies, two-pipe system has two tubes, through which flows the working fluid. When cooling water in the radiator it does not arrive immediately in another and goes back to the boiler for heating. As a result, all inputs to the heaters, the temperature will be the same.

two pipe system

Installation can be carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. Horizontal – quite a good choice if the area of the house is not very big. But be sure to install the pumps, they exclude the occurrence of congestion.
  2. Vertical – perfect for big houses with several floors. But to use a pump is also necessary, because the efficiency of the system in this case is much higher.

Separation of structures

According to the flow direction of the coolant can be separated into the following types:

  1. Twin-tube stub of the scheme – the direction of water movement at the hot and cold circuits are different. Very similar to this design on one pipe, but all the batteries are connected in parallel. It is worth noting the low cost of this design.
  2. Direct Flow-water moves in the same direction on both circuits. Such schemes are good because they have no pressure.


With the help of any two-pipe heating systems can be quickly and effectively enough to make the distribution of heat around the room, no matter how far it is from the boiler. Thus at any coolant temperature is constant and stable. This is quite convenient, especially in cases when we are talking about homes with two or three floors.

Efficient heat

Is it Possible to adjust the temperature?

The Modern system of double-tube type is fairly simple, work on the same principle. Use one tube called a collector. The coolant supplied to the radiators individually. To take used coolant, whose temperature is quite low, use a pipe, which is called backward. It is always present in such a system. Connection two-pipe heating system without it is simply impossible to do.

Using such a system throughout the house set to the same temperature. However, if necessary, the owners can adjust the level of heating. For each room set separate controls, and change the degree of heating of the room.

Main components of a two-pipe system

Various systems

There are two main groups of heaters in system:

  1. Main units, which include radiators, thermoclean, pressure regulators, air vent, shut-off valves. These devices can be of various designs, it all depends on which room they are used. All of these components are available in two-trumpet system of heating two-storey house and single storey.
  2. A Device for carrying out temperature adjustment. In the design of a two-pipe system included devices that help to control temperature. For example, the most popular can be called thermostats, cylinder heads, valves, servos.

It Should be noted that in the design of two-pipe heating system a lot of different equipment. On the one hand, is a significant advantage, as there is the opportunity to improve the efficiency of the system. But there is a disadvantage — the reliability of the system depends on the quality of its worst component.

How to make hydraulic calculation of heating?

Before the implementation of the project, you must create the schema in which you need to consider all aspects of this system. Made sure the hydraulic calculation, it is defined:

  1. Estimated water consumption at various locations of the highway, as well as pressure loss.
  2. The optimum pipe sizes at different sites. It is necessary that when using the minimum cross-section to achieve optimum speed of water circulation.
  3. Method works reinforcement for adjustment. This is done in order to balance the system when working in different modes.

Heating Calculation

It Should be noted that you first need to pick up some of the systems, and only after that to implement them hydraulic grows. It is in these projects specify the location of the radiators, and their typical dimensions, calculated the heat balance in the room, the configuration of the structure. Also takes into account separate areas, the main ring circulation, pipe sizes, type, location of control and shutofffittings. If you want to save money, you can make a two-pipe heating system made of polypropylene. But this is surely considered in the design.

As a rule, perform calculations in these ways:

  1. Opens the monitoring of the pressure loss of the coolant, take into account the local resistance, it has valves and various equipment. Separately is inspection of individual parts and the system as a whole. You then need to calculate the optimal distribution of the liquid depending on the heat loads and pressure losses.
  2. Be Sure to consider parameters of conductivity and resistance. At the exit you need to get the most accurate data, for example, how much heat will be spent by the water in certain areas. If there are indicators of temperatures, it is possible to make substantial changes in the distribution of fluid flows. This technique is more suitable for the calculation of systems that are installed circulating pumps.

Procedure of mounting operations

In the design must take into account, what is the diameter of twin-pipe heating system will be used. No matter what house you are installing the system, the list of works will be as follows:

  1. Installation of radiators. They install components fittings, valves Majewski, tube. Is retain them for the designated areas.
  2. If the system is completely Autonomous, it is necessary to carry out the installation of the heating boiler. It can be installed or hung, be sure to connect to the chimney. Of course, electrical devices do not need it.
  3. To build a distribution site with header, if there is one design twin-tube heating system at home.
  4. Running the piping. It is advisable to place them in the cavities of the frame, and can also run in strobach walls or floor. The main thing - to ensure that they were not seen. Please note that pipes located in cement, you need to isolate with foam materials. At the end of each straight section is always being free thermal expansion.
  5. Installation of control valves, pumps and expansion tank.
  6. Finally tied off the pot, he joined the Cabinet and radiators.
  7. Integrity is to be Checked any and all connections. Be sure when mounting is controlled by the reliability of all components. You must then pressure-tested heating system. This is accomplished using the test pressure, which greatly exceeds the minimum level.
  8. Fills the system with fluid from all heating devices need to reset the air.
  9. Regulating device, which is located on the radiator, allows the balancing system to achieve the most optimum distribution of coolant across all devices.

This way of mounting the twin-tube heating system in a private home. But do it to you – you decide. After all, with a small area of the building is quite simple-pipe.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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