Flowers Azalea. The care and reproduction


2018-03-18 22:16:34




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Called Azaleas rhododendrons adapted to room conditions, belonging to the family Ericaceae. These amazingly beautiful flowers, in natural conditions, grow in mountain forests in the cool conditions of the Northern hemisphere. Among them, it is deciduous and evergreen shrubs or short trees. For cultivation in the room conditions are best suited Azalea Azalea Indian and Japanese, and give preference to the latter.

The Indian Azalea, or rhododendron Sims is a evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 50 cm On young shoots usually have a flat bristly hairs bright red or chestnut-brown color. In short the small leaves are also noticeable reddish hairs on the underside light green side, leathery upper surface painted in dark green tone. When it is flowering – all the buds open at the same time. Inflorescence of Terry or nemahrovye flowers form funnel-shaped, broad, reaching a diameter of from 3 to 5 inches, have a variety of colors ranging from white to purple-red. Quite often the azaleas with two-tone flowers.

The hallmarks of Japanese azaleas, which is not so popular in indoor horticulture are smaller flowers (to 3 cm) and the fact that after flowering, this shrub can be planted in the front garden. He successfully tolerates temperatures down to 20 degrees. Otherwise, Azalea Japanese has the same structure and colour of the flowers and leaves, and Indian.

Azalea Flowers, care for them

It Should be immediately noted that azaleas – the plants are quite capricious and require certain conditions for successful cultivation. Otherwise, purchased or donated a beautiful flower in danger of being in the bin, because very often, when you are not creating acceptable conditions, immediately after flowering it loses its leaves and dies. Therefore, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, to many years of happy eyes flowers Azalea. Plant care is primarily in respect of the optimal temperature.


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Azalea does not tolerate heat very comfortable for the plants is considered a maximum temperature of 18ºC, even better from 10 to 15 degrees. The best place for azaleas - warmed loggia. As long as it holds zero temperature by 5 degrees, the plant can be safely kept in such conditions. Just at this time, and flower buds, roughly, from October to December. Flowers Azalea who with the onset of severe frosts is to move plants in and placing them on the window facing North or West, do not tolerate hot dry air in the room. The temperature should not exceed 13-16ºC, which further stimulates abundant flowering. In the case when the Azalea bloom, and manages to slightly reduce the temperature of –  flowering will be prolonged. Experienced growers have resorted to various tricks: sprayed with cold water and arrange watering with cold melt water, even put ice on the edges of the pot. If during flowering in the room the hot and dry air – bloom either very brief or may not occur – the buds simply fall off.

The Flowers of Azalea, care which includes selecting the most appropriate locations that will provide sufficient bright light, do not like direct sunlight.

When watering using distilled, rainwater or snowmelt water, in an extreme case, pooled water or boiled. To maintain the required acidity of the soil is recommended approximately twice a month watering azaleas acidified water (1 teaspoon of citric acid dissolved in two litres of water).

How to propagate azaleas?

The Most acceptable method for the propagation of azaleas, which is a more or less positive results (which, however, have to wait long) – the use of semilignified cuttings for rooting. In addition to this method, a professional florist azaleas are propagated by seed, but it's very complicated and time-consuming process. Even shared a Bush and use the method of vaccination. Consider the most common method of propagation-propagation by cuttings.

  • In the period from may to August cut is not completely lignified and green cuttings from 5 to 8 cm long;
  • Prepare the substrate for rooting. Ideal sphagnum moss or pine land, which have an acid reaction;
  • Cuttings are not much deepened into the soil (2-5 cm) and the top covered with plastic wrap or glass, do not forget to regularly water and spray;
  • At a temperature in the range of 25ºC, cuttings root in 3-5 weeks. However, there are cases when the roots have to wait for about six months.

For best effect to bloomed Azalea – pruning and topping are the most effective ways through which is fastened a large number of flower buds, and the plant began to custimise. Perform these procedures as soon as the Azalea finishes blooming. All single flowers removed and, from may until mid-summer, pinch out regularly and cut the young shoots. As the buds formed at the tips of young shoots - the more they produced, the more abundant will be flowering. And the more beautiful your beautiful Azalea – flower of happiness.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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