How to arrange a bedroom: design ideas, choice of furniture and accessories


2018-03-19 17:33:25




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The Bedroom is the most intimate and private place in the house, so its layout should consider carefully. Its organization depends very much: the mood of the spouses in the morning, their mental state and relationships. Of course, harmonious atmosphere in the apartment depends not only on the arrangement of the named room, but this time plays an important role. How to arrange a bedroom, and what tips will help to avoid mistakes in the organization of its space, will be discussed later.

How to build bedroom

How to equip the bedroom

The best variant design of bedroom that, when it acts only as a place to sleep, and the children, workplace or a soft area located in the other rooms. But for many families this is not possible due to the small area of the apartment. In these cases come to the aid of screens and partitions, which separate the sleeping space from the rest of the space.

Another important point - adequate natural lighting, as this depends directly on how comfortable will the spouses waking up in the morning.

how to decorate a bedroom

Narrow bedroom

Rectangular, small in the width of the room - a phenomenon quite common in our country, so many are wondering how to arrange narrow bedroom. When making this case the basis for the emphasis on the visual “quadratini” room. You can do it using:

  • Furniture;
  • Light;
  • Mirrors.

The Furniture will help to correct the disproportionate space. The more pieces of furniture will have a square shape, the better. Play with the shape of the bedroom with sunlight - place the spotlights along the narrow walls, it will visually expand the room. The location of lights at different levels will highlight certain areas of the room and highlight its beauty.


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how to equip a small bedroom

Central lighting is to make softer and rasseyanie. There is one secret used by all designers and which will relieve you from the question of how to equip a small bedroom. It consists in the expansion of space, narrow rooms through mirrors. Placing them along one of the narrow walls to distract attention from the small parameters, and you no longer have to think about how to equip a small bedroom.

Small bedroom

If in your possession was a small room, you probably wondered how to equip a small bedroom. Here every inch of space, but do not panic, because even a small room can be advantageous to arrange, the main thing to know certain tricks and gimmicks resorted to by designers.

It's No secret that the bedroom is 12 sq m, and even less done in bright colors, it becomes visually more spacious. The light palette makes the room light and elegant, it's like she fills it with air. Free, not cluttered the entrance to the room is another important condition to create a comfortable space. Leaving distance from the bedroom door to the opposite wall open, you will visually expand the room. You should also make the interior bright accents and details, they will attract attention and distract from the lack of square footage of the room.

double wardrobe

Furniture in a small bedroom you should choose a compact, oversized and the most functional. Forget about bulky bedside tables and think about the organization of the second tier. If desired, the sill can be equipped as a comfortable couch. The question of storage in a small bedroom also decide to have all kinds of shelves and cabinets can not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Combining the bedroom and the child

Sometimes the size of the apartment does not allow to allocate a separate room for the nursery. In this case, you should carefully consider how to arrange a bedroom with a cot. The first step is to choose a place to sleep parents and then decide where he would sleep a child. The main points that should be used:

  • Free access to both beds;
  • Free space near them.

how to equip the bedroom with the cot

It is Strongly recommended not to place the baby's crib near a radiator or other heating apparatus. Overheating threat in the same way as hypothermia, and can cause common diseases and ailments of the baby. Keep in mind that the baby's crib should be in a safe place, next to her there can be no wall decorations or rosettes, they are the potential threat sources.

Bedroom Feng Shui

In recent years, Feng Shui was often used in the living space and the bedroom is no exception. Thinking about how to arrange a bedroom according to Feng Shui, should adhere to basic rules:

  • Location;
  • Colors;
  • The location of furniture, mirrors and accessories in the room.

The Location of the bedroom is extremely important. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the bedroom should not be passing, better if it is located in the back of the house, not near the front door, a bathtub or toilet. As for color, it is recommended to choose pastelcolors - they can relax, bring calm to the interior. Making a bedroom according to Feng Shui, you should avoid bright colors, they are unacceptable for recreational facilities.

The Furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, is also vital. The main attribute of the bed. You should not put it in the middle of the room, directing so that will be lying with my feet towards the door or head to the window. In this case, during sleep, the person will be surrounded by negative energy that is bad for health. The best placement of bed Feng Shui headboard against the wall and diagonally across from the door.

bedroom 12 sqm

The space under the bed should be empty, it promotes proper circulation of positive energy. As for the rest of the furniture in the bedroom, it should be simple and unobtrusive, avoid cluttering with unnecessary items.

In Feng Shui, Mirrors are very welcome, but not in the bedroom. If you still want to place the mirror in the room, this should be done with extreme caution. Remember that sleep should not affect it. It is believed that if the mirror is opposite the bed, the negative energy emanating from the person during sleep, is doubled and is redirected back to him.

To Turn a bedroom into a quiet and cozy island vacation isn't hard enough to remove from the room all that impairs a mood or bothers you. The atmosphere of the bedroom is calm and supportive attitude, after all, the most important thing is to relax and gather strength for a new day.

Selecting a bedroom style

The Style of the bedroom largely depends on the nature of its owner. Designers there are five main styles that are used for decoration of the bedroom. Most often it is:

  • Country;
  • Traditional style
  • Ekostil;
  • Minimalism;
  • Vintage.

