Rosebuddy pelargonium: description and care


2018-03-20 14:23:11




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Amazing elegant beauty features a group of zonal geraniums, named rosebudding. Graceful flowers of culture, gathered in the lush blossoms, so like half a small spray roses that this similarity was the basis for such an unusual name. rosebuddy pelargoniumRosebuddy pelargonium, or simply rosebud (rozotsvetnye), – spectacular gustomahrovye hybrids, affecting the abundance of flowers, combined into a large, luxurious blossoms, delicate and require attention. About the features of the plant varieties and essential care will be discussed in this article.

Meet: pelargonium rosebuddy

It is believed that the pelargonium, as many species of Geranium, balances the psychological climate in the family, and is one of the most domesticated crops. Its exquisite beauty attracts the attention of veteran collectors and novice gardeners. Grand breeding research created many varieties and hybrids of this culture. They all share a very impressive inflorescence of Terry flowers, which are so many that their petals are often not disclosed in full.pelargonium rosebuddy

But not only flowers are admirable. Zonal pelargonium are different and bright decorative leaves on the green field which, following the contours sculptured cut edges is contrasting border.

Rosebuddy pelargonium - shrubs up to a height of 0.6-0.8 m with fragments of painted, dense, hairy leaves and decorative, firmly sitting on the stalks of the inflorescences. High enough the simplicity of the culture allows you to grow it at home as a potted plant stand on a balcony, or planted in a flowerbed for the summer. It blooms throughout the summer and with the onset of autumn it is dug up, cut and arrange in a cool room with a temperature of +12... +14 P.


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Pelargonium rosebuddy: care

It Should be noted that this species is a little more capricious and demanding to care for than others of his brethren. seeds of pelargonium rosebuddyTo provide competent care, the gardener needs to know about the features of the machinery.

Lighting and glaze

Bedroom rosebud not tolerate direct sunlight, losing the decorative and getting leaf burn, but the garden varieties are loyal to the sun and perfectly in bloom on open beds. All rosebuddy pelargonium are very sensitive to prolonged cold, and uncomfortable are now considered to be the temperature below 10 C. This is not surprising, because homeland plants recognized by the African Savannah, and it was originally thermophilic.

Reasonable moderate watering with warm water – one more condition, which is dictated by the florist rosebuds. It is water-loving, but the constant moisture will cause rotting symptoms in the roots, so before you water the plant, you should check the ground under the Bush, to ascertain the need for regular watering.pelargonium rosebuddy photo

Room varieties the necessary hygiene procedures, and once a week the plants are sprayed or giving him a shower, and then the leaves get wet a napkin.

Winter rosebuddy pelargonium rest, stop growing, lose their leaves and bare stems. At this time the plant is watered occasionally, stop feeding and try not to disturb him.


Active spring and summer encourages rosebuds to grow rapidly, requires adequate nutrition. Fed culture complex mineral fertilizer every 2-3 weeks. Special focus – phosphorus-potassium preparations, which give the plant strength during budding and flowering.


Rosebud propagated exclusively by cuttings. Seeds of pelargonium rosebuddy not inherit the varietal characteristics of the parent culture, so they are used by breeders in their research on introduction of new species.pelargonium rosebuddy grade

Terenkot of rosebuddy at any time of year, but it is preferable to do so during the period of maximum activity of the plant – from March to July. With nursery plants cut semilignified (not green!) cuttings, each of which should contain 3-5 internodes. Leaves are removed by about 9/10, leaving only the petioles with a small part of the sheet, the sections are dried in the air for 30-50 minutes.

Cuttings are vulnerable to pathogens, so experienced growers recommend planting them in the ground mixture and of the special soil with vermiculite in 1:1 ratio. Seedling containers before planting, disinfect, fill with prepared soil and planted cuttings. Pay special attention to watering, moderate and regular. Rooted cuttings after 3-4 weeks.


Potted pelargonium are growing rapidly and require transplantation. Carry it out in the spring, before the plant begins to develop rapidly. Container plants should be 2-3 cm wider than the former in diameter, and fresh ground – nutritional and breathable. Well suited soil mixture, comprising the following components: turf ground, humus, peat, river sand and perlite (4:2:2:1:1) - either purchase a soil with a neutral reaction.pelargonium rosebuddy care

After transplanting the plants watered and in a few days maintain moderate soil moisture. The emergence of new shoots-a sign of successful rooting in the fresh soil. Next, the culture is cut, shape the Bush and encourage flowering. This procedure is carried out caution: cut off at the base if there is new growth, or leave the stems 5-15 cm (guided by their own ideas about the shape of the Bush). After cutting the culture requires quality light (not the sun!) and careful watering, since in the absence of the leaves, evaporation is minimal and moisture is required less. If excessive water culture can "choke".

Varieties of pelargonium rosebuddy

Of the many rosebuds difficult to choose the most beautiful. We list some of the most popular kinds, popular and pleasing luxurious touching.

• Appleblossom rosebud – the great variety resolveto pelargonium, featuring bright white flowers with purplish-pink border and green heart, gathered into a tight large inflorescence.

• Denise – an absolute favorite of many exhibitions and a favorite of gardeners. Variety with a huge gustomahrovye flowers pale peach colour with a pink edge on the petals.

• Albina – compact culture with a large snow-white with a slightly greenish tint of the petals of double flowers.rosebuddy pelargonium home

• Pelargonium varieties rosebuddy Beverly Park – beautiful variegated shrub with double salmon-pink flowers.

• Natalie – a refined variety with semi-double flowers of salmon color with a wide white border on the petals.

It is Impossible to convey the elegance of such a culture as pelargonium rosebuddy. Photo showing rosebuds fully convey the beauty of the plants, however, live flower decorating the house or the garden, – is a truly fabulous spectacle.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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