Cucumber Connie F1: reviews. Characteristics of the variety


2019-06-03 04:00:30




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Good to grow cucumbers in regions with a mild climate, you can take multiple harvests off one by one and not worry about what the seedling will die from the cold. Another thing is – the Northern regions, the Urals and Siberia. To get a good harvest, you must plant early maturing variety, resistant to temperature extremes and various diseases. This is a cucumber Connie F1. Reviewers call it one of the most beloved Russian horticulturalists and gardeners. It is characterized by excellent yields, simplicity and wonderful taste of the fruit. Let's see the advantages and features of this variety.cucumber Connie f1 reviews

What is this grade?

We consider self-pollinating hybrid for open ground and greenhouses. This cucumber Connie F1. Reviews suggest that it is a reliable variety that every year gives gardeners a consistently high yield. In inflorescences is dominated by female flowers, that is, the plant is pollinated on their own, and so can be grown in fully enclosed greenhouses. If your region's summer comes late, the plants are planted in the soil with the onset of sustained heat. Very soon, 40-45 days after germination, the mass harvest. Fruits can be the basis for summer salads and to serve as a great side dish, they are also suitable for winter preparations.

Characteristic of fruit

What distinguishes it from the rest of the cucumber Connie F1? Reviews say that it gives delicious fruits. Variety characterizes the beam position of the fruit, which means that the harvest will be very high. The fruits are small, about 8-10 cm, tuberculate, beautiful, oval, bright green color. Very pleased that fruits have no bitterness, the flesh is tender, crisp, delicious. The fruits of universal use, they are perfect for pickling, marinades and summer salads. Good in itself cucumber Connie F1. Reviews consider it the most delicious gifts of the suburban area.seedlings of cucumbers in the home


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Seedlings of cucumbers in the home begins to land in February-April, depending on the region and the onset of sustained heat. Cucumber Connie early, so the plants will have time to give a harvest even when sown in open ground in early June. However, the seedling method is preferable. It helps to reduce the waiting time of harvest is about 15 days. If you have film or glass greenhouse, the seedlings of cucumbers in the home is sowed in early April. To plant it in the ground will be in the middle of the month. By that time, as the plants will release their long lashes, daytime temperatures will already be removed to allow covering material. This variety is a powerful sredneplastichnye plants, resistant to a complex of cucumber diseases.

Sowing Technology

Despite the fact that today we see the cucumber Connie F1, the description of his planting is virtually no different from the usual. Due to the fact that the seeds have undergone the plasma treatment, they don't need pre soaking. The growth and yield of this variety is much higher than many others. Often plants are grown on supports, 3-4 plants per square meter. If you decide to grow them like a pumpkin, twine freely on the ground, just 2-3 plants per square meter.

Seeds should be sown at 2 cm depth in fertile, air-penetrable, lightweight soil. 2-4 days sprouts appear, and after the appearance of 3-4 leaves produce the topping. This will form a Bush that will eliminate the need to care for the wild thickets, instead of neat beds.cucumber Connie f1 description

Care for cucumbers

Sure, Connie F1 – the most productive of all the cucumbers that are on the market today. Parthenocarpic, the hybrid beam in a single season can provide you with about 5 kg of fruit per square meter. The plant is unpretentious, the entire treatment is timely watering and fertilizing. Lack of water can cause plant death or reduced quality of fruit. While watering the cucumbers only in the evening, warm, settled water. Cold, tap water can destroy the roots or stop the growth. Fertilizing is done once in ten days, while the ideal is a homemade mixture: one liter of manure in a bucket of water.cucumber seeds f1

Packaging and cost

Produced F1 cucumber seeds Conny in different packages. In this black-and-white packaging is much cheaper than the same seeds in the coloured tutu with bright pictures. In both cases, inside you will find plasma seeds company "Agronika" in number of 10 pieces, or 1 g. What do you mean plasma? That is, the seeds were treated in air plasma discharge at room temperature. This increases seed germination in a state of deep rest, their resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases, and sprouts appear stronger.

varieties of cucumbers to the Urals

What to plant cucumbers?