How to arrange a bedroom in a country style, know owners of their own homes. Its characteristic features - wooden, natural furniture, patchwork-bed covers, simple curtains, carpets and walkways, landscapes and still lifes in wooden frames. For the walls and floor in this case, only natural materials are used.

Ethnic identity, in turn, reflects the national character of a people or culture. As an example, you can select Japanese or Eastern style.

bedrooms for kids

For a bedroom in eco-style is characterized by natural materials and natural tones.
It is primarily the spaciousness and lots of light. In this room a pleasure to be not only morally, but also physically. Linen, bamboo, cotton and wood – materials, commonly used in ecological style.

People who appreciate tranquility and space, fit the minimalist style of the bedroom. In the interior it is impossible to get tired of the variety of shades and colors, because the color palette of the bedroom in a minimalist style is usually a neutral-grey, white and black colors. Number of accessories and decorative items in this room are minimized, and each of them performs the necessary function.

The Vintage bedroom is a bright room, decorated in rich hues with unique patterns of antique furniture and accessories. A vintage clothes are items that are more than 40 years, so the old grandmother's dresser will be perfect for a bedroom vintage style. As materials in the interior, as a rule, the fabric is antique, wood and forged products.

Choose Wallpaper for the bedroom

One of the most common ways of decorating a bedroom - decorating Wallpaper. This finish appeals to many, because he has a lot of advantages:

  • Wide choice of colors and shades of wall-paper;
  • Imitation of any materials and invoices;
  • Easy method of gluing;
  • No need to hire professionals;
  • Ability to frequent change of wall-paper;
  • Easy care (washing, cleaning).

curtains in bedroom interior

Recommended is the use of a discreet, calm Wallpaper designs when building a bedroom. To spice up the interior, you can play with accents, for example, highlight the wall beside the bed with Wallpaper in a different shade or texture. A similar technique is quite popular now, due to the fact that this emphasis, if desired, can easily be replaced with a new one. While the basic concept of the room will not change, and you will get almost new premises.

Creating the interior in retro or vintage style, Wallpaper can be completely replaced by fabric upholstery. However, the cloth tends to collect dust, which can be a real challenge for people suffering from allergies.

Furniture and accessories for bedrooms

For a perfect bedroom is characterized by the absence of a large number of furniture. The most important items in this room is the bed, and everything else - double wardrobe, bedside tables or a dresser - it should be set up only if space allows. When choosing a bed you should pay attention not only on appearance but also on convenience. Try to choose high-quality and reliable furniture because it is very important for health.

The Curtains in the bedroom interior play a role. The density of the material and color depend on the style of the room. Their color can match the shade of the walls or along with pillows and other textiles, on the contrary,be a bright accent in the room.

The Lighting bedroom should be done calm. Wall lights can replace a chandelier and will be a great source of soft light.

How to arrange bedroom nicely

Mirror in the bedroom look very advantageous. The only caveat, which has already been mentioned above, it is not recommended to place them in front of the bed. In the rest of this piece of furniture will work great to expand the space and saturation of the room air.

Dressing room in the bedroom

Thinking about how to arrange a bedroom, consider placing her in a dressing room. Without a doubt, dressing room in the bedroom has more functionality than, for example, a double wardrobe, but it is necessary to consider not only its location, but also other moments. The most basic - the size of the room. Dressing room will be appropriate only when a large area as it involves sufficient space not only for storage but also for cross-dressing.

how to build bedroom

Place for it can be:

  1. Corner of the bedroom. This method of placing great space-saving and suitable even for small bedrooms.
  2. Near the bed. If the bedroom is elongated and rather long, a great solution would be to place the bed in a large wall and walk-in closet next to it. The only thing you should care in this case - the separation of the zones.
  3. Along one wall. This location is very convenient, but you should use most along the length of the wall, where no doorway.

Select a dressing area in the bedroom by plasterboard partitions, however, this option is suitable only for the bedroom large size. It is very convenient, because the dressing room transformed into a fully separate room. Another commonly used option is the zoning of the bedrooms - use of screens and curtains. This option is suitable for rooms of medium size, but if the room is small, the screen will visually reduce the space.

Decoration bedroom for boy

The design of the bedroom for children should be aware that it should not be bright, flashy colors because they stimulate mental activity of the baby and excite the nervous system. Bright, saturated colors are best to use for the decoration of the playroom. The basic rule in the design of the bedroom for the children - it should be light and comfortable.

beds for boys

If you have a themed-room, bed for the boy and other details should be selected in accordance with the style. Do not use metallic materials to design a bedroom for the children: they give the room an office. It should also be remembered that even the most cautious children can hit the protruding part, so the furniture and bed for boy pick with rounded corners. Not superfluous will be the location of the lamp beside the sleeping child place, especially to delight baby night light in the form of robots, cars or the hero's favorite cartoon.


How to arrange a bedroom - a serious question, and in many people it causes difficulty. However, regardless of what size bedroom you have, fill it with coziness more than real. Correct placement of furniture and the use of optical illusions - everything you need to create a harmonious space. Now you know how to arrange the bedroom.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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