Landscaping a narrow area (photo)


2019-04-01 13:20:33




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The presence of the suburban area allows you to realize all your fantasies to life. But his form makes adjustments to what you want. Some owners of tight areas not initially know how to properly and profitably develop the territory. In any case, it is necessary to carefully approach the design. It takes into account all information on site: topography, wind rose, groundwater table, soil composition, orientation to the cardinal points, etc.

landscape design narrow portion

Unfortunately, do not always get to choose the plot of land desired shape. Besides, sometimes when you buy in the first place, we pay attention to its price and convenient location. And in time, having been engaged in the design, assess the shape. Therefore, we must properly equip landscaping a narrow area for a comfortable stay in it.

The advantages and disadvantages of the narrow portion

First of all, you should decide to use the entire site. For example, if the area is only 5 acres and most of it should be used as a garden, the design will be quite difficult. But if the area is large, well lit landscaping of the narrow portion will be comfortable, attractive, and comfortable for owners and guests.

The advantages of extended areas include:

  • Can be easily zoned.
  • Proper design allows to use every part of the territory.
  • Perfect for lovers of grapes and vines.

Want to grow vegetables in the suburban area? Proper planning will allow you to hide from the eyes of this site.


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There are drawbacks of this territory:

  • It is not always possible to build a house from the desired layout.
  • The Location next to the road does not allow to achieve good sound insulation.
  • Landscape design narrow portion does not provide for a garden with tall trees. They will conceal and obscure the space.
  • You Cannot protect a site with a high fence, it can block the access of light.
  • Designing such a site is better left to professionals.

landscape design long narrow plot

Design Features

The Last remark is relevant not only to narrow areas. Because of inept planning with good location and best configuration can be easily turned into an unattractive, uncomfortable and unsuitable for living space. But skilled professionals will help you to draw up the territory so that no one will remember what it was form, and whether located.

If you see a specialist you can not, extra money is almost there, but the garden plot is small, you can start planning the plot using the tips below.

a narrow stretch of countryside photo

Location and layout of the house

Regardless of the shape of the plot, its main element is the house. If you are just going to build it, you need to decide on its location. It is better that the orientation of the end-wall was to the West and the East, because the house will get plenty of light every day. It is better that the building had a rectangular elongated shape. Often in such areas the buildings lined up along the entire section.

It is Possible to design “carriage” type. In this case, all the rooms are arranged one behind the other. The house in the middle of that long corridor. Remember, you cannot build a building too narrow. The width of the house should be more than 6 m. In the other case, in such a house will be uncomfortable to live.

The solution to this situation is the construction of a two storey house with attic. You should also take care about the construction of the extensive basement. There may also be a sauna, and a gym.


Landscape design narrow portion involves a preliminary division of the territory into zones, the main are:

  • Representative;
  • Special;
  • Private;
  • Transit or buffer;
  • Sports;
  • The garden;
  • Children's Playground.

landscape design narrow house

Area Representative

A Representative area is located directly in front of the house. Often it is called and the ceremonial area. Landscape design long narrow plot in this area is often represented by a small lawn with rock gardens and flowerbeds. This area should be planted showy, ornamental plants. Remember that the care of this area should be most careful, because it to be visible at all.

Specialists in landscape design narrow long site say that the perfect proportion of distribution of representative areas on the lawn and the house is 3:1. In areas like this form better to use a steel lawn on which to place a small flower beds, planted a few rose bushes.

If the area is not possible to arrange a buffer zone, the representative can identify a place for Parking cars. Remember that transport should not be placed strictly on the center of the plot.

Private area

Most Often it is separated from the representational zones trellises, pergolas, low fence. Landscape design long narrow plot must include low construction, plants. They should belight and delicate, not big and bulky. Indeed, in this case, the space will be “eat”.

It is Recommended to separate such zones to use flowering plants and vines. It is desirable that these plants bloom in pastel shades: blue, pink, white.

In the private area are often placed area. Every owner of a country house. For example, someone wants to build a green office, or gazebo to talk with loved ones over a Cup of tea. Some can't imagine their life without a barbecue, so, there must be placed an attractive grill.

landscape design narrow suburban area

Specialized area

In a special area should be located outbuildings. Men can arrange a workshop. There may be just a strained rope for drying clothes. But in any case, this site should not be viewed from the rest area. Fence off the area in the same way as the previous one, using vines. Attractive looks and a vineyard for this purpose. Access to this area should be easy.

Desirable but not mandatory zone

The Buffer zone should be preceded by a representative area. Here are often located car Parking. Often it is placed counters. Separate the area with thick bushes or a high fence.

The Playground should be placed immediately behind the Seating area. The separation between them must be symbolic, because the children must be supervised by an adult.

The Playground is located between the Seating area and specialized area.

landscape design narrow suburban area

The Garden often feature in the end. It needs to adjoin directly to the specialized area.

Expanding space with light

A Visual expansion of the space – the main task of a specialist in landscape design narrow plot. Photo of attractive areas with a well-placed areas look impressive. Here are all stationed in their places.

Visual expansion of space can be achieved with light. Remember that it is possible to reduce the area.

To increase the visual areas required to bring the rear wall and the two side apart. But if you have divided the area into zones, approaching the rear wall would be pointless. So, how light can be used in landscape design narrow plot with a house?

  1. Planting wall flowers blue, you can visually get it back.
  2. To expand the space, use colors of white, pink and blue shades.
  3. Even if a small plot, planted on his snow-white flowers. Impressive look white roses.

landscape design narrow country site photos

Visual illusion

This method allows you to visually increase the space with decorative-deciduous plants. Country station will be greater if:

  • Beds first to plant small plants, and in the background – tall.
  • Bushes and trees with light foliage are planted in the foreground, and the dark – at the rear, on the border of each zone.
  • Large-Leaf plants should be planted near, and small leaf – in the background.

Landscape design narrow suburban area looks spectacular if the house hosts are planted alternately with bright leaves, light rose bushes and spirea Vanhoutte.

Just a stunning effect can be achieved if the entrance to the house to plant low plants with large leaves, for example, hosts with light green leaves, on – white or pink rose of medium size, and in the background – English Vanhoutte.


Most of the existing suburban area we want to create your own personal Paradise. And it does not matter what his form. Large rectangular spaces can be managed independently, but with extra-long… In this case it is better to consult a specialist, who will provide a few photos of landscape design narrow suburban area. Of them you can choose the best, attractive and most profitable option.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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