The interior and decor of the nursery for two girls


2019-04-12 03:20:38




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Pick the right design a child's room is much more difficult than other dwellings. The fact that the child in this space need to spend a lot of time. The task of design is much more complicated, if two children. Of course, all parents dream to make room ergonomic, comfortable, beautiful and functional. However, this is not within everyone. Must possess some knowledge, but to receive them does not necessarily end institutions. Enough to see the basics of interior design. This will allow you to learn how to harmoniously combine colors, objects, textures. Also, do not ignore the advice of professionals.

When making a child's room for two girls (photos of the best works, see the article), it is important to take into account their preferences and interests. Space must necessarily represent their personality. Also need for everyone to provide a personal area where they can do their business without interfering with the sister. What to consider when choosing the design? What color preference? What finish will fit perfectly in this space? These questions can be answered by reading this article.


Design a child's room for two girls regardless of size should be based on the zoning. In this room you will need to arrange two beds, an area for games and relaxing, a living room for socializing with friends, dressing area and study area. Better if the sisters they will individual. However, if there is insufficient free space a games area, a dressing room and a living room can be combined, that is, to share. It is not considered an error, as it will teach girls to share and respect each other's interests.


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Professionals recommend to consider some important points when making a child's room:

  • For two girls of different ages will need to choose different furniture. The fact that young children have some needs, and adolescents are completely different. Last you need a place to store school supplies. It is also important to note that in teenagers clothes a lot more than babies. But they are not demanding to the wardrobe. They need more full-fledged gaming zone.
  • Given that the room will accommodate two people, it is important to create conditions for the realization of their interests. For example, one girl loves to draw. Naturally, she needs an area where there will be an easel and shelves for storing paints, brushes and other accessories. The second girl is engaged in music. She will need to organize the area, staffed its tool, speakers, drives and other things.
  • Area for receiving guests, as a rule, need only to teenagers. So if girls of different ages, in children it can be only one. It must establish a comfortable chair, a small table, it was convenient to drink tea or drinks.

Options children's rooms for two girls very much, but to implement them - no easy task. As can be seen from the above information, sometimes in a pretty small space, it is necessary to combine completely different things. Most importantly, remember that the room should be not only beautiful but comfortable for each of the sisters. And therein lies the difficulty. Most likely, the parents have to compromise, especially if children of different ages. But there are no such tasks, even the most complicated that can be solved. And the advice of experienced designers. Following them, quite possible to create an ergonomic and functional interior.

Design a child's room for two girls


The basis for the design of any space is the zoning. Without it it is impossible in those areas, which have several functions. Of course, this is a children's room.

Two zones for girls is extremely necessary. We are talking about sleeping and study areas. They will need to equip even in the room with a small area. As a father of two children, these areas should be two. It is also desirable to find a place for the Cabinet in which the sisters are to store their belongings. Mandatory organized space for games. This allocation is essential. This will create a harmonious atmosphere.

Let's take a closer look at how to equip each area in the nursery for two girls.


Interior Planning is necessary to begin with areas for sleeping. If girls of the same age, bed you can choose a bunk. Before you buy, to avoid conflicts between the children, immediately determine who will sleep on the ground floor, who on the second. If sisters start to argue, then such a venture should be abandoned. In this case, fit two separate beds. To room looked organically, the model is set the same.

This way of sleeping area suitable for sisters of different age. The layout of children's rooms for two girls in this case should be isolated, that is separated into zones for each of them. As the boundary may be a wall of plasterboard, a cover, a canopy, or a narrow rack.

Beds Are depending on the layout of your room and its size. The values include:

  • Parallel to each other – a great option if children of the same age;
  • Along the opposite wall-is used ifthe room is wide, but short;
  • Headboard to each other – suitable for narrow but long space;
  • Perpendicular to the – if the room is quite spacious.

If space for two beds is sorely lacking, you can buy transforming furniture. For example, to day there is enough space for games and activities, parents are installing the wardrobe with the folding bed. The only thing to take into account the age of the girls. For very young children such structures is very dangerous.

Another good solution for small bedrooms – bed catwalk. She appeared only at night according to the type of box. In the morning, by sliding it, you will achieve that there will be a free space for movement. On the upper surface of the runway can be equipped with a games area or study.

Layout of children's rooms for two girls

Work area

Outfitting a children's room for two girls age 12 and older, it is important to provide a place where you can enjoy not only the lessons, but also to spend time on the computer books. Parents, of course, equip a training area for children aged 6-7 years. It usually installs a Desk, chair, shelves and racks. Naturally, this zone should be located near the window in order to provide a good lighting. However, growing up, children need computer. And then for parents is a dilemma – to find a place for another piece of furniture or purchase a model that combines the functions of and the Desk, and computer. Note that the last option is ideal for rooms of different sizes. It is important not to overload the space with unnecessary items.

Be Sure the workplace is supplied with shelves for books and drawers for storing school supplies. Depending on the layout of your room to place the tables in several ways:

  • Along the window, if it is large;
  • To create a corner design – a table along the window, the second – along the adjacent wall;
  • Next to each other – used if the room is wide.

In that case, if girls of all ages, for example, 12 and 6 years, the full working area need only older. But for Junior, you can install a small Desk or a folding design, consisting of a table and chair.