In fact, not only Connie F1 is an excellent choice for growing in the Northern regions. There are a large number of hybrids, which provide excellent yields and resistance to disease.Let's look at the most favorite gardeners classes:

  • It Should be noted Amur F1. This is a self-pollinating hybrid, which has a high yield. Fruit Matures in 40-45 days and have great taste.
  • One of the most high-yielding varieties is Arina F1. However, he is surprisingly cold, but intended for use only in fresh form.
  • Imagine you and a hybrid of the Voyage. This is the salad variety of cucumber, which tolerates temperature extremes, but still recommended for cultivation in greenhouses. Cucumbers do not require pollination.
  • If your site has a shady location, you don't have to worry about coming up with that put on them. Take the seeds of the cucumber Moscow nights. An amazing variety tolerates even the most shaded areas and pleasing and an excellent cucumbers

Varieties of cucumbers for Ural

The nature is not particularly gentle to delicate, heat-loving plants, one of which is cucumber. Modern breeders offer a large selection of varieties that provide excellent germination, yield and resistance not only to diseases but also to temperature extremes:

  • I Want to note the variety of Altai, early maturing, high-yielding, it can be planted in the open ground and in greenhouse. Fruits are delicious and crispy, I find more and more fans among gardeners. They are excellent for pickling and salads.
  • New, only recently issued by Russian breeders – it is a sort of cucumber White sugar. He refers to mid-season vegetables and distinguishes it primarily white, cream shade the fruit. They are great for pickling and for salads.
  • When growing cucumbers in the open ground should pay attention to the bee pollinating the F1 hybrid of Ajax. Early maturing, well adapted for growing in the harsh conditions of grade. Fruit medium-sized, weighing about 100 g.what cucumbers are best planted

The Most productive cucumbers

Each of us wants to have a beautiful garden and productive vegetable garden. Cucumbers – it is a true summer gift. Delicious, crunchy, low-calorie, they perfectly complement any dish. Picking up seeds, I want to buy exactly the sort will provide you with the harvest. Today, it is quite possible that modern breeders I offer the following classes:

  • Masha F1. Variety is the favorite of many. Small, crisp gherkins grow in such quantity that the brine they will have each day. Well they're good for eating fresh. Well tolerate a variety of diseases, characteristic of cucumbers.
  • For planting in greenhouses is well suited sort Kurazh F1. It is self-pollinating cucumbers, the first fruits ripen about 60 days after planting. Salad variety, weight of one fruit is about 200 g.
  • German F1. This is the earliest variety that Matures in just one month. The harvest is very plentiful, every pickle weighing only 100 g Excellent for eating fresh, and pickling and marinades.
  • Zozulia F1. This is another early maturing variety, which is slightly inferior to the previous one, Ripening occurs about 42 days after planting. The fruit is larger, 300-400 g each. While maintaining higher yields.

The Most productive cucumbers for open ground

In the open garden it is important to get a harvest, regardless of weather conditions. So you need to choose varieties that are quite sensitive to temperature changes. For preserving very good variety of Sparta, is a hybrid that has a soft, ageless skin. Universal grade Farmer is resistant even to severe spring frosts. Altai early variety is very productive and early ripening, the fruits begin to withdraw after 37 days after planting. Resistant to cold and fungal diseases.

Reviews gardeners

Judging by the reviews of the gardeners, despite the abundance of varieties in stores today, one of the most popular and frequently purchased is Connie F1. The sort of unpretentious, great fruits in all weather conditions, is self-pollinated, which is important when growing in greenhouses. During fruit ripening 40 days, even in the harshest regions of the Bush in time for the warm season to produce a harvest. As you know, cucumbers are very susceptible to various diseases. Those who planted hybrid, Connie was pleasantly surprised by the complete absence of shrubs and loss of crops due to powdery mildew, cucumber mottle olive mottle and other dangerous diseases.

Another feature class, which can not but rejoice, is his versatility. Connie F1 is great for fresh consumption. It goes into salads and meats, as a standalone side dish. No less delicious fruits and salted or pickled. Small, neat, crisp, they have amazing taste.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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