The engine is a steam with your hands: a detailed description of the drawings


2019-03-04 21:00:30




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The Steam engine began its expansion in the early 19th century. And in that time have built not only large units for industrial purposes, but also decorative. The majority of their customers were the rich nobles who wanted to amuse themselves and their children. After steam units firmly in the life of society, decorative engines began to be used in universities and schools as educational models.

Steam engines of our time

At the beginning of the 20th century, the relevance of steam engines in the early fall. One of the few companies that continued to produce decorative mini-motors, is a British firm Mamod, which allows you to purchase example of such a technique even today. But the cost of such steam engines easily exceeds two hundred pounds, not so little trinkets for a couple of evenings. Especially for those who love to collect all sorts of arrangements on their own, much more interesting to create a simple steam engine with his own hands.

the Engine with your hands steam

The motor unit is very simple. The fire heats water in a boiler. Under the action of temperature, water turns to steam, which pushes the piston. While in the tank there is water connected to the piston, the flywheel will spin. This is the standard diagram of the structure of the steam engine. But it is possible to assemble the model and a completely different configuration.

Well, let's move from the theoretical part to the more exciting things. If you are interested to do something with your hands, and you are surprised such an exotic car, then this article is for you, we are happy to discuss various ways to assemble the engine with your hands steam. Thus, the process of creation of the mechanism gives pleasure not less than his start.


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Method 1: mini-steam engine with your hands

Let's start. Gather the simplest steam engine with his own hands. Drawings, sophisticated tools and specialized knowledge when it is not needed.

For starters take aluminum cans of any beverage. Cut off from her lower third. Since the result is sharp edges should bend inwards with pliers. Do this carefully so as not to cut yourself. Since most aluminum cans have a concave bottom, it is necessary to align. Tight enough to press his finger to any solid surface.

Mini steam engine with his own hands

At the distance of 1.5 cm from the top edge of received “Cup” you must make two holes opposite each other. Preferably for this use the hole punch, as they need to happen in diameter at least 3 mm. At the bottom of the jar put a decorative candle. Now take the regular dining room foil, crumple it, and then wrap all sides of our mini-burner.

Model steam engine


Next you need to take a piece of copper tube with a length of 15-20 cm, to the inside of it was hollow, as this will be our main mechanism to bring the construction into motion. The Central portion of the tube is wrapped around the pencil 2 or 3 times to make a small spiral.

Now you need to place this element so that the curved seat was located directly above the wick of the candle. This gives the tube shape of the letter “M”. In this case output areas which fall down through the holes in the Bank. Thus, the copper tube is rigidly fixed above the wick, and the edges are a kind of nozzles. To ensure that the design could be rotated, it is necessary to bend the opposite ends of the “M-element" of 90 degrees in different directions. The design of the steam engine is ready.

Start the engine

a Simple steam engine with his own hands

A Jar placed in water containers. It is necessary that the edges of the tube under its surface. If the nozzle is not long enough, you can add on the bottom of the jar a small sinker. But be careful — don't flush the whole engine.

Now you need to fill the tube with water. To do this, you can omit one edge in the water, and the second to draw air through the tube. Drop the jar into the water. Ignite the wick of the candle. After a while the water in spiral turns to steam, which under pressure will depart from opposite ends of the nozzles. The Bank will start to rotate in the tank fast enough. Here we have turned the engine with your hands steam. As you can see, it's simple.

Model steam engine for adults

a Steam engine DIY drawings

Now let's complicate the task. Collect more serious engine with your hands steam. First we need to take a jar of paint. This should ensure that it is completely clean. On the wall by 2-3 cm from the bottom cut a rectangle with dimensions of 15 x 5 cm Long side is parallel to the bottom of the jar. Of metal mesh, cut a piece measuring 12 x 24 cm From both ends of the long side measured 6 cm in these plots is Bent at an angle of 90 degrees. We have a small “a table platform” area of 12 x 12 cm with legs of 6 cm is Installed the resulting design on the bottom of the jar.

Around the perimeter of the cover, you need to make a few holes and place them in the shape of a semicircle along theone half of the cover. Preferably, the holes had a diameter of about 1 cm Is required in order to ensure adequate ventilation of the internal space. The steam engine will not work well if the source of the fire will not get enough air.

Main element

Of brass tubing make the spiral. You need to take about 6 feet of soft copper tube with a diameter of 1/4-inch (0,64 cm). From one end, measure out 30 cm from this point, you need to make five turns of the helix with a diameter of 12 cm each. The rest of the pipe bend 15 rings with a diameter of 8 cm, at the other end should remain free of 20 cm tube.

Both outputs pass through the vent hole in the lid of the jar. If you find that the straight length is not enough for this, it is possible to unfold one turn of the helix. To set in advance platform put coal. The spiral should be placed just above this area. Coal carefully laid out between its turns. Now the Bank can be closed. In the end we got the furnace that powered the engine. Your hands the steam engine is almost done. There is not much.

Water tank

Now, take another can of paint, but of a smaller size. In the center of its cover drill hole with a diameter of 1 cm Side banks make another two holes — one almost at the bottom, second — above, from the cover itself.

Take two crust, make a hole with diameters of copper tube. In one of the crusts is inserted 25 cm plastic tube in the other — 10 cm, so that the edge barely peeking out of jams. In the lower hole insert small banks crusts with a long tube, the upper shorter tube. A smaller jar placed on a big can of paint so that the hole on the bottom was on the opposite side of the ventilation passages of the big banks.


The result should look like the following design. In a small jar filled with water, which through a hole in the bottom flows out into the copper tube. Spiral fueled the fire that heats a copper container. Hot steam rises up the tube.

In order For the mechanism was finished, you must attach to the upper end of the copper tube, the piston and the flywheel. In the end, the heat energy of combustion is converted into mechanical power of rotation. There are many different schemes to create this type of external combustion engine, but all of them always involve two elements - fire and water.

Steam Stirling engine with his own hands

In addition to this design can collect the steam engine Stirling with his hands, but that's material for an entirely separate article.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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