Solid fuel boiler: the benefits of using


2018-11-08 09:00:20




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Solid fuel Boiler is characterized in that the fuel supply it does not automatizarea. For this reason, this type of device refers to the apparatus of periodic action. The coolant is heated only during the burning of each new portion of fuel. In order to smoothen the fluctuations in the temperature, it is necessary to constantly load the firewood or coal.

solid fuel BoilerAt the moment the solid fuel boiler allows to use it much longer due to the presence of a variety of systems, extending the combustion and making it more uniform. Applied pyrolysis devices with increased duration of combustion of fuel, which is quite convenient. Each system of regulation of home heating by these devices has certain advantages and disadvantages, however, to solve the problem fundamentally no one can not.

Boiler heating solidIf the house has boiler heating solid, it would be nice to have a heat accumulator, accumulating energy during the period of operation of the device, and then gives off heat during pauses in work. The presence of such devices optimizes and stabilizes the heating of the home. Temperature fluctuations thus slowed, and the frequency of fuel loading is increased.

The density and mass of building materials is higher, the greater their heat capacity. Everyone has noticed that in buildings with thick stone walls, cool in summer and warm in winter. Modern technologies in construction coming in the opposite direction. Design becomes easier, the use of low density materials increases. For example, a house built on frame and panel, or frame technology, is able to provide thermal comfort only under the condition that the system of heating and air conditioning will operate continuously. Such a structure, the heat capacity minimum.

Solid fuel boiler reviews

If the house uses a solid fuel boiler, for increased comfort you can use a concrete screed floor as the battery. This is due to the following reasons. In the design of the floor with water heater contains a rather impressive layer of concrete. This floor can be called a kind of analogue of the Russian stove in modern construction. Warm floors in the result is an accumulation of the heater, slowing down temperature swings and increases comfort of the entire system, which is based upon solid fuel boiler.

The room is equipped with Underfloor heating, you can ensure thermal comfort at a temperature a few degrees lower, than using conventional radiators, making possible to save fuel.

In the house, where the main source of heat used solid fuel boiler, which reviews are mostly positive, recommended in all areas to arrange a warm floor. If included in the individual room radiators, small thermal inertia is the reason that space will become faster heat up and cool down. The fluctuation of temperature in rooms with Underfloor heating, between the furnaces will be minimal.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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