Options for children bedrooms for two girls

Dressing room

In the interior nursery for two girls have to be a area intended for storage. For these purposes, set the Cabinet. He may be the one, if the design is roomy. For each of the sisters is provided with separate drawers and shelves. If space is not enough, seasonal outerwear stored in another Cabinet, for example, in the hallway. There are allocated and drawers for shoes.

Currently, the majority of parents prefers wardrobe. It is quite roomy. The amount of usable area increases due to the height. Usually, it is fixed on the door mirror. This will allow the girls to see yourself in full growth.

If the room dimensions allow, you can set and other furniture. For a child's room for two girls is perfect chests. They are low, have 4-5 drawers, which is convenient to store underwear, socks, tights and other small items.

Furniture for kids room for two girls

Recreation Area or game

If one or both sisters reached adolescence, instead of the bed can be set sofa. At night it will be used for sleeping and during the day as a rest area. Do not interfere, and a coffee table. If the girls will come friends, then they will be able to organize a tea party right in her room.

To Equip the recreation area in the nursery for two girls you want, based on their interests. For example, you can equip a runway that will serve as the stage. Those children who are addicted to sports, it is necessary to equip the area with shells (ropes, wall bars, horizontal bar, rings and so on).

It is Important to pay attention to the flooring. If the room is a live baby in the play area will need to lay a warm carpet. The fact that they love to play on the floor. You should also think about a place where to store the toys. For this purpose, racks or tables. Currently sold puffs, which have compartments that are perfect for these purposes.


Choose colors

Having dealt with zoning, you must proceed to the selection palette. It is important to consult with girls. Most parents make the mistake of confining the space in pink tones. Such a design a child's room for two girls will fit only if each of them is positioning itself in the role of Princess. But in life it often happens that the sisters are the complete opposite. In this case, you will either have to compromise, or half of the room decorated in one color, and the second part in another. And here it is important to know which shades blend which can be used as accents or additions. Onassistance to parents coming professionals. The designers have made a few rules that are easy to create a harmonious and cozy space. Let's see:

  • It is Not recommended to choose too bright colors as dominant.
  • Red, crimson, orange, as a rule, are only used for the accents.
  • Desirable to make the room monotonous. It would be too boring and even depressing.
  • Mood is created by using bright inserts, for example, wall paintings or murals.

Harder to choose the color scheme, if designed children's room for girls and two boys. In this case, should give preference to the classic colors (green, yellow, blue, white, gray). They are used as dominant. And in order to make the area of each individual child, apply a vivid color insert. For example, the name looks great on the wall. For girls it can be done in gentle tones, and the boys fit more masculine. In any case, before you make a choice, it is necessary to consult with children.

All colours have a psychological impact. This is surely considered before decorating.

  • Red – exciting, pushes to action.
  • Green – calms, relaxes, relieves negative emotions.
  • Pink-represents gentleness, patience, grace.
  • Lilac – used to create romantic atmosphere.
Sleeping area

Materials for children's rooms

Furnish the children's room for two girls should be performed only with quality materials. Compromise in this matter. It is important to protect the younger body from the harmful effects. As you know, many manufacturers mark their products with a special designation which indicates that it is possible to use these materials in the nursery. They are non-toxic, do not contain hazardous chemical compounds.

Let's look at what the advice of professionals for finishing the main surfaces.


Kids ' room for two girls (you can see photos in article) often decorated with Wallpaper. This finish is absolutely safe. It is recommended to give preference to paper alternatives. Popular Wallpapers. For each girl you can choose individual plot.

You can Also paint the walls. In this purpose, suitable water-based, acrylic, latex paint. They quickly dry and do not emit pungent odor.


Currently, for finishing the ceiling there are different. The simplest way is to paint the surface. Does not necessarily make it white. Looks great with a beige or light purple ceiling. You can give preference and other colors.

A More interesting look ceilings or drywall construction. With them, the room has been greatly transformed, acquires a new geometry.


In the nursery, it is important to choose quality flooring. For these purposes, can be used a laminate or hardwood floor. Some parents opt for cork flooring. In any case should not abandon the carpets. This will not only provide comfort, but also give comfort. But it is undesirable to lay carpet in the nursery. The fact that it consists of synthetic fibres that can be unsafe for children.

Photo child room


As I mentioned Above, what kind of furniture needed in the nursery for two girls. Now let's talk about the selection criteria:

  • It is Important to avoid designs with sharp corners.
  • Children's room furniture is not suitable with toxic impurities.
  • All items must be durable, reliable and eco-friendly.
  • Pay attention should be on functionality and ease of use.
  • The Design of the furniture should match the style and age of children.
  • Is the Preferred material-natural wood or MDF.


What styles are suitable for children? If the girls have reached adolescence, the preference can be given to high-tech. It's functional, it involves a lot of free space that is so necessary for a room. Color scheme neutral, so it will be easier to reach a compromise with the sisters.

Another popular style-modern. Modern interiors are like children. They use bright colors, through which creates a positive mood. The furniture was functional, transformed, not occupying much space. Has an original shape that allows you to get rid of monotony.

If both girls are romantic nature, then children should choose the style of Provence. It is characterized by the abundance of plant motifs, floral ornaments, delicate colors, ruffles, lace, openwork canopies over the beds.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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