The ficus elastica. The ficus elastica. Care and cultivation of house


2018-03-19 10:25:33




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Before they could be seen in almost every house. In revolutionary times called a symbol of middle class and began to get rid of them. Now they again occupy its well-deserved popularity. We are talking about plants, called ficus elastica, – is a little demanding, a little whimsical, but always beautiful.

Familiar strangers

Ficus elasticaThere are about 2000 species of ficus. At home grown about 20 of them. Ficus elastica – the most popular and the most common. "Elastic" is a Latin word. In Russian, these plants are called elastica, because of their juice had extracted the rubber. Many gardeners love the figs and willingly they do, but not everyone knows what amazing properties they possess. People say that they bring prosperity and well-being. Scientists claim that they are better than all other indoor plants purify the air and enrich it with oxygen. Proponents of Feng Shui claim that they help to think and make the right decisions, carry peace and harmony. In the living room they create an environment for intimate conversation, in the office – to enter into profitable deals, in the kitchen to attract money, in the bedroom, relieve insomnia, and even help to conceive children for those who have a problem with that.

In nature and in the house

The homeland of figs-the tropics: Burma, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java island, North-Eastern part of India. There they grow lush with trees up to 40 meters and more. Many types for additional power and breathing have dozens powerful enough flowing to the ground aerial roots. In India of them even create suspension bridges. In native lands all the figs bloom and bear fruit. The fruits of some are edible. Potted rubber plants bloom in the rarest of cases, if only they provided everything, and most importantly, provided enough space. But worry about it not worth it, as the flowers (Ciconia) most of them – is a plain pear-shaped formation with a hole, similar to figs. Fruits have approximately the same appearance. indoor ficusIn our apartments ficus elastica huge big branches and not all. This kind of plants many species and varieties, exactly different. Some bushes, some not. Some have green leaves, large, or very small, others variegated. Only the conditions of detention for all of these species are about the same.


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Particular care

Care for a ficus is simple, but requires compliance with certain rules. There are six of them:

1. the Lighting. They all love him, but direct sunlight can not tolerate. From this on the leaves spots appear sunburn. The best option – to put a pot of flowers by the window, closed light curtain. The window itself should also be closed, since the drafts ficuses don't like. Caught on a cliff-top location, the plants begin to lose foliage.

2. the Temperature. Despite the fact that the ficus elastica – southerners, they can't stand the heat. The optimum temperature for them – is a +22 ... +25 OIn summer and +14 ... +16 OIn winter. At lower values of the plants begin to shed their leaves.

3. the Irrigation. It requires regular, but moderate. Pour plants are not necessary, but a clod of earth should be wet (with the exception of cases when the ficus is kept at a temperature below 12 degrees). Water for irrigation is necessarily defend.

4. the Humidity. All ficus elastica love spraying with warm boiled water. If the room is hot, it should be done daily. Winter spraying is not carried out. But to wipe the leaves from dust is required all year round.ficus elastica care

5. the Dressing. The plants pleased with the beauty, it is desirable to 2 times a month to feed complex fertilizers. The interruption is done only in winter, when plant growth ceases.

6. the Consistency. The ficus don't like changes in their life, that is, turning the pot or moving to a new place. For these actions, they respond by falling leaves.

Transplant of ficus at home

Since all varieties of figs grow quickly, they need to from time to time to replant. Place is small, just brought from the store plant immediately in a large pot impossible. So it will rapidly grow roots to the detriment of the ground part. If there is a need for transplanting, the new pot choose only 5 cm wider and 6 cm deeper than the previous one. On the bottom is definitely poured drainage. Soil, or buy special for figs, or prepare it yourself. To do this, mix equal proportion of sand, humus, turf and peat lands. In rare cases, transplantation of ficus at home is replaced by adding soil on top of the pot. If the soil crust around plants showed a white film, it must be cut and in the pot add the same ground which I take for the transplant.ficus elastica Robusta


Propagation of ficus elastica in two ways.

1. Cuttings. You need to cut the stem with a few leaves, rinse under running water, until no longer flowing whitish juice, and put it in water or stick in the wet ground. In the latter case, it is desirable to cover his package. This method is best to breed plants with green leaves, such as ficus elastica Robusta.

2. Air layering. On the vending stalk should be cut (not more than 1/3 of the thickness) to wrap it with moss sphagnum and package or wrap. When you see the roots, the stem must be cut and planted. This method is used for breeding variegated ficus.transplantation of ficus at home

Pests and diseases

Ficus elastica attack scale insects, thrips and spider mites. To deal with them with special preparations (“Akhtar”) or folk remedies. The most effective – to wipe the leaves and stems of diseased plants with soapy water, which after half an hour rinse. Some growers are advised to spray the soil in the pot with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. All the other problems with ficus (falling, twisting, yellowing of foliage, too elongated bare stem) is caused by failure to follow the rules of plant care.

ficus elastica Abidjan

Ficus with green leaves

The Most popular among gardeners ficus elastica Robusta. In most cases it has a single straight stem, extending to the ceiling. The leaves had a large, oval, up to 30 cm in length and about 15 cm wide, rich green color, smooth, very dense, with a bent tip. To force him to grow a Bush hard. If you cut this tree top, begin to revive several lateral buds, but the growth is generally one that gives the same single stem. The rest of the buds or young shoots freeze. But ficus Robusta among his fellows is the most patient and undemanding. To force it to produce side shoots can not only cutting off the top, but by tilting the stem. Then it starts to grow, the top Bud. When there appear a few leaves, the stems straighten. Some growers are doing on the stem puncture with a needle (approximately 1/3 of the thickness). It stimulates the growth of the kidneys.

Another popular type of plant ficus elastica-Abidjan. It looks like Robusta, only the leaves had a much darker, and the tip of their pointed, but not curved. If you provide the Abidjan proper lighting, the color of the foliage becomes dark beet color with red veins. This species of ficus is also quite undemanding and undemanding.ficus elastica Melanie

Ficus elastica Melanie (pictured above) is branching without human effort. Leaves it smaller than the previous two types. At length they grow to 15 cm and a maximum width – up to 7. Their tip is bent. The plant looks very nice, as on the branches the leaves are compact. If you take care of it, it turns out neat a lush Bush. This kind of a little Moody, likes regular spraying requires top dressing fertilization with nitrogen does not tolerate drafts, permutations and dust on the leaves.

Variegated ficus

These include the types of Belize, Brazil, Teaneck. These rubber plants – rather demanding creatures. They need proper lighting, heat and frequent spraying. Without satisfactory conditions, they shed their leaves or lose their variegated colors. Ficus elastica Tineke has a fairly large, up to 25 cm long and 15 cm wide, oval leaves. Closer to the Central vein (pink or cream) they are green, and the edges white, cream or other light tones. Belize – also a very spectacular view. Its leaves have more pronounced spotting and a red Central vein. The edges are white, pink and cream.ficus elastica tineke

The Leaves of ficus Brasil also mottled but light spots more. Their color - white, yellow, cream, salad, and Central vein bright. The plant can grow a Bush and looks extremely beautiful. In the photo ...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